Amibroker cubic spline in Title/Summary

FRENCO Spline Calculator
The "Spline Calculator" software calculates the inspection dimensions of spline profiles with serration flanks and of involute gearing (straight or helical). The main menu allows you to enter the gear parameters easily. As soon as the software program has been given enough information, all remaining parameters are calculated automatically.
- Publisher: FRENCO GmbH
- Last updated: October 5th, 2015

FRENCO Spline Standards
The Spline Standards software calculates gearing data of splines with involute flanks either absolute or similar to the standards. Number of teeth, module and diametral pitch are linked with each other through the formulas, which means that once two parameters have been entered the third will automatically be calculated.
- Publisher: FRENCO GmbH
- Last updated: October 7th, 2015

Spline Editor
It lets you defined splines you can use for non linear interpolation in the framework. The editor actually uses the framework to play some effects. Property ranges let you easily animate Swing components. For instance, you can ask the framework to change the background color of a JButton from blue to red over 400ms at 60fps. It's really great and better stuff are on their way.
- Publisher: Romain Guy
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Amibroker cubic spline in Description

Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in
Adds data curve fitting, interpolation and data smoothing functions to Excel. Functions include polynomial fits, several types of splines, and local regressions. Filters include moving average, Gaussian smoothing and median filtering.
- Publisher: SRS1 Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

RetinaEngrave 3D is a program designed to work with the laser controllers from Full Spectrum Laser. It provides support for true 3D engraving, advanced image processing and printing capabilities. The program also comes with advanced cubic spline vector algorithms.
- Publisher: Full Spectrum Laser
- Last updated: October 30th, 2014
- Publisher: VisionSuit Software
- Last updated: October 27th, 2022

EZVol is a simple interactive tool which allows the user to calculate stockpile volumes based on a survey of the base perimeter plus a survey of the stockpile surface. EZVol displays the stockpile volume in cubic feet, cubic yards, or cubic meters. The user can enter a density factor for the stockpile material, and the program will display the total weight of the stockpile.
- Publisher: Randall K. Martin and Associates
- Last updated: September 25th, 2010

BenVista PhotoZoom Classic
Enlarging digital images and photographs may result in unwanted artifacts and an overall loss of quality, unless using very high-quality images and a professional set of image enlargement algorithms. BenVista PhotoZoom Classic offers you a wide array of high-end enlarging technologies and a user-friendly GUI to resize your best shots without losing any of their original quality.
- Publisher: BenVista Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Amibroker cubic spline selection

SFT is a Windows application designed to invert particle size data to find size distribution parameters of lognormal, sequential fragmentation, or sequential fragmentation/transport parameters. The latter two provide information about the fragmentation/transport origins of the sample.
- Publisher: KWare (Ken Wohletz)
- Last updated: May 5th, 2014

DataFitX is a COM component (in-process ActiveX DLL) which allows you to add a powerful nonlinear regression (curve fitting) engine to your software with just a few simple lines of code in any software or development environment that supports COM.
- Publisher: Oakdale Engineering

AmiBroker is a technical analysis tool to manage your stock portfolio. It gives you real time quotes taking the information from online services as eSignal, IQFeed, Interactive Brokers, QCharts, CQG, among other sources. AmiBroker features automatic Walk-Forward Testing, Multi-monitor floating charts, symbol and interval linking and drag-and-drop indicator creation.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2021

Stock Live DATA IMPORTER for AmiBroker
Stock Live DATA IMPORTER for AmiBroker is a program that brings you Live Stock Data and is based on Google Finance Data. The program allows you to download data and save it as Text files which can be used in many Technical Analysis. It works with both Trial and Licensed version of Amibroker.
- Publisher: STOCK Live
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

Shubha RT for Amibroker
Shubha RT plugin for Amibroker is an RTD client. It provides Real-Time streaming quotes from RTD server like, NEST Trader, Zerodha Trader etc. Application provides data in tick format and various intervals starting from 500 milliseconds, 1 second onwards. You can also add more fields to pull any extra data. There is no restriction on no. of symbols to pull data or refresh rate.
- Publisher: Shubhalabha
- Last updated: May 20th, 2014

This program allows you to share market traders, brokers and analysts. Features: - Blazing fast data for AmiBroker. Data is delivered with Boradcast Technology to make zero latency. - Nse realtime data of cash stocks. - Nse realtime data of futures.
- Publisher: RTDS
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

DXF Spline To Polyline
Fusion 360 add-in lets the user export the currently active sketch to a DXF file in which the splines have been converted to polylines. Some laser cutters do not work with splines. In order to avoid having to open the DXF in another product to do the conversion, this add-in does that for you.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro
Enlarging images and digital photos to sizes that go beyond the standard dimensions usually ends up in distorted and heavily pixeled images. BenVista PhotoZoom Pro helps you avoid all those problems by offering you an extensive set of professional algorithms (neatly wrapped up in a wide range of customizable resizing presets) and a set of editing tools to enhance and correct the resulting images.
- Publisher: BenVista Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

GIANTS Editor is a map editor for the Farming Simulator game. The program offers many tools to edit the map details like the terrain editor, scenograph panel, spline editor, replace dialog, and more. You can rise or lower the surface of your terrain, select an object in the scenegraph to see its user attributes, edit particle systems with real-time preview, and more.
- Publisher: GIANTS Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2023

Automatic B-spline tool for fast, intuitive and qualitative contour and mask outlining. Arkan is designed to convert border of a raster mask (selection of an object in scene) or any closed polyline into B-spline representation.
- Publisher: Pixmart LLC