Applian flv toolbar in Title/Summary

Applian FLV Player
Applian FLV Player 2.0.24 is a free .FLV (Flash Video) Player. The .FLV is a common video format across the Internet, used in sites like YouTube and thousands more. But they can´t be viewed in most players like Windows Media Player. That´s why this program is useful.
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 18th, 2020

Applian Media Toolbar
With Applian Media Toolbar you receive the freshest news deliverd directly to your browser. Also this great toolbar brings you various search engines that can help you to find thousand of applications for your browser. You can check in all your favourite places and listen to the build-in radio station in the same time.
- Publisher: Applian Media
- Last updated: November 13th, 2012

Applian Director
Applian Director is a free utility that will let you open and update all the Applian programs installed in your system. It comes bundled with the Replay Capture Suite, a set of programs to manage audio and video content that also includes Replay Media Capture, Replay Video Capture, Replay Music, Replay Telecorder, Replay Converter, Replay AV, Replay Media Splitter, and Video Padlock.
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: January 17th, 2014
Applian flv toolbar in Description

EZ FLV to Audio Converter
EZ FLV to Audio Converter is a software tool whose main aim is to extract audio streams from Flash Video (.FLV) files and save them in some of the most popular audio formats, such as MP3, WMA, WAV, and Ogg. However, the program is, in fact, a complete video conversion tool that permits you both to transform video files from one format to another and extract their audio streams.
- Publisher: convert-flv-file
- Last updated: January 11th, 2011

At-Large Recorder
At-Large Recorder from Applian technologies is powerful software for recording videos directly from Sling Media SlingBox device on any Windows loaded PC. It functions just like VCR ands comes with an easy to use interface. The recording is optimized to give you maximum performance in quality of video. The recording can de done anytime or you can schedule the recordings according to you needs.
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MP3 Magic
The Applian mp3 magic is a very easy to use program that helps the end users to split the mp3, chop it into pieces, or even join mp3 files in a short time very easily. There are various mp3 files from which users like to eliminate the ads, noise, dead air or other unwanted filler. The mp3 magic is basically for this purpose. It is used to remove such unwanted contents from the files.
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Movie EditorWhiz is an excellent video files editor. The program was developed to work with WMV, WMA, MPEG, FLV video files formats using AsfBin, MpgTx and FLV tools. Movie Editor Whiz allows you to select, copy, paste different episodes during the Play mode. To do it you should select a video file and load it into Movie Editor Whiz first.
- Publisher: AppZilla Software, Inc.
- Last updated: June 12th, 2008

FLV Plucker Web Toolbar
FLV Plucker Web Toolbar is a new and useful toolbar for your browser. Get the freshest content delivered directly to your browser, no matter where you are on the Web.Check out all of the favorite places on the Web.Receive the most important news and announcements instantly. Search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines.Add your favorite apps to your browser with Conduit Engine.
- Publisher: FLV Plucker Web
- Last updated: November 21st, 2010
Additional Applian flv toolbar selection

Babylon Toolbar
Babylon Toolbar 2.0.0105 is an application to translate words from a language to another. When you install Babylon 7, the Babylon Toolbar appears on your IE7 screen. You can type a foreign word in the given space, and then press over the "Search and Translate" button. The program will then show you a screen divided in two panels.
- Publisher: Babylon Ltd.
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Crawler Toolbar
Crawler Toolbar is a handy browser tool which gives you direct access to dozens of useful websites, whether you intend to play a game, listen to your favorite song or look for what's new on the Internet. The toolbar does display one noticeable restriction, though, namely the fact that it is only compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- Publisher: Crawler, com.
- Last updated: July 11th, 2012

AOL Toolbar
With this toolbar users can easily gain access to their favorite websites from their browser just with one click. It also includes a search field (enhanced by Google), so users can easily search the web right from the AOL toolbar without having to open another window. There's also an AOL and AIM email preview that allows users to quickly check their Inbox and send messages to their contacts.
- Publisher: AOL Inc.
- Last updated: May 18th, 2015

ICQ Toolbar
Save your time and efforts! ICQ Toolbar offers you the best of the web in one click: Quick search box, email notifications, map search, top rated videos and many more features that will make your search experience easier.Features:- Quick web search - People Search - Map Search
- Publisher: ICQ
- Last updated: September 1st, 2011

FLV Media Player
FLV Media Player is an extremely simple and easy-to-use Flash and MPEG-4 video player that provides a very high-quality viewing experience. Its support for High Definition videos allows you to enjoy clear and sharp images even when in full-screen mode. You can load any number of FLV, F4V, MOV, or MP4 video files, and FLV Media Player will play them back sequentially for you.
- Publisher: FLVMPlayer
- Last updated: October 10th, 2020

Moyea FLV Player
At first sight, Moyea FLV Player seems to be just another player for Flash videos. But after testing it for ten minutes, I came to the conclusion that it is actually a well-built application. It includes all the tools that are specific to a video player. In addition to this, it offers a highly-customizable user-interface.
- Publisher: Moyea Software Co., LTD.
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2011

SWF & FLV Player
Eltima's SWF & FLV Player 3.0 another way to show that Eltima cares about the development community and end users to have more technical know how of a SWF or FLV files. With freedom to play either local files or a web browser links Eltima's SWF & FLV Player 3.0 makes it easier for users to get technical details.
- Publisher: Eltima Software
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Foxit Toolbar
Foxit Toolbar is a handy add-on for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox that allows you to improve your Internet search experience with several tools and gadgets. In the tab Foxit messages you will find the latest information about Foxit announcements and upgrades. It includes its own search box powered by that enables you to surf the net easier and faster.
- Publisher: Foxit Software Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2011
- Publisher: Speedbit Ltd.
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009

Sopcast Toolbar
Sopcast Toolbar is a great search engine that allows you to watch live channels. Also, with this toolbar you can watch videos on You Tube, Spike, Meta Cafe, Yahoo TV and more. You can choose to play games, such as: Chess, Insectia, Building Blocks, etc.
- Publisher: SopCast
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022