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Aks kos sinh in Title/Summary

AKS Word Count

AKS Word Count

AKS Word Count, count words, characters and paragraphs in PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, Open Office, PowerPoint and RTF. The upper panel of this program consists of such buttons as “calculate word count”, “add files”, “add directories”, “remove files” and “copy info to clipboard”. In AKS Word Count it is possible to ignore certain words or figures of which can also be useful feature.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Home page: www.aks-labs.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2010
AKS Text Replacer

AKS Text Replacer

AKS Text Replacer is a powerful software tool designed to automate the process of search and replace, making it easy and controllable. AKS Text Replacer will provide full control over search and replace process. It will allow defining various search conditions and will ask for confirmation before replace.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2015
AKS TechDoc

AKS TechDoc

AKS TechDoc is a program that can be used at construction meetings, in preparation, inside your workshop and on your site. It provides easy access to technical documentation and architectural information from ALUKÖNIGSTAHL. As in a kiosk is sorted by categories, documentation can be viewed easily or be downloaded to your device.

Aks kos sinh in Description



Simple utility to calculate math expressions. Available functions are : COS, SIN, SINH, COSH, TAN, COTAN, ARCTAN, ARG,EXP, LN, LOG10, LOG2, LOGN, SQRT, SQR, POWER, INTPOWER,MIN, MAX, ABS, TRUNC, INT, CEIL, FLOOR , RANDOM and SIGN (sign(x) is 1 for x>1, 0 for x=0, -1 for x<0), ZERO (zero(x) is 0 for x=0, 1 for x<>0), HEAV (heav(x) is =1 for x>0 and =0 for x<=0).

  • Publisher: max2k
  • Home page: www.max2k.com
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2011


This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students. This calculator calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions by tanh-sinh quadrature scheme. Numerical values are calculated with precision 15-16 digits. Also uncertainty of result is computed.

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021


Quadrature Calculator Level 2 for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. This is a product which can be found most useful by scientists, engineers, professors, and students.This calculator calculates definite integrals of large variety of functions by tanh-sinh quadrature scheme. Numerical values are calculated with precision 15-16 digits.

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021


This product is designed rather for corporative than for personal use. But also can be used on personal computers by scientists, engineers, professors, and students. Triple Integral Calculator Real 15 is similar to Triple Integral Calculator Level 2, but has reduced controls for sake of speed. Also some programming techniques are applied for increase of speed.

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Additional Aks kos sinh selection

ExamView Assessment Suite

ExamView Assessment Suite

ExamView® Assessment Suite is bundled with over 10,000 textbooks from more than 65 leading publishers. With ExamView® Assessment Suite you can customize questions and automatically align them to state standards and Common Core State Standards (in English only). Also you can grade tests through eInstruction's student response systems and track progress and generate reports.

  • Publisher: eInstruction Corporation
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2018
Compare Suite

Compare Suite

Compare Suite is a program for comparing files of MS Word, PDF, Excel, HTML, and other document formats. It also enables you to merge texts, compare two different folders, and generate comparison reports. Software developers and web-masters can use Compare Suite to do version comparison, approve changes in documents, or compare certain file types like XML, PHP, and C-Sharp.

Compare PDF

Compare PDF

Compare PDF is a program that provides file and folder comparison with merge and reporting abilities. You can compare the features from two folders to find changes that were made in two folders and containing files. You can also compare by keywords, allowing you to contrast non-related documents with different structure.



You can choose the x interval (e.g. x=from -1 to 20) and the step. Available functions are : COS, SIN, SINH, COSH, TAN, COTAN, ARCTAN, ARG,EXP, LN, LOG10, LOG2, LOGN, SQRT, SQR, POWER, INTPOWER,MIN, MAX, ABS, TRUNC, INT, CEIL, FLOOR ,RANDOM and SIGN (sign(x) is 1 for x>1, 0 for x=0, -1 for x<0), ZERO (zero(x) is 0 for x=0, 1 for x<>0), HEAV (heav(x) is =1 for x>0 and =0 for x<=0).

  • Publisher: max2k
  • Home page: www.max2k.com
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2008
Mind Pad

Mind Pad

Mind Pad allows to create mind maps basing not just on creating and linking text blocks. Mind Pad allows organize in mind maps objects with any properties set. With Mind Pad scripting you are able to create your own rules for data management and representation. Mind Pad suggest a new approach to mind mapping. Now the mind map is not just a lot of linked text blocks.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2011
Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant

Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant

Track user activity:With this feature turned on, the program continually collects the statistics of the hotkeys used and uses the results when displaying the list of the shortcuts, allowing you to filter the hotkeys in accordance to the frequency of their use. The Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant will periodically remind of unused shortcuts in the applications you most frequently use.

  • Publisher: Kos-Z Software
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2011


When you are working on your PC your operating system uses some temporary files and data called cache that is left behind even when you have stopped working on your PC. This cache can inform anyone about what you have been doing on your PC. QuickWiper can completely wipe such sensitive data and activity tracks with a single click.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Balanced Scorecard Designer

Balanced Scorecard Designer

Balanced Scorecard is a control and executive corporate system that allows a company to develop an effective method by using not only a good measurement system, but by also paying attention to other aspects of business theory. Perform precise planning. According to Balanced Scorecard, the business needs to turn the strategic planning process into one of the key functions.

Comparison Chart

Comparison Chart

Create informative and visually appealing comparative diagrams.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2008
Shred Agent

Shred Agent

Shred Agent file shredder utility Shred Agent is a file shredder utility that makes deletion secure and prevents information leakages. Shred Agent was designed to replace in-secure file deletion with secure file wiping. It works in background and can see all files that are deleted, including temporary and cached files.