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Ang biblia in Title/Summary

BibleMax Tagalog Ang Biblia

BibleMax Tagalog Ang Biblia

This program is a module for BibleMax software, an application to read and study the Bible. The module features the Scripture's translation to Tagalog, which is a language spoken in Philippines. You need to install BibleMax's core program for being able to run this and the other BibleMax modules.



READING THE WORD OF GOD WITH THE CHURCH : This program offers Sacred Scripture, its interpretation in light of Sacred Tradition and the teachings of the Magisterium, with appropriate theological commentary and exegesis. The downloadable version allows you to connect Sacred Scripture to the complete works of many Doctors of the Church,

  • Publisher: Clerus.org
  • Home page: www.clerus.org
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2011
BibleMax Polish Biblia Gdanska

BibleMax Polish Biblia Gdanska

This BibleMax free module features the Biblia Gdanska, or Danzig Bible, an ancient Polish translation of the Scriptures produced by a group of Protestant scholars in 1632. You will need the BibleMax core software and a font compatible with Polish orthographic signs to display this module correctly.

Ang biblia in Description

DataNumen DWG Recovery

DataNumen DWG Recovery

DataNumen DWG Recovery is a powerful tool to repair and recover corrupt AutoCAD DWG files.

  • Publisher: DataNumen, Inc.
  • Home page: www.datanumen.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
PocketBible New Living Translation (NLT)

PocketBible New Living Translation (NLT)

PocketBible New Living Translation (NLT) 1.0 helps to convey the meaning and content of the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts as accurately as possible. The software has a front matter which is generally found in NLT bibles. This is found along with translator’s footnotes.



The Scriptures were not written in English language, they actually were translated from three main languages: Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Here is where Davar can help you a lot. This application is a free Hebrew dictionary that will help you understand the Holy Bible language and will allow you to discover the exact meaning of the words.

  • Publisher: Josef Planeta
  • Home page: www.davar3.net
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


This free program lets you read and study the Bible in different versions and translations. It has a very simple and straightforward interface that will allow you to start immediately without any complications. If you are a cleric, scholar or a serious Bible reader, then you may want to give it a try.

  • Publisher: Lynn Alan
  • Home page: www.berbible.org
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2017
BibleMax Latin Bible

BibleMax Latin Bible

Latin Bible is a module for BibleMax software featuring the electronic version of the Sacra Biblia Vulgata, the Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome in the 5th. century. You can use all the features of BibleMax with this module, including opening any chapter with only one click, and search any word or prhrase.

Additional Ang biblia selection



Battle as a Djini or Dragon, a Knight or Goblin, as you try to out maneuver your opponent on the Strategy board, then crush them in the Combat Are. Archon, one of the most original and successful games...blended strategy, action, chess, fantasy monsters, ang magic spells in a surprising and delightful way

  • Publisher: ReactGames
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2011
Blogs Auto Filler

Blogs Auto Filler

Blogs Auto Filler 5.0.1

BibleMax World English Bible

BibleMax World English Bible

BibleMax module featuring Word English Bible (WEB), which is a modernized version of the Bible, thus being more readable, comprehensible and accessible for today's readers. This module fully interacts with other pre-installed BibleMax modules, such as commentaries and references.

BibleMax Japanese Shinkaiyaku Seisho Bible

BibleMax Japanese Shinkaiyaku Seisho Bible

This module features the Shinkaiyaku Seisho (New Japanese Bible) version of the Scriptures, which is based on the Biblia Hebraica and the Nestle-Aland Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old and New Testaments, respectively. You can find this module and many more, as well as the BibleMax core program in the free CD-ROM offered by the developer. You only need to pay a symbolic P&H fee to get it.



SIL Hebrew Font System is a pre-Unicode or “legacy” font system. It provides a means of working with biblical Hebrew texts in an encoding created by SIL in 1995. These fonts are superceded by Unicode-encoded Hebrew fonts, such as Ezra SIL. Features: - Support for Biblical Hebrew, in the traditional square style of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 1983 edition.

  • Publisher: SIL International
  • Home page: scripts.sil.org
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2010