Aldo schematic editor in Title/Summary

Aldo's Pianito
Pianito is a very intuitive and funny piano simulator with real time wave and midi recording, great to learn music. Recommended for children and adults. The included 128 instruments and 48 percussion instruments will provide you hours of fun.
- Publisher: Aldo Vargas
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Aldo's Text-to-WAVE
Convert text, web pages, PDF and MS Word documents into WAVE, OGG or MP3 files. Great tool to create audio books, improve your memory, read any text copied to the clipboard and listen documents on the road while you drive, walk or do other tasks.
- Publisher: Aldo Vargas
- Last updated: April 9th, 2012

Aldo's Text-PDF PRO+
Small and fast tool that converts text and image files to PDF without having to use Adobe Acrobat Distiller. Works with Acrobat Reader 5 and 6. Support plain text, HTML-like syntax for formatted text and image files (TIF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, EMF).
- Publisher: Aldo Vargas
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008
Aldo schematic editor in Description

RTflow is a free, lightweight dataflow modelling tool for real-time systems, somewhat similar to tools like MathWorks Simulink, National Instruments LabVIEW and SystemBuild. In RTflow, you build your system in a graphical language that is both parallel and deterministic, so that threading and timing problems are completely avoided.
- Publisher: MIS
- Last updated: February 13th, 2010

Symica integrates all the tools necessary for circuit design and simulation and allows the user to manage the operation of the various components. The design environment also facilitates the preparation and execution of simulations and the inspection and interpretation of simulation results.
- Publisher: Symica LLC
- Last updated: September 18th, 2012

SIMetrix-SIMPLIS Elements
Included within SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Elements are: schematic editor, sIMetrix simulator (circuit size limitation), SIMPLIS simulator (circuit size limitation), waveform viewer. There are no limits on the complexity of arbitrary source expressions or arbitrary logic block definitions.
- Publisher: SIMetrix Technologies Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

EAGLE by CadSoft Computer GmbH
EAGLE is a PCB design software with a schematic editor. It lets you draw the circuit schematic and shift to PCB design easily; real-time design synchronization between both makes it easy to incorporate changes. With its Routing Engine, you can draw complex board layouts quickly.
- Publisher: CadSoft Computer GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2022

PCB Elegance
PCB Elegance it is an easy to learn program.His main features are:- Unlimited Undo/Redo. - Zooming/panning/change grid is possible in every drawing/editing function. - Context sensitive help. - PCB elegance can handle complex designs. - One of the examples is a PC motherboard 2000+ components, 40000+ traces are no problem etc.
- Publisher: Merco electronics
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Aldo schematic editor selection

Kicad is an open source program designed for creating electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. The program allows you to create schematic diagrams and printed circuit board with up to 16 layers, and it comes with a set of libraries with preset 3D models as well.
- Publisher: KiCad Developers Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2013

Micro-Cap 12 is an integrated schematic editor and mixed analog/digital simulator that provides an interactive sketch and simulate environment for electronics engineers. Since its original release in 1982, Micro-Cap has been steadily expanded and improved.
- Publisher: Spectrum Software
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

PSoC Creator
PSoC Creator 2.1 is a new release of the Cypress PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 device configuration environment. This release adds rubber-banding support in the schematic editor, an analog routing editor, and a Document Manager. This production-quality release does not replace existing installations of PSoC Creator; it installs alongside them.
- Publisher: Infineon Technologies AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

SIMetrix is a general analog and mixed-signal simulator. Main features: - Analog simulation. - Gate-level digital simulation. - S-Parameter AC lookup table. - Extended sweep modes. - Fast Monte Carlo analysis. - Multi-step analysis. - Safe operating area (SOA) analysis. - Integrated hierarchical schematic editor.
- Publisher: SIMetrix Technologies Ltd
- Last updated: December 29th, 2015

Easy-PC has been created by a team of software professionals with some 200 man years experience in development of leading-edge Electronic Design Automation solutions. The team has rewritten the rule book for EDA tools designed for low to high complexity PCB layouts.
- Publisher: Number One Systems / WestDev Ltd
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

CppSim automatically generates, compiles and runs C++ code corresponding to the schematic design that you create. VppSim combines Verilog with CppSim to seamlessly include C++ modules and linear networks with switches with Verilog as specified within a schematic driven framework.
- Publisher: Michael H. Perrott
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2014

CircuitStudio is a professional PCB design tool for Windows OS. Main features: - Hierarchical Multi-Sheet Design. - Built-In Mixed-Mode SPICE Simulation Engine. - Altium Industry-Standard Schematic Editor and File Format. - Content Library of Over 350,000 Parts and Growing. - Integrated Live Supply Chain Management and Visibility.
- Publisher: Altium Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 7th, 2016

PLECS facilitates the modeling and simulation of complete systems, including power sources, power converters, and loads. Included with PLECS is a comprehensive component library, which covers the electrical, as well as the magnetic, thermal, and mechanical aspects of power conversion systems and their controls.
- Publisher: Plexim
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 12th, 2017

Symica Free Edition
The application is used to create circuits and simulations. The Symica Free Edition (Symica FE) provides the same functionality as the full version, without support for mixed-signal features, and with a limit on the maximum number of devices, threads, and Verilog-A model parameters.
- Publisher: Symica LLC
- Last updated: August 10th, 2016

ControlBuild is an innovative environment for designing and validating critical control software applications. Based on a model-driven approach, supported by a structured set of libraries, ControlBuild is used to model, simulate, test, validate and deploy IEC 61131-3 control applications with higher efficiency.
- Publisher: Geensys