Anagram sentence solver in Title/Summary

Anagram Artist
Anagram Artist 3.05 is an interesting application, which recognizes the anagrams contained within a particular sentence or a text string. It has unique features like vowel percentage bar graphs, letter frequencies, suggested word list indicating the words that may be formed with the help of the unused letter, and special tweak mode.
- Publisher: Anagrammy Awards
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 21st, 2008

Anagram Genius
Anagram Genius shuffles letters of names, phrases, or anything to create the ideal anagrams. Artificial Intelligence is a method used when constructing statements. The Anagram Genius software uses friends’, colleagues’, and competitors’ names to alter the structure in ways that are unbelievable.
- Publisher: Genius 2000 Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
- Publisher: Fahmy Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 8th, 2016
Anagram sentence solver in Description

Crossword Maestro
Crossword Maestro is a wonderful application that solves and explains in simple words cryptic and non-cryptic crosswords. With this program you will not only have fun solving complex crosswords, but you will also learn new words. I would really recommend it for students, learning the English language.
- Publisher: Genius 2000 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 29th, 2008

OnLine Grammar Checker
OnLine Grammar Checker is a special program for grammar checking, as it helps users to know not only their grammatical faults, but also how strong or how good their sentences are. OnLine Grammar Checker relies on yahoo and google search engines to tell a user how many times his sentence was repeated on the Internet.
- Publisher: Vombato
- Last updated: April 13th, 2008

Sight Words Sentence Builder
Sight Words include several hundred of the most frequently used words in the English language. They comprise approximately 50 to 70 percent of nearly all general reading material. A complete mastery of Sight Words is crucial to being functionally literate.
- Publisher: Sierra Vista Software
- Last updated: December 7th, 2009

Diagramming Sentences
Diagramming Sentences makes learning the structure of simple and complex sentences easy. It follows the Kellogg-Reed method of diagramming (or Reed-Kellogg, as it is more commonly known), which – despite of being nearly 135 years old – is still as good as any other method to teach and learn the different functions of the various elements in a sentence and how they interact.
- Publisher: Prof. G. Dalgish
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 16th, 2010

Math Solver
Math Solver 1.2 is a software virtual scientific calculator that provides step by step solutions to mathematical problems and any mathematical expression. Users are presented with an easy to use Windows style interface with separate evaluation and solution windows in which they can input their calculations with added information provided to them
- Publisher: Jan Ivar Goli
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Additional Anagram sentence solver selection

Math Solver II
MathSolver II is an extremely useful, lightweight, powerful and easy-to-use application. As obvious as it may sound, MathSolver is a specific tool to get the solution of mathematical expressions of any kind. One great advantage of this program over other options alike is that this one keeps things as simple as they can be.
- Publisher: Jan Ivar Goli
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Resistor Colour Code Solver
Resistor Colour Code Solver is a little program that can calculate the value of a resistor from its colour code and vice-versa. Its colour scheme is easily customizable. Moreover, the program is completely portable and is very low on system resources.
- Publisher: Abhishek
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2011

Free Universal Algebra Equation Solver
Free Universal Algebra Equation Solver is dedicated to high-school and college students and also to math teachers. It comes as a well-designed program that offers solutions to a wide range of mathematical equations. The program solves problems from math areas like: arithmetic, algebra, calculus, etc.
- Publisher: Severny Ochag International
- Last updated: May 13th, 2017

Calculus Problem Solver
Solve any calculus differentiation problem with this calculus tutorial software. Calculus differentiation and calculus tutorialCalculus Problem Solver can solve differentiation of any arbitrary equation and output the result. It can provide detailed step-by-step solutions to given differentiation problems in a tutorial-like format. On top of these, it can also initiate an interactive quiz in which you can solve differentiation while the computer corrects your solutions. This software is useful for beginner calculus students and can be used to learn differentiation and even practice differentiation by using the interactive quiz. Key Features Differentiation of input equations that can be solved by the following rules: Constant Rule: d(C) = 0 Sum Rule: d(E1+E2)=d(E1)+d(E2) Factor Rule: C*d(X) Multiplication Rule: d(E1*E2)=d(E1)*E2+E1*d(E2) Division Rule: d(E1/E2)=(d(E1)*E2-E1*d(E2))/(E2^2) Power Rule: d(X^N)=N*X^(N-1)*d(X) Exponential Rule: d(C^X)=ln(C)*C^X*d(X) Sin Rule: d(sinX)=cosX*d(X) Cos Rule: d(cosX)=-sinX*d(X) Tan Rule: 1/((cosX)^2)*d(X) Arcsin Rule: d(arcsinX)=1/((1-X^2)^0.5)*d(X) Arctan Rule: d(arctanX)=1/(1+X^2)*d(X): Chain Rule Detailed step-by-step solution by using the above formulas; Interactive Quiz with multiple choice and fill-in-blank questions; Save Solutions in Text Format; Print Solutions; Multiplatform (works on any machine that can handle Java Virtual Machine);
- Publisher: Runiter
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

Statistics Problem Solver
Statistics Problem Solver is a simple application intended for statistics students that has the ability to solve many types of statistical problems providing step-by-step solutions so they can easily understand them and learn. These solution can be printed, saved to a text file or copied to the clipboard to take them wherever you want.
- Publisher: Runiter Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008

Simple Solver
SimpleSolver Logic is a free application. It provides an environment for digital-logic & computer-system Education and Design. Computers are everywhere, enmeshed in our daily lives: satellites, cars, cell phones, the Internet, and so forth. For many people, and especially for engineers, it is important to understand how these machines work.
- Publisher: SimpleSolver Logic
- Last updated: July 10th, 2014

Sudoku Solver
This solver not only produces solutions, it allows them to be rapidly eMailed to multiple recipients: useful for those regular Sudoku competitions (such as the daily one The Times is currently running). - Integrated help. - Saving and loading of puzzles and solutions. - Scan of input data for obvious errors. - Very fast solution times.
- Publisher: DeadMan's Handle Ltd
- Last updated: July 4th, 2010

TEA is a crossword puzzle solver with over a million words and phrases. It finds crossword answers; solves anagram clues; helps with other word games such as Scrabble and Countdown. Letter variables help solve cryptograms and find words with unusual properties such as palindromes; punctuation matching finds phrases and hyphenated words
- Publisher: Crossword Man
- Last updated: March 26th, 2011

Languages Online - Sentence Game Maker
A Languages Online Sentence Game begins with a sentence that has one or more words missing, and number of possible 'answer' words. The player must select the correct answer words to complete the sentence. This game focuses on sentence structure and word order, and depending on the answer options that appear in the game, it can be used to for practising agreements.
- Publisher: State of Victoria (Department of Education & Training)
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Crossword Solver
Crossword Solver is a handy tool that allows you to solve many types of crosswords and puzzles created with the Crossword Compiler online applet, as well as XML puzzle files, ".puz" files. You can donwload puzzles from webpages and open sample puzzles that come with the application including an American, barred, cryptic, Italian and some more.
- Publisher: WordWeb Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2008