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Alibre design key in Title/Summary

Alibre Design

Alibre Design

Alibre Design is made for engineers, machines designers and all those who want precision and ease in making their designs. Alibre Design is CAD software that can create professional 3D models, 3D mechanism simulations, 2D drawing and much more in minutes. Alibre Design enables you to create 2D drawings and then convert to 3D using simple steps.

  • Publisher: Alibre, Inc.
  • Home page: www.alibre.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Alibre Motion

Alibre Motion

he Alibre Motion interface is built right into Alibre Design. Activating the tools is as easy as selecting the Motion menu item, and you can easily switch between the design and motion analysis interface using convenient tabs. Once the Motion interface opens, all the tools you need are immediately visible on the intuitive Motion Tree.

  • Publisher: Alibre
  • Home page: www.alibre.com
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2009
Alibre CAM

Alibre CAM

Alibre CAM is a program that allows you to generate 2.5, 3, 4 and 5 axis tool paths for CNC machining your 3D models. To run this add-on, launch Alibre Design (Part mode) and the program will be automatically loaded. It is designed to guide you through the entire toolpath creation and verification process, from defining stock and tools to creating toolpaths and simulating the results.

  • Publisher: Alibre, Inc.
  • Home page: mecsoft.com
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2014

Alibre design key in Description



An AutoCAD DWG file export add-on for Alibre Design®. This add-on gives Alibre Design the ability to export 3D solid data from a Alibre Design part and assembly document to 3D solids or meshes in an AutoCAD DWG file. DWG Export for Alibre Design reads the solid models from the current Alibre Design part or assembly and writes them as 3D solids in an AutoCAD DWG file.

  • Publisher: INTERsoft
  • Home page: www.sycode.com
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2009
ProSteel Demo

ProSteel Demo

ProSteel 5's options include design and checking of simply supported beams, column design and checking, analysis of openings in beam webs and simple connection design. Key features- Steel beam design and checking to BS5950-1:2000- Column design and checking to BS5950-1:2000

  • Publisher: Greentram Software Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Nios II Embedded Design Suite

Nios II Embedded Design Suite

Nios II Software Build Tools—a set of powerful commands, utilities, and scripts to manage build options for applications, board support packages, and software libraries. Nios II Software Build Tools For Eclipse—a fully integrated development environment built from the ground up using Nios II Software Build Tools as a foundation built entirely as plug-ins to industry-standard Eclipse.

  • Publisher: Altera Corporation
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2010
VisualCAM for Geomagic

VisualCAM for Geomagic

VisualCAM for Geomagic is a CAM plug-in that merges the power of Geomagic Design’s parametric modeling with the machining capabilities of MecSoft’s VisualCAD/CAM. Toolpaths are automatically updated when your model changes, saving you even more valuable time. VisualCAM for Geomagic is fully associative to any geometry changes within Geomagic Design/Alibre.

  • Publisher: MecSoft Corporation
  • Home page: mecsoft.com
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2015
Block Load

Block Load

Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size. Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of commercial building HVAC systems.

Additional Alibre design key selection



RetainWall is a software mainly developed for the purpose of designing a concrete or masonry retaining wall. The wall may retain soil or other granular material. It analyses the stability of the wall based on the loads and resistances, and results in bearing pressure, sliding, overturning and rotational stabilities.

  • Publisher: JavaSoft
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2011
Castaldi catalogue

Castaldi catalogue

2010 Castaldi directory catalogue, the new professional catalogue is ready providing all the indications for a proper evaluation and product choice. Its modern design and easy to read symbol keys will seduce the user and will let him choice the proper item.

  • Publisher: Castaldi
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2011
Steel Beasts

Steel Beasts

More than just another modern tank simulation. This design effort goes further than any before to accurately model real world conditions and tactics but in a way to not overwhelm the novice, would be, tanker with a zillion key combinations and an ove...

  • Publisher: eSim Games
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2008
Microsoft Expression Design

Microsoft Expression Design

Expression Design is a program for graphic application and web pages graphic elements development. The main advantage of this program is that it offers both vector and bitmap tools. There is possibility for progress visual styles using to create highly-organic painting effects for web pages, for texture applying, for colour correction, work with shades and other image effects.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2018
Intel Security True Key

Intel Security True Key

Privacy is, undoubtedly, Internet users’ biggest concern, and rightly so - passwords, bank accounts, and credit cards are easy prey for cyberattackers. True Key is a state-of-the-art free protection tool that will scramble and encrypt passwords, messages, notes, credit cards, bank accounts, and any other piece of sensitive information using AES-256 encryption and multi-factor authentication.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Home page: www.truekey.com
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2017
Excel Key

Excel Key

Excel Key is a software design for recovering passwords for MS Excel. - All versions of MS Excel are supported Updated! - Recovers all types of passwords - Instantly removes passwords to open with Online Decryption attack - Instantly recovers or resets passwords to modify: workbook and worksheet protection, write reservation, etc. - Free updates during 1 year

  • Publisher: Passware
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Outlook Key

Outlook Key

Outlook Key gains access to password protected personal storage files .PST used by MS Outlook and MS Exchange to store e-mail, contacts and other items. The program recovers passwords for Microsoft Outlook e-mail accounts and recovers form design passwords.

  • Publisher: Passware
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2009
Knit Design Studio

Knit Design Studio

A handy tool for designers who need to make graphs with both common and not-so-common knitting operations. Great for graphing lace patterns, and also cables. When the graph is complete, a key is automatically made of any knitting operations included in the graph. There is also space to type in any needed knitting instructions (such as shaping).

Autodesk Design Review

Autodesk Design Review

Autodesk Design Review is a CAD viewer that allows you to view, mark up, print, and track changes to 2D and 3D files for free. It supports a variety of file formats, including DWF, DWFx, DWG, and DXF, Adobe PDF, as well as image file types. You can measure, mark up, and review 2D and 3D designs; share changes with your extended team and stakeholders, and more.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2023
Tux Paint

Tux Paint

If you are looking for a drawing tool created specially for kids, then Tux Paint is an excellent option. I'm sure that with this amazing drawing tool, your kids will get a lot fun creating their own drawings, but it's not the only thing your kids will get. With Tux Paint, your kids will be introduced to some basic design concepts, like applying blur or smudge effects to their drawings.

  • Publisher: New Breed Software
  • Home page: www.tuxpaint.org
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2024