Apk inspector for window 7 in Title/Summary

Window Inspector
View the window class, text, properties, and more, simply by moving your mouse cursor over the target window. View the desktop window hierarchy by process, by window owner and by window parents. Use hotkeys to lock onto windows, freeze the auto-updating, or save the current window info.
- Publisher: Binary Fortress Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

APK Icon Editor
APK Icon Editor is an APK editor designed to easily change Android app icon, name, version, images, strings and other resources. The application helps you edit APK, extract and change APK resources. It has a multilingual interface and it supports various formats. You can sign and optimize Android applications and it includes presets sizes for various devices.
- Publisher: Qwerty Minds
- Home page: kefir500.github.io
- Last updated: December 26th, 2015

APK installer beta 2a
This software will allow to install apk files directly to your phone. The software is free to use and install and it will work with most Android based phones. Before using the program you must click "Click Me First' for proper files to be installed on your Windows environment.
- Publisher: level5team
Apk inspector for window 7 in Description

Paessler Site Inspector
Paessler Site Inspector is a web browser that combines the two most frequently used browser engines; Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Gecko into one program. Its advanced analysis features make it the perfect companion for webmasters and web developers.
- Publisher: Paessler AG
- Last updated: March 4th, 2008

LocalAPK is a free program which helps you organize your APK file collection. It contains several features to facilitate the organizing of Android APK files. You can transfer APK files to your Android device by generating a QR code, remove outdated APK files, rename APK files to package name, application name or Play Store name.
- Publisher: Breez
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Pure APK Install
Pure Apk Install helps you install the applications stored on your computer directly to your Android device. It can also verify the authenticity of the installer package, as well as provide the supported Android versions. Moreover, it lets you decide the target location for the apk.
- Publisher: APKPure Inc.
- Last updated: September 18th, 2015

The first time you access APKSync it will ask you for the folder containing your APK for Windows program and data files. The default is c:\program files\apk. You do not need to change this unless you changed the installation folder during the "Select Destination Location" step, or you have installed the program on your server.
- Publisher: RxKinetics
- Home page: www.rxkinetics.com
- Last updated: November 24th, 2011

PC Inspector FSGuard
PC Inspector fs guard is a multi-featured software that helps user to check its system performance. Fs guard is one of the utilities used by PC Inspector. PC INSPECTOR™ fs guard is a monitoring program that is mainly developed for Windows XP, 2000, NT and used for different purposes.
- Publisher: Convar Deutschland GmbH
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Additional Apk inspector for window 7 selection

Inspector Parker
Inspector Parker is a logic game where you´ll have to solve the mystery of Misanthorpe Manor. You´ll have to investigate seven potential suspects, motives, weapons, victims, pieces of evidence and body disposal methods to solve the crime, eliminating possibilities from the gameboard using the clues in your notebook.
- Publisher: Iplay
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: March 4th, 2008

PC Inspector File Recovery
PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is a data recovery program that supports the FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file systems. Finds partitions automatically, even if the boot sector or FAT has been erased or damaged. PC INSPECTOR™ File Recovery 4.x is so-called FREEWARE. This means that the software does not cost you a single penny.
- Publisher: home
- Home page: www.pcinspector.de
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

IE DOM Inspector
This tool is to Internet Explorer like Firebug is to Mozilla Firefox. With IE DOM Inspector you can modify the page DOM (Document Object Model) "on the fly", without need for refreshing the entire page to see the changes. You can get in-depth information about the web document you are seeing on screen.
- Publisher: IEInspector Software
- Home page: www.ieinspector.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

CD/DVD Inspector
CD/DVD Inspector is professional software for intensive analysis and extraction of data from CD-R, CD-RW and all types of DVD media - including HD DVD and Blu-Ray. CD/DVD Inspector reads all major CD and DVD filesystem formats including ISO-9660, Joliet, UDF, HSG, HFS and HFS+.
- Publisher: Arrowkey, Inc.
- Home page: www.infinadyne.com
- Last updated: September 20th, 2010

Window Washer
Window Washer removes all traces of your Web browsing history, files that show your computer use, and other files that reveal your activity. Window Washer also removes unnecessary files that consume valuable disk space, such as files in the Recycle Bin or files in temporary folders.
- Publisher: Webroot Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.webroot.com
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010

PC Inspector smart recovery
The PC Inspector smart recovery is a useful tool for recovering delete media files by accident or negligence from fixed drives as well as from portable mass memory units such as Flashcard, Memory Sicks, Camera cards, etc. The application offers selection of drive, type/format of media files to recover (audio, pictures, photographies, movies, video) and the target folder for the recovered files.
- Publisher: Convar Deutschland GmbH
- Last updated: February 17th, 2008

Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector
The Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector is a powerful tool for managing and troubleshooting the Wi-Fi on a Windows operating systems. Built in tests enable you to characterize the integrity and performance of your Wi-Fi connection. The program features: searching for Wi-Fi networks, managing and troubleshooting Wi-Fi connections, verifying Wi-Fi coverage, locating Wi-Fi devices and detecting rogue APs.
- Publisher: Xirrus
- Home page: www.xirrus.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Hard Drive Inspector
Hard Drive Inspector is a system management tool that helps ensure that your hard drive is running optimally so that all of your information is safe. Its primary function is to keep your disk protected through preventative measures, so that you never have to worry about losing all the media files, documents, passwords, and other information it contains.
- Publisher: AltrixSoft
- Last updated: October 1st, 2015

Dukto allows you to transfer data between two devices, regardless of the operating system they are running. It helps avoid many of the complications that may arise when dealing with shared folders over the local network. In this respect, it is much easier than other ways of transferring data.
- Publisher: Emanuele Colombo
- Last updated: May 18th, 2013

VSO Inspector
VSO Inspector lists and lets you view firmware data and other various information about CD, DVD and Blu-ray readers and writers that are connected to your computer. It displays information such as supported formats, region details and codes, firmware versions, buffer size, read and write modes, and other data.
- Publisher: VSO Software
- Home page: www.vso-software.fr
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2010