Apm planner in Title/Summary

APM Planner
APM Planner is an easy to use software tool with a friendly interface that enables the user to configure a series of settings and functions to help them in planning their virtual aerial path. The latest APM planner has full pid/planner/gcs while under hil/real using mavlink.
- Publisher: Michael Oborne
- Home page: diydrones.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2012

APM Graph Lite
Freeware - Lite version of graphic editor APM Graph, intended for creation of a graphical part of design documentation with parametrization tools.
- Publisher: APM Ltd.
- Home page: www.apmwm.com
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Desktop APM
Desktop APM provides a graph of how intensely you use your keyboard and mouse. Statistics show how active you've been and how long you took breaks for. Desktop APM tracks your keyboard and mouse usage and never forgets a day, so you can always know what you were doing and when.
- Publisher: littlesky studios
- Home page: www.desktopapm.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
Apm planner in Description

APM Log File Analyser
APM Log File Analyser is an open source application that allows you to analyse the log files produced by the ArduCopter firmware for an APM flight controller. Depending on the hardware available your power distribution and consumption can be monitored and recorded within the log files created by APM:Copter.
- Publisher: DIYDrones
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2016

APM Configurator
The Trumeter APM Configurator software allows you to programme custom configurations onto your APM. You can set the display range, backlight colour, setpoints and many other features. The APM Configurator software installs directly onto a Windows-based PC. It is not intended to install over a network or run from a server.
- Publisher: Trumeter Technologies Ltd
- Home page: truapm.com
- Last updated: July 11th, 2016

Actual Planner
Actual Planner is a powerful organizer that allows you to schedule tasks, generate your personal chedule, maintain your address book, keep your blog and a lot more.
- Publisher: Binoplex Software
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Photo Finale
Smart Retailing, Easy Ordering! Today’s internet is all about exploration, creation and social interaction. Photo Finale Web – Lucidiom’s award-winning, white label photo website – offers all the whimsy, creativity and universal appeal needed to thrive in this social picturing world. A Photo Finale website is a destination, not just an uploader.
- Publisher: Lucidion.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

hdparm is an open source application that allows you to configure or turn off the power management of the hard disk drive. The program features automated scripts for changing Advanced Power Management (APM) settings easily via Start Menu shortcuts and startup entries for APM configuration on Windows boot.
- Publisher: Hdparm
- Home page: sites.google.com
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014
Additional Apm planner selection

Mission Planner
With Mission Planner you can point-and-click waypoint entry, using Google maps. Main Features: - Select mission commands from drop-down menus. - Download mission log files and analyze them. - Configure APM settings for your airframe. - Interface with a PC flight simulator to create a full hardware-in-the-loop UAV simulator. - See the output from APM's serial terminal.
- Publisher: Michael Oborne
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2017

IKEA Home Planner
Become your own interior designer with the help of the IKEA Planner Tools. Drag and drop your choice of furniture into the room and fit them to the exact measurements of your home. Rearrange and try different styles until you’re satisfied with the result. View it in 3-D and print with all the measurements, just like an architect.
- Publisher: Inter IKEA Systems
- Home page: www.ikea.com
- Last updated: February 11th, 2009

ALNO AG Kitchen Planner
Kitchen Planner is an individual 3D planning aid that allows you to plan your dream kitchen in 3D and move around the virtual room. The program allows you to customize the room dimensions (width, depth, and height), select floor or wall colors and place windows and doors wherever you want. Also, it includes a big collection of items to place in your kitchen.
- Publisher: ALNO AG
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Planner is a software product that attempts to bridge the gap between planning with simple spreadsheets (no help whatsoever) and complex products such as Microsoft(r) Project. It does so by providing a simple interface to do your planning work. Features: -Easy and quick todo-list. -Tasklists for both planned & (yet) unplanned tasks, as well as agreements made with 3rd parties.
- Publisher: Dolphinity BV
- Last updated: September 10th, 2008

Garden Planner
Garden Planner is a garden and landscaping design tool. It lets you create plans and arrange plants, trees, buildings, and objects on them. Garden Planner includes a library of over 1200 plant and object symbols, all of which can be customized. Easy-to-use drawing tools let you draw out paving, decking, paths, walls, fences, pools, ponds, etc.
- Publisher: Artifact Interactive
- Home page: www.smallblueprinter.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Color Planner
Color Planner allows you to plan the colors for your new home. Color Planner 4 - Stand-alone is for designers, home-users, point-of-sales and other users who need to use Color Planner 4 with-out internet connection. This version includes "image masking tools.
- Publisher: Upload Image Processing Ltd
- Last updated: April 13th, 2012

roomeon 3D-Planner
The program lets you design 3D models of rooms easily. You can drag and drop items from the list of furniture and decorative items. You can add artificial and natural lighting to see how your room looks. It would be a great tool for architects and interior designers.
- Publisher: roomeon GmbH
- Home page: www.roomeon.com
- Last updated: September 15th, 2014

Planner 5D
Planner 5D is a utility that comes in handy to both professional and amateur interior designers who wish to easily create house plans from their PCs. This application comes as an alternative to using expensive CAD programs that feature overwhelming interfaces with multitudes of functions.
- Publisher: Planner 5D Team
- Home page: planner5d.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Desktop Calendar and Planner Software
It's a personal organizer that allows you to organize your appointments and have them in one place. The program not only includes a calendar, but it also allows you to surf the web and check your emails directly from its interface. The calendar can be customized with your own photos for each month or you can use the ones included with the program, which are beautiful landscapes.
- Publisher: Eshasoft
- Home page: www.eshasoft.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

Pigeon Planner
Pigeon Planner is free and open-source racing pigeon software. The goal is to be a simple, yet powerful pigeon organizer. Enter your pigeons with all of their details in the user friendly interface and let the program calculate the pedigree and relatives.
- Publisher: Pigeon Planner.
- Home page: pigeonplanner.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 16th, 2017