Ant movie catalog for books in Title/Summary

Ant Movie Catalog
Ant Movie Catalog helps you organize your movie collections. Luckily, you can have multiple databases to catalog your films separately. For each of the entries, it is possible to store various types of data, such as title, director, producer, writer, country, description, resolution, and many others. Moreover, you can create personalized information fields.
- Publisher: Antoine Potten
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

All My Books
All My Books helps you archive, organize, and track your book collection. It can be used with printed books, e-books, and audio books. This program can automatically scan for books in your hard disks and add them to the database. You can also add books using their title, author name, or ISBN numbers.
- Publisher: Bolide Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

eXtreme Movie Manager
eXtreme Movie Manager can be used to catalog movies and TV shows in your hard disk, USB drives, DVDs, VHS, and other sources. It can scan for movies in your storage devices and automatically add them to your database. Its "My Website" function can create an HTML page of your movie catalog.
- Publisher: BinaryWorks Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Ant movie catalog for books in Description

Sisimizi Game Catalog
Sisimizi Game Catalog is a free, non-commercial database software to catalog and manage a personal video games collection. It supports games from all classic to the most recent video game consoles and computer systems. The program is based on Ant Movie Catalog and open source software under GPL.
- Publisher: Sisimizi
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 25th, 2009

Total Commander Ultima Prime
Total Commander Ultima Prime is a collection of programs and customized settings for enhancing the features of Total Commander (file manager). Present version comes with HWiNFO application, a hardware analysis, monitoring, and reporting software for Windows.
- Publisher: TC UP Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Readerware for Windows
The easy, fast way to catalog your books, music and videos. Input a list of ISBNs, LCCNs, UPCs or barcodes. Readerware does the rest, cataloging your collections, complete with cover art. Automatically and effortlessly. Free barcode readers available
- Publisher: Readerware Corporation
- Last updated: May 31st, 2019
- Publisher: Evinco Solutions Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2010

BookCAT is a powerful book collector database program which will help you catalog a book collection of any size. BookCAT is used by book-lovers, schools, churches, clubs, and business libraries. Using BookCAT you can quickly catalog your books by downloading information from the Internet.
- Publisher: FNProgramvare
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2016
Additional Ant movie catalog for books selection

CATVids Importer
CATVids Importer can import data from the following applications: - Ant Movie Catalog - DVD Profiler - DVD Profiler - eXtreme Movie Manager - Movie Collector - Movie Library This is an add-on for the CATVids software , a powerful Blu-Ray/DVD collector software package designed to help you catalog and manage your video collection.
- Publisher: FNProgramvare
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2020

All My Movies
All My Movies is a fantastic tool for movie buffs, offering an array of riveting features for creating, tracking, and managing personal movie databases. Effortlessly catalog your whole movie collection, with nearly zero typing, thanks to access to credible online data sources including
- Publisher: Bolide Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2025

Eric's Movie DataBase lets you keep track of your movies and TV shows. It can automatically scan your hard disk and add the list of movies and series that you have. All data and artwork like Movie posters, Actor Photos, Trailer links etc are automatically imported from websites such as IMDb, TheTVDB, TheMovieDB, and RottenTomatoes.
- Publisher: Wicked & Wild Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Coollector Movie Database
Coollector Movie Database will catalog your collection of DVDs and video files. It will also give accurate recommendations based on your taste, helping you to decide what to watch and to discover great movies and series that you would have missed otherwise.
- Publisher: Coollector
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MediaPortal is an open source program that turns your PC into a media center. Using this, you can listen to music and radio, watch videos and DVDs, or view, schedule, and record live TV. It lets you connect to any number of TV tuner cards for watching and recording live programs. MediaPortal supports a variety of plugins, which lets you extend its features.
- Publisher: MediaPortal
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Movienizer is a movie database manager with a built-in online encyclopedia. Using this program, you can catalog the movies in your hard disk, DVDs, etc. After adding the movie, you can view its location, audio tracks, subtitles, and its other parameters. You will also get a film synopsis along with the list of actors and the movie cover.
- Publisher: Movienizer
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Audiobook Downloader Pro
Audiobook Downloader Pro offers you nearly 6,000 free audiobooks from LibriVox and the Internet Archive for you to download in your choice of MP3 or Ogg audio file format. You can browse the entire list, search for your favorite titles, or let the program tempt you with a random choice of authors and their books.
- Publisher: Software
- Last updated: November 6th, 2012

Have you recorded a movie from TV or Internet on a DVD, and you want to print the cover ? Thanks to the configurable printing module of Filmotech you can make cover for your boxes to DVD, CD, DVD. You can easily print a list of movies, the list of outstanding loans, your movie catalog or a contact-sheet posters.
- Publisher: Pascal PLUCHON
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 5th, 2019 Comic Collector
If in need of a tool to keep your comic collection organized and easily searchable, Comic Collector is a very interesting option to consider. It offers you an extensive online database for you to check the comic books and graphic novels that are part of your collection, those still missing, and those you’ve lent to friends and family.
- Publisher: BV
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

DVD Chief
DVD Chief can automatically recognize movies when you insert a DVD or Blu-Ray disk or ISO image, automatically filling in all the necessary detail by connecting to an Internet database. You can enter your movie titles – or simply keep inserting the discs one after another for DVD Chief to fill in your movie database completely automatically.
- Publisher: DVD Chief
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2015