Applause meter for meeting in Title/Summary

Applause Meter
Applause Meter software can measure the relative volume of the applause and can operate full screen or windowed, ideal for projection. The software has fully customisable graphics with background image (.jpg or .bmp only), choice of monitor to start up on, optional rolling average over a preset time and it's in English and six other languages.
- Publisher: Darkwood Designs
- Last updated: August 19th, 2010

Meeting Meter
With the Meeting Meter™ you can develop an agenda and calculate the true cost of meetings while they take place. The Meeting Meter™ is a simple tool for creating more effective meetings. Raise awareness of just how expensive meetings can be.Group meetings often drag on because the participants forget that group time is more expensive than individual time.
- Publisher: Professor J.P. Murmann
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2010

PatternMaster Applause for Women x5
PatternMaster Applause for Women drafts women's historic garments including main garments, under garments, outer garments, and accessories from ancient times through the 19th century. There are no upper size limits in Applause for Women. All patterns are drafted to YOUR measurements, fit, and design preferences.
- Publisher: Wild Ginger Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 21st, 2014
Applause meter for meeting in Description

Seed Solutions S Meter Lite
S Meters are often used as a basis for signal comparison. Perhaps the comparison is between multiple stations or antennas. In order to make this comparison easier, it would be desirable to be able to save recent S Meter readings so that we could refer to them and see the difference.
- Publisher: Seed Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 10th, 2009

Microsoft Office Live Meeting Add-in Pack
With the Microsoft® Office Live Meeting Add-In for PowerPoint, you can create Live Meeting presentations directly in the Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation graphics program. With the Microsoft® Office Live Meeting Add-In for PowerPoint, you can create Live Meeting presentations directly in the Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation graphics program.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Sametime Client
Instant meetings--Users can instantly create a meeting by inviting others to a two-way chat in Sametime Connect. This is done by clicking 'Meetings' at the top of the chat window and dragging names of people on your contact list into the white text field.
- Publisher: Lotus
- Last updated: July 28th, 2008

Eaton Meter Configuration Software
Eaton Meter Configuration Software it's used for IQ 100 Power Xpert Meter 2000. The IQ 100 (IQ 130/140/150) is a multifunction power meter designed to be used in electrical substations, panel boards and as a power meter for OEM equipment. The unit provides multifunction measurement of most electrical parameters.
- Publisher: Eaton® Corporation 2011
- Last updated: January 21st, 2013

Spectrum Analyzer pro Lab
As its name implies, it is a spectrum analyzer. Features: Basic Module - Wave recording for the line in and the mic input - Mp3 player to analyze Mp3 files (Mp2, atx) - Two Peak Level Labels that give you control of the highest amplitude - Peak hold option - Generator leveling calibrated to 1/100 of a dB. - Mp3/Wave Tools etc.
- Publisher: PAS-Products
- Last updated: May 29th, 2011
Additional Applause meter for meeting selection

Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007
Office Live Meeting is a video, audio and chat conference service provide through a website, a software or plugin for Microsoft Office installed on the user PC and accessed through internet. As expected, service is adquired through licensing Microsoft software and web servers or included on Office Communication Server
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 6th, 2017

DU Meter
DU Meter is a network utility that monitors your bandwidth usage from/to Internet as well as from/to your local network. The program offers you a visual indicator that allows you to know the incoming and outgoing network traffic rates in real time, plus a list of the programs that are receiving or sending information currently. Besides, you count on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly reports.
- Publisher: Hagel Technologies Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 29th, 2024

Cisco WebEx Meeting Center for Internet Explorer
With this program you can set up a meeting in your WebEx account or through your Microsoft Outlook calendar. Also you can share your computer's entire desktop, or anything on it and easily switch between files. You may launch a meeting from Microsoft Office applications or IM clients.
- Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: December 14th, 2012

Net Meter
Net Meter is a program that monitors the network traffic on your computer. It supports multiple network connections at once and provides reports about your network traffic. The main window displays a small graphic of your download and upload speed. Before you start using the program, you should select the connections that you want to monitor.
- Publisher: Hoo Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 11th, 2008

ShaPlus Bandwidth Meter
ShaPlus Bandwidth Meter is a simple to use bandwidth monitoring software to track Internet bandwidth usage. It remains in tray and displays the bandwidth usage in current session, day and month. This will be helpful for those with limited bandwidth broadband/adsl connection.
- Publisher: ShaPlus Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2016

Bandwidth Meter Pro
Bandwidth Meter Pro provides users with detailed information regarding a lot of network parameters. It is a well-designed application that, in spite of the absence of an actual user-interface, will help network administrators to keep track of the bandwidth usage. Bandwidth Meter Pro supports monitoring all the popular network connections (wireless, LAN, ISDN, VPN, and many more.)
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 14th, 2008

Meeting Center
Genesys Meeting Center is your perfect everyday business conferencing tool. This user-friendly online meeting service easily integrates with your standard business tools and gives you the easiest and fastest meeting access available in the market. Just click to start or join a meeting online for up to 125 participants.
- Publisher: InterCall
- Last updated: August 31st, 2016

PC Meter Connect
PC Meter Connect (PCMC) is a desktop application that enables a Pitney Bowes Data Center connection through the internet capability of your PC. The latest version of PC Meter Connect must be installed on your computer before you update the mailing system firmware or postage rates.
- Publisher: Pitney Bowes Inc.
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Fuze Meeting
Fuze Meeting is an easy to use program that consolidates real-time audio, video and web conferencing. The program is optimized for both internal and external communication. You can connect from your desktop, laptop, mobile device or any room and enjoy high quality HD video and audio meetings.
- Publisher: Fuze Box, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 12th, 2022

Internode Monthly Usage Meter
The Internode Monthly Usage Meter is a free program designed to monitor download usage for anyone on an Internode broadband plan. The 'Daily Averages' box can help you plan and adjust your downloading habits to suit your chosen plan. The usage information is updated automatically every hour with data retrieved directly from Internode's webserver.
- Publisher: Angus Johnson
- Last updated: December 9th, 2014