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Ant rename regular expression in Title/Summary

Konesans Regular Expression Transformation

Konesans Regular Expression Transformation

The regular expression transformation exposes the power of regular expression matching within the pipeline. One or more columns can be selected, and for each column an individual expression can be applied. The way multiple columns are handled can be set on the options page.

  • Publisher: Konesans Ltd
  • Home page: www.sqlis.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Regular Expression Laboratory

Regular Expression Laboratory

RXL is an assistant simple to use tool to help you learn and prepare regular expressions. If you are a developer or just concerned with text processing tasks, the Regular Expression Laboratory is a tool that you need.

  • Publisher: SILVERAGE Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Rad Software Regular Expression Designer

Rad Software Regular Expression Designer

Regular Expression Designer is a powerful interactive utility that helps you to build and test regular expressions (set of strings used in almost any programming language). This application is intended for programmers, especially for beginners to improve their programming skills, who have problems when interpreting and formulating strings.

Ant rename regular expression in Description

12noon NameTwister

12noon NameTwister

If you need to rename a number of files in complicated ways, Name Twister can do it. (Name Twister replaces the Rename Regular Expression aka RenameRegEx shell extension.)Name Twister displays a list where you can drag & drop files from anywhere in Windows. Then you can enter anything from simple search & replace text (such as replace "cat" with "dog") or more complex regular expressions.

  • Publisher: 12noon
  • Home page: www.12noon.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Ant Renamer

Ant Renamer

Ant Renamer 2.1 is very good file utility to rename files or folders. Ant Renamer offers a good set of options to rename files and folders and you can preview the file before you rename it. Ant Renamer offers several options to rename your files or folders.

  • Publisher: Ant Software
  • Home page: www.antp.be
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2016
Regex Auto Builder

Regex Auto Builder

A smart and easy to use regular expression generate and string capture tool. It can build and test regular expression automatically, and show you the result visually! It is also is a string capture tool, and what you need do is just a few clicks.

  • Publisher: HyMann Soft
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2014
Quick File Rename

Quick File Rename

Very easy to use batch file and folder renaming utility, with INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER SUPPORT! Features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, Exif, IPTC, XMP, regular expressions, file rename using wildcards, MP3/Ogg vorbis/MPC id3 tagging and MANY more.

  • Publisher: Skyjuice Software
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2010
The Regulator

The Regulator

The Regulator is a powerhouse application that has syntax highlighting and web-service integrated with database Regexlib.com for testing online regular expressions. The Regulator offers the option of customizing things for adding own items. This application makes up for the lack of regular expression support in Visual Studio, and it’s an awesome standalone application.

  • Publisher: The Regulator
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2017

Additional Ant rename regular expression selection

Regular Expression Editor

Regular Expression Editor

The regular expression editor is a module allowing you to test your PCRE with PHP in a very efficient way. It wraps preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_replace and preg_quote functions, and offer a visual GUI where you can tweak your regular expression easily.

  • Publisher: WaterProof SARL
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008
Bulk Rename Utility

Bulk Rename Utility

Bulk Rename Utility helps you rename the batches of files and folders according to various criteria. This type of program comes in handy for photographers, editors, web masters and network administrators, and other users who frequently need to organize long lists of files.

.NET Regular Expression Designer

.NET Regular Expression Designer

The .NET Regular Expression Designer helps you learn, develop, and test regular expressions. It has an integrated help that can be used to learn the basic elements of regular expressions such as character classes and grouping constructs. Customizable syntax highlighting colors all the major elements of your regular expressions.

  • Publisher: Workshell Ltd
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


A Windows automation tool to speed up repetitive Windows tasks. Main uses will be in automating the testing of GUI software as AutoIt can easily simulate keystrokes and mouse movements. It can also manipulate windows and processes. GUI creation is also a major feature along with COM and regular expression support.



Notepad2 is a code editor program and a replacement for Windows Notepad. It supports different programming languages, such as HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, Javascript, etc. and integrates rich text format with syntax highlighting (which is very useful to avoid mistakes in the coding process).

  • Publisher: Florian Balmer
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2011
Agent Ransack

Agent Ransack

Agent Ransack is a free software program for finding files on your PC or network drives. It is a 'lite' version of FileLocator Pro and is a free for both personal and commercial use. It features a regular expression wizard that helps you build regular expressions for complex pattern matching searches.

  • Publisher: Mythicsoft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.mythicsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Regular Expression

Regular Expression

Regular Expression is a term used in computer languages. It is way of matching particular strings or characters in a computer language. The program RE (Regular Expression) is a tool to build advanced structures that use, among other things, Regular Expressions to transform text.

  • Publisher: yoy.be (Why-O-Why)
  • Home page: yoy.be


RegAlyzer is a tool to browse and change the registry. It was created because of a few features we missed in the original regedit tool, from support for exotic value types over background and regular expression search to better bookmarks, displaying .reg files in the accustomed style and a history view.

  • Publisher: Safer Networking Limited
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2008


TextCrawler is a fantastic tool for anyone who works with text files. This utility enables you to instantly find and replace words and phrases across multiple files and folders. It utilises a powerful Regular Expression engine to enable you to create sophisticated searches, preview replace, perform batch operations, extract text from files, etc.



<XML: Pad/> is a tiny yet very powerful XML Editor based on the XML parse engine, which is has been developed by WMHelp.com. It’s the basic version of WMHelp.com, which can be run without a license. <XML: Pad/> is very easy to use as the toolbar and menus that are displayed at the top of the window can be handled very easily. Just pressing a button can hide them.

  • Publisher: WMHelp Software
  • Home page: www.wmhelp.com
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2008