Apache tomcat in Title/Summary

Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat is an open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations, and Jakarta Authentication specifications. The Jakarta EE platform is the evolution of the Java EE platform. Tomcat 10 and later implement specifications developed as part of Jakarta EE.
- Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
- Home page: tomcat.apache.org
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Platinum Collection F-14D Super Tomcat for FSX
With its trademark swiveling wings, the F-14D Super Tomcat is well known from Top Gun movie fame. This F-14D, a two-place supersonic aircraft that has cruised the skies in an air superiority role for the US Navy. It saw service over a long period of time - from 1974 until retirement in 2006.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: July 19th, 2008

Bitnami Tomcat Stack
Bitnami makes it easy to run Tomcat in the cloud, locally or virtually. With Bitnami, you get the same software stack and configuration regardless of where you are deploying Tomcat or other Bitnami Applications. This makes it easy to migrate between different platforms.
- Publisher: BitNami
- Home page: bitnami.org
- Last updated: July 29th, 2016
Apache tomcat in Description

Great Engine Web DB Explorer 2007
Great Engine Web DB Explorer is an assistant tool which focus on website database develops and maintain. It use HTTP protocol, which either can easy publish in B/S structure or have maneuverability in C/S structure. Web DB Explorer is the true thin client database develops tools and not need to install and configure the database client software.
- Publisher: Great Engine Studio
- Last updated: March 20th, 2011

OpenCms 8 contains a greatly improved user interface for content managers and numerous other enhancements. The Advanced Direct Edit mode allows content managers to create page content by drag & drop. The new sitemap editor allows creating new pages
- Publisher: Alkacon Software
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

Bitnami JasperReports Stack
Bitnami JasperReports Stack provides a one-click install solution for JasperReports. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache-Tomcat, MySQL and Java. You can create reports with their WYSIWYG tool and build beautiful visualizations, charts and graphs.
- Publisher: BitNami
- Home page: bitnami.com
- Last updated: November 12th, 2015

However, jCOLIBRI 2 does not include the authoring tools that in version 1.x allow to build a CBR system without writing a single line of code. Authoring tools are under development for jCOLIBRI 2.x but, in the meantime, version 1.1 can be a better solution for those users that don't want to write Java code.
- Publisher: GAIA - Group for Artificial Intelligence Applications
- Home page: gaia.fdi.ucm.es
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009

CKeditor SpellCheck
Nanospell is the alternative, ad free 'CKEditor Spell check' plug-in . See an online demo with javascript source-code at http://ckeditor-spellcheck.nanospell.com/#try . Nanospell has free developer licenses for PHP, ASP ASP.Net and Java.
- Publisher: Nanospell
- Home page: ckeditor-spellcheck.nanospell.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2015
Additional Apache tomcat selection

Clarity combines project management, issue/bug/request tracking system and wiki platform in one universal web-based solution with clear user interface and rich functionality. Based on Java technology it can be installed on any operating system.
- Publisher: Korzh.com
- Home page: www.korzh.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2010

Tcat Server
The only Tomcat server built on 100% Apache Tomcat - zero rip and replace Fast, easy and error-free application deployment and roll back to a server groups Configure server groups with a single click Monitoring, dashboards and alerting Fine-grained administrative security
- Publisher: MuleSoft Inc.
- Home page: www.mulesoft.com

XAMPP provides an ideal local development environment, but is not meant for production deployments. When installing XAMPP you can choose to install if you wish, MySql ,FileZila FTP server, Mercury Mail server, Tomcat. Also program languages like PHP and Perl, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer and Fake Sendmail.
- Publisher: Apache Friends
- Home page: www.apachefriends.org
- Last updated: November 30th, 2023

Apache HTTP Server
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
- Publisher: Apache Software Foundation
- Home page: httpd.apache.org
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

NeoLoad is a load testing tool for web and packaged app technologies. It can simulate business processes, from simple API calls to complex application behaviors. It supports protocols such as SAP GUI and Citrix. Loops, conditions, and other drag & drop controls simplify test design creation.
- Publisher: Neotys
- Home page: www.neotys.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Dynamic Web TWAIN
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an API for designing web applications. With a few lines of JavaScript code, you can develop applications to scan documents from scanners or built-in mobile cameras in all common web browsers, edit the scanned images, and save them to a local/server file system or document repository.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Apache CouchDB
CouchDB is a web-based database management application. It allows you to store your data with JSON documents and access them though your web browser. CouchDB comes with a suite of features, such as on-the-fly document transformation and real-time change notifications, that makes web app development a breeze.
- Publisher: Apache Software Foundation
- Home page: couchdb.apache.org
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

modaspdotnet for Apache HTTP Server
mod_aspdotnet is a loadable Apache 2 module for serving ASP.NET content using the Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting and .NET runtime within the Apache HTTP Server process. Non-Windows users should look at mono (mod_mono) for an alternate implementation. Requiremesnts: Apache 2.
- Publisher: William A. Rowe, Jr.
- Home page: mod-aspdotnet.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: March 14th, 2013

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova is an IDE for building applications for iOS, Android, and Windows using web technologies. Cordova’s shared JavaScript API can be used to access native device capabilities like the camera, calendar, and contacts.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page: www.visualstudio.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

Apache Logs Viewer
Apache Logs Viewer is a program that lets you represent in a graphical manner all the information present in log files from Apache and IIS web servers. It processes access and error log files and extracts information so you can create reports from fields such as IP, referrer, status or error codes, keywords, country, etc.
- Publisher: iannet
- Last updated: October 4th, 2012