Application lock application in Title/Summary

imlSoft Application Lock
imlSoft Application Lock can lock any executable programs on your local computer,anyone can not run the locked programs without a password. So,if you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this uility.
- Publisher: imlSoft International LLC.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Application Verifier
The Application Verifier tool assesses the stability of an application and detects common programming mistakes. The tool can detect and pinpoint memory leaks, handle leaks, and leaks in graphics device interface (GDI) objects. In addition, you can also use this tool to detect several forms of heap corruption.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Tawaf Offline Application
Offline Application is an Application to create groups and save mutamers instead of entering them Online. It gives you more flexibility and quick entry and reviewing. It's very useful especially when Internet connection is not always available or in case of multiple entry users.
- Publisher: TAWAF
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2012
Application lock application in Description

Timed Shutdown
Timed Shutdown is a simple and useful application designed to automatically turn off your computer at a set time. Timed Shutdown also allows you to schedule tasks like restart, standby, hibernate, logoff, and lock at the time and date that you specify.
- Publisher: Tinnes Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Paymastr is a payroll and accounting application. This free tool allows you to keep a record of current and past employees and the hours they have worked for you. You can add records about your employees to the application's database in a quite straightforward manner.
- Publisher: Deltanet2
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Klemid's Log4VB
Tracing is one of the most important trouble-shooting techniques during development as well as after delivery. With Log4VB your apps can create structured trace output, which can be displayed and analyzed while your app is still running. Main features: -Create meaningful, well structured trace output including denoting the name of the application.
- Publisher: Klemens Schmid
- Last updated: September 13th, 2011

NTFS Formatted Drive Recovery
NTFS Formatted Drive Recovery is a very useful application that allows you to recover lost data on drives with NTFS file system. It can really help in such unpleasant cases when you formatted any of your drives and forgot to back up important data. Also the program may be of help when NTFS or root directory gets corrupted (as a result of a virus attack, for example).
- Publisher: Geeksnerds Limited
- Last updated: November 19th, 2008

XUS PC Lock Ultimate Edition
XUS PC Lock offers a new and fun way for you to lock your computer. Before using XUS PC Lock, you have to define your lock pattern. The next time you will see the lock screen, You trace your mouse in the pattern you drew before and your computer will unlock.
- Publisher: EDesksoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Application lock application selection

SoC Embedded Design Suite
With Altera's Soc Embedded Design Suite (SoC EDS), you get all the tools you need to work more productively, improve software quality, and ultimately get to market faster. Main features: - Expedite SoC embedded systems development with utility programs and run-time software. - Jump start development with bare-metal and Linux application examples.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015

Quickfind is a software designed for fastest file and application access. You just type a word or phrase related to the file name or application name and Quickfind shows all the related files to that name or word. Just double click the desired file and Quickfind will launch it immediately. Quickfind also enables the user to open web addresses added to the favorites .
- Publisher: Darius Baczynski
- Last updated: October 19th, 2011

ParetoLogic FileCure
It’s very likely you've faced the problem of trying to open a file and find that this is not possible because your system doesn't know what program to use to open it. This can happen either because the right program isn't installed on your PC or due to a wrong file type (extension) association. Whichever the case may be, ParetoLogic FileCure offers you a good solution for solving those problems.
- Publisher: ParetoLogic, Inc.
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Absolute Uninstaller
Absolute Uninstaller is a program that allows you to uninstall multiple programs at once, search for apps, remove entries or restore them, change program properties, check program support information, view command line, fix invalid entries automatically, backup and restore uninstall info and export the program list.
- Publisher: Glarysoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Application Mover
Application Mover is a tool that relocates installed programs from one path to another on your hard disk. Application Mover also scans all windows shortcuts in the Start Menu and adjusts path references to the new program location. Finally, *.ini and Install.log files present in the original program path are checked for strings matching the old path location.
- Publisher: Funduc Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 6th, 2016

Dolby Axon
Dolby Axon is a chat program with some interesting features like visual chat rooms, surround sound , etc. It is designed specifically for games and gamers. With Dolby Axon you can meet, plan and execute a raid and celebrate a victory. Dolby Axon can be used with any game.
- Publisher: Dolby Laboratories
- Last updated: August 8th, 2013

Final Uninstaller
This program lets you fully uninstall any of the programs you have installed on your system. It has a simple interface that anybody can use. The program also lets search and delete all the remnants of previously uninstalled programs as well as to clean up junk files.
- Publisher: finaluninstaller
- Last updated: March 7th, 2012

GiliSoft Exe Lock
Gilisoft EXE Lock is a program that allows you to password protect any application and EXE file. You can lock content with secure cryptographic algorithms so that Trojans, viruses, spyware, and other malware can't damage or destroy your computer data.
- Publisher: GiliSoft International LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SysMetrix is a desktop clock and system monitoring application. It looks nice, can be fully customized and has great value for users that need to constantly monitor how the resources on their computers are being used. The great thing about it is that you can create your own design and view all the statistics you need, all in one place, clearly organized.
- Publisher: Xymantix
- Last updated: April 14th, 2011

GeneMarker application is a unique genotype analysis app which integrates new technologies enhancing the speed, accuracy and ease of analysis. Biologist-friendly, this tool is an excellent alternative to Applied BioSystems Genotyper and GeneScan or GeneMapper tool; LiCor's SAGA, MegaBACE Genetic Profiler and Fragment Profiler, SeqencePilot, or MRC Holland's Coffalyser.Net software.
- Publisher: Soft Genetics LLC.
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015