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Amd radeon ramdisk torrent in Title/Summary

Radeon RAMDisk

Radeon RAMDisk

RAMDisk is a program that takes a portion of your system memory and uses it as a disk drive. It is a kernel-level driver that presents a standard disk drive to the OS. However, it stores and retrieves data from the system RAM on your motherboard instead of an actual, physical disk. You can partition, format, mount a volume, and assign multiple drive letters to RAMDisk.

  • Publisher: Dataram, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2015


Radeon Profile Tool, or RadeonPro for short, is a free, user friendly utility designed to unleash the power of AMD™ Radeon™ video graphics cards. RadeonPro applies user defined profiles upon game start, just define once the desired 3D settings for each game and have all those settings applied every time you play, automatically!

  • Publisher: Mr. John aka japamd
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2013
ATIc Install Tool

ATIc Install Tool

ATIc Install Tool can be used to download and install Windows device drivers for AMD Radeon Series of graphic cards. You can specify whether or not to download HydraVision packages, Chipset Drivers, RAID Drivers, etc. This application can also perform unattended/silent mode installation of drivers, with automatic Windows reboot.

  • Publisher: bluesky
  • Home page: bluesky-soft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Amd radeon ramdisk torrent in Description

Stream KernelAnalyzer

Stream KernelAnalyzer

AMD APP KernelAnalyzer is a static analysis tool to compile, analyze and disassemble an OpenCL, Brook or IL kernel for AMD Radeon™ GPUs. Features: * Compile, analyze and disassemble the OpenCL kernel for multiple Catalyst driver versions and GPU device targets. * View any kernel compilation errors and warnings generated by the OpenCL runtime.

  • Publisher: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011
Bitcoin Password by Thegrideon Software

Bitcoin Password by Thegrideon Software

Bitcoin Password by Thegrideon Software is advanced and extremely fast passwords recovery tool for encrypted Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind Wallets (wallet.dat). Highly optimized code and GPU (AMD, NVIDIA, Intel) utilization guarantees fastest recovery speed.

  • Publisher: Thegrideon Software
  • Home page: www.thegrideon.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2015
Project Password by Thegrideon Software

Project Password by Thegrideon Software

Project Password is advanced and extremely fast password recovery tool for MS Project files (.mpp) and/or templates (.mpt). All versions are supported. Highly optimized code and GPU (AMD, NVIDIA, Intel) utilization guarantees fastest recovery speed.

  • Publisher: Thegrideon Software
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2015
AMD APP KernelAnalyzer

AMD APP KernelAnalyzer

AMD APP KernelAnalyzer is a static analysis tool to compile, analyze and disassemble an OpenCL, Brook+ or IL kernel for AMD Radeon™ GPUs. It gives you accurate performance estimates for your kernels and even allows you to view disassembly of the generated hardware kernel, all without having to run the application on actual hardware.

  • Publisher: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2012
PowerPoint Password by Thegrideon Software

PowerPoint Password by Thegrideon Software

PowerPoint Password is advanced and extremely fast password recovery tool for MS PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx) and/or templates (.pot, .potx). All versions (including Office 2013) are supported.

  • Publisher: Thegrideon Software
  • Home page: www.thegrideon.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2015

Additional Amd radeon ramdisk torrent selection



PowerStrip provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to recent AMD Radeon graphics. It is the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to the x64-bit edition of Windows 7.

AMD Catalyst

AMD Catalyst

AMD Catalyst software allows you to manage all the settings of your AMD graphic cards. You can change the resolution of single/multiple monitors, change the color level, etc. of displays, and the gamma, color tone, and other enhancements for video playback.

  • Publisher: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2017
µTorrent (uTorrent)

µTorrent (uTorrent)

µTorrent is an easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS. Download your files as quickly and efficiently as possible without slowing down your other online activities. uTorrent offers advanced settings such as automation, scripting, remote management and more.

  • Publisher: BitTorrent Inc
  • Home page: www.utorrent.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2023
AMD Quick Stream

AMD Quick Stream

At the same time it boosts the overall Internet performance by shaping both the inbound and outbound traffic to eliminate or reduce the chances of traffic congestion. AMD Quick Stream Technology offers the end users smoother and enhanced Internet experiences.

  • Publisher: AppEx Networks
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020
AMD System Monitor

AMD System Monitor

AMD System Monitor is specifically designed to display hardware activity. Its design is very simple, you basically see the live activity displayed by your CPU, RAM, and video card if it has an AMD chipset. It is useful for those looking to get a better understanding of the memory consumption as well as what percentage of the CPU is used in some applications.

  • Publisher: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2020
AMD OverDrive

AMD OverDrive

AMD OverDrive lets you tune and overclock AMD DDR3 memory settings. It allows any user to improve the performance of their RAM using a simple slider. You can also monitor the performance of your system in realtime. Stability tests are also present, which ensures that your system will not crash under the new settings.

  • Publisher: AMD
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2016
Torrent Stream

Torrent Stream

Torrent Stream is a media platform that allows distributed and decentralized multimedia data transfer. The program provides audio-visual online broadcast, without the need for maintenance of the park servers and expenditures for payment of the network traffic. The Torrent Stream package contains a TS Engine, a TS Player, a multimedia plug-in and Magic Player.

  • Publisher: Torrent Stream
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2013
Movie Torrent

Movie Torrent

Movie Torrent is a powerful and reliable application for searching, downloading and sharing any type of file you wish. It allows you to add multi-tracker information to the torrent and bears simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy and IP-filter.

  • Publisher: GoodKatShare
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Torrent Search

Torrent Search

Search Torrents in more than 32 Top Torrent Search engines.

  • Publisher: Allen Smithy
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008


RAMDisk lets you reserve part of your RAM to create a virtual drive, which allows reading data several times faster than from a standard hard disk and even an SSD. Using such an application is ideal for processes that require high-speed data access, such as storing webserver cache, editing audio and video, rendering 3D images, using CAD applications, compiling software and, most of all, gaming.

  • Publisher: Dataram Inc.
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2016