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Amibroker afl highly accurate in Title/Summary

AFL SimpleView

AFL SimpleView

AFL SimpleView Fiber Inspection Software is an application that permits the DFS1 Digital FiberScope to be used with Windows PCs. It provides a live, high-resolution video image of the end-face of an optical fiber. This capability enables fiber installers and network technicians to inspect and troubleshoot optical fibers, verifying connector end-faces are clean and undamaged.

  • Publisher: AFL
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2016


AmiBroker is a technical analysis tool to manage your stock portfolio. It gives you real time quotes taking the information from online services as eSignal, IQFeed, Interactive Brokers, QCharts, CQG, among other sources. AmiBroker features automatic Walk-Forward Testing, Multi-monitor floating charts, symbol and interval linking and drag-and-drop indicator creation.

  • Publisher: AmiBroker.com
  • Home page: amibroker.com
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2021
Shubha RT for Amibroker

Shubha RT for Amibroker

Shubha RT plugin for Amibroker is an RTD client. It provides Real-Time streaming quotes from RTD server like, NEST Trader, Zerodha Trader etc. Application provides data in tick format and various intervals starting from 500 milliseconds, 1 second onwards. You can also add more fields to pull any extra data. There is no restriction on no. of symbols to pull data or refresh rate.

  • Publisher: Shubhalabha
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2014

Amibroker afl highly accurate in Description

Geomagic Studio

Geomagic Studio

Geomagic Studio transforms 3D scan and probe data into the highest quality, most usable 3D polygonal, surface and CAD data, with parametric integration for popular MCAD products (CATIA, Autodesk Inventor, Creo Elements/Pro (Pro/ENGINEER), SolidWorks), using intelligent, highly automated and easy-to-use tools for rapid, accurate 3D creation and imaging.

  • Publisher: Raindrop Geomagic, Inc.
  • Home page: www.geomagic.com
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2012
MB Numerology Suite II

MB Numerology Suite II

MB Numerology Suite II consists of Numerology reading, Gematria numerology, Kabbalah numerology, I Ching numerology, Chinese numerology and a numerology dictionary. Numbers relate to a pattern of energies and vibrations. The bad, good and the information about previous birth and the effects of previous in present birth and every trait of a human being can be highlighted. This software aims to help you understand more about the vibrations of numbers and their effects on your life.

  • Publisher: MysticBoard.com
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2010
Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test

Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test

Dan Elwell's Broadband Speed Test is a downloadable utility that can test your Broadband connection, identify any areas of concern, monitor performance over time and generate diagnostics you can use to send to your ISP. The ultimate connection monitoring and benchmarking tool.

  • Publisher: Dan Elwell
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
System Monitor II

System Monitor II

Though many users are satisfied with the information and statistics provided by Windows’ Task Manager, others might find its overall values not accurate enough. System Monitor II is a free Windows desktop gadget that provides you with highly accurate real-time data of your system’s overall memory, RAM memory, and PageFile usage, as well as the CPU usage and temperature broken down per core.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
Messerschmitt Bf-109 for FSX

Messerschmitt Bf-109 for FSX

Messerschmitt Bf-109 features: - Highly accurate VC, with many functioning parts - ReviC12D gunsight, that can be turned on and off - 7 different models to cover variations - Each model features versions with and without pilot lifejacket, for over-water flights - 7 different textures

  • Publisher: Flight One Software, Inc
  • Home page: www.flight1.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Additional Amibroker afl highly accurate selection

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition

SUPERAntiSpyware specializes in identifying unique and hard-to-find malware and spyware software before removing any malicious threats to your PC. Protect your PC from malicious threats from malware, spyware, ransomware, trojans, keyloggers, and more.

DJ Audio Editor

DJ Audio Editor

The simplest way of editing an audio file is to look at it as a waveform, so you can detect at a glance every track, every volume variation, every artifact, etc. DJ Audio Editor opens in a graphical interface where the waveform of your audio track can take up nearly all the space available. This will help you edit and enhance your files with a long list of audio effects in the most intuitive way.

VirusTotal Uploader

VirusTotal Uploader

VirtusTotal Uploader lets you scan suspicious files, running processes, or web links through multiple antivirus and antimalware programs by uploading them to VirusTotal site. This is a tool you will want to have handy when you cannot confirm that something is safe but you really need to use it. This program will not replace your antivirus software, but will help you keep your computer safer.

  • Publisher: Hispasec Sistemas
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
PaintTool SAI

PaintTool SAI

PaintTool SAI is a high quality and lightweight painting software. By providing easy and stable operations, fully digitizer support and anti-aliased paintings this program makes digital art more enjoyable and comfortable. Features: - Fully digitizer support with pressure. - Amazing anti-aliased drawings. - Highly accurate composition with 16bit ARGB channels.

  • Publisher: PaintToolSAI
  • Home page: www.systemax.jp
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2014
Sonnox Oxford Limiter Native VST

Sonnox Oxford Limiter Native VST

Unique processing in the form of the Enhance function provides the sample value limiting needed to reliably avoid overloads in digital workstation environments and allows unprecedented volume and punch to be applied to programme beyond that available from conventional limiting functions.

Togethershare Data Recovery

Togethershare Data Recovery

With a clean and attractive interface, a fast scan, and useful filters to locate the files and folders in question, Togethershare Data Recovery offers you a quick and efficient utility to retrieve any lost file or folder. Regardless of how the data was lost, this program can locate and bring back to life nearly any type of file, including images, videos, and audio tracks.



PerlPrimer is written in Perl and Perl/Tk. In addition, for QPCR functionality PerlPrimer uses the open-source Spidey executable from NCBI, and restriction enzyme data from the REBASE project is used when adding cloning sites. The program is designed to be cross-platform compatible and has been developed and tested on both Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux-based operating systems.

Web Content Extractor

Web Content Extractor

Web Content Extractor is a web scraping software, which lets you automate the process of data extraction from websites. It can grab product pricing data, extract real estate data, parse Forex and stock market figures, extract book, song, or movie information, gather news and articles on a certain topic, etc. Its multi-threaded web crawler engine speeds-up the process of data extraction.



Discipulus is a program designed for data preparation and solution analysis. Discipulus configuration is wizard driven. You have to select the data and problem type. Discipulus does everything else, including the automated selection of parameters and automatically assembles highly accurate ensemble models, in addition to single models.

  • Publisher: RML Technologies
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2015
DTK Barcode Reader SDK

DTK Barcode Reader SDK

DTFK Barcode Reader SDK is a highly accurate and powerful developer library which recognizes 1-D and 2-D barcodes from digital images and bitmaps. Using this SDK you can integrate barcode recognition functionality to your document processing systems, Windows applications, embedded systems (Windows CE, Pocket PC, Smartphone) and Web services.

  • Publisher: DTK Software
  • Home page: www.dtksoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024