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Aquarium poster for neon tetra in Title/Summary

Neon Tetra Aquarium Screensaver

Neon Tetra Aquarium Screensaver

This screensaver shows an underwater scene featuring an underwater scene showing a school of fish swimming around an obelisk.. The graphics of the program are very realistic, and they are accompanied by a good set of sound effects. You can adjust some of the program's settings, such as the animation speed and the brightness of light spots.

  • Publisher: FancyBytes Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2009
Tetra Blocks

Tetra Blocks

Tetra Blocks is a simple but enjoyable Tetris game. In case you don't know the game, in Tetris you need to place the falling blocks in the playing field in a way to form lines and make the blocks disappear from the screen. If the blocks reach the top, the game is over. For every line you create, you will be given points.

  • Publisher: Herman Martinsson
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008
Tetra Pro Sound Editor

Tetra Pro Sound Editor

The Tetra Pro Sound Editor is a sound development tool for the Dave Smith Instruments Tetra synthesizer. SoundEditor provides editing and sound development by displaying all Tetra Program parameters in a single, intuitive graphical interface. The interface allows you to view the complete details of any Program at a glance and edit any parameter using the mouse or computer keyboard.

  • Publisher: SOUNDTOWER INC.
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2012

Aquarium poster for neon tetra in Description



AquaLot is the latest generation of aquarium software. Whether you have a small hobby tank or several professional breeding tanks - AquaLot provides the complete package for all your needs. Main features: - New: recurring tasks (expl. every two days, each week on Monday etc.) - New: custom events. In addition, you can complement each event with photos and detailed comments.

  • Publisher: AquaLot Project
  • Home page: www.aqualot.de
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2010


You can experiment any image by adding emboss, mosaic, using poster colors, adding neon effect, sparkle effect and lens flare and many more effects. In fact while using artistic brushes you can completely manage the force of the brushes via its pressure sensitive tablets.

Tetra GDM

Tetra GDM

Tetra is the only software for evaluation, measurement and decision making that is based on sound mathematical foundations. There are logical and mathematical errors at the foundations of decision theory, game theory, economic theory, psychology, and other social science disciplines. These errors can be avoided by using Tetra.

Poster Buddy

Poster Buddy

Creating posters from any digital image with Poster Buddy software. The first thing to do is to select the digital image that you want to make your poster from.Next, you tell Poster Buddy about the paper that you are printing your poster onto. Don't confuse this with the poster size.



Poster and Banner maker software, Click2Poster, turns anything you print into an enlarged sign of any size. Choose the size of the poster or banner and Click2Poster will figure out how many pieces of paper you need and print your sign. Free to Try.

  • Publisher: Blue Squirrel
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Aquarium poster for neon tetra selection

Marine Aquarium

Marine Aquarium

Marine Aquarium displays an aquarium simulation as your screensaver. You can choose from 27 different exotic fish species, from the Addis Butterflyfish to the Yellow Tang. This screensaver can display up to 30 fish at a time; you also get an easy interface for creating and customizing your own sets of fish (including an option for random species).

  • Publisher: Prolific Publishing, Inc.
  • Home page: www.serenescreen.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2023
Dream Aquarium

Dream Aquarium

Dream Aquarium is the most realistic aquarium screensaver for Windows. In my years, I have always loved to have a screensaver that resembles an aquarium with fish swimming and playing around. Having such a saver is so relaxing. When I stumbled upon Dream Aquarium I was perplexed, but in a good way.

Sim Aquarium

Sim Aquarium

Sim Aquariun is a program that brings the most realistic coral reef aquarium to your computer screen. The program has stunning, photo realistic graphics, it recreates a 3D fish swimming environment, with live clams, swaying sea life and reefs. It also contains 30 species of fish and two seastar species.

  • Publisher: Ladislav Vojnic
  • Home page: simaquarium.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016
Goldfish Aquarium

Goldfish Aquarium

Goldfish Aquarium v.2 .0 is a wonderful screensaver that features visually stunning graphics, great sound effects and realistic animations of colored fishes in their tanks. It includes about fifteen different colored fishes, superbly illustrated, and with amazingly realistic animations.

  • Publisher: Prolific Publishing, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Opera Neon

Opera Neon

Opera Neon is an innovative alternative to Opera browser. This concept browser, as was called by Opera Software AS, allows users to surf the web using a software solution that may constitute the next potential step for web browsers. It's not perfect and doesn't have killer features, but it's definitely an enjoyable experience.

  • Publisher: Opera Software AS
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2017
Easy Poster Printer

Easy Poster Printer

Easy Poster Printer allows you to print large posters even if you do not have one of those very expensive poster printers. The application is quite easy to use. All you need to do is load the image you want to print and the program will divide it into smaller chunks that fit the selected paper size. To make it even easier for you, drag-and-drop operations are also supported.

RonyaSoft Poster Designer

RonyaSoft Poster Designer

RonyaSoft Poster Designer is an application specially intended to create posters and banners. The tool has a nice interface coming with various themes to choose from. The program is appropriate for both professional and amateur users. So, if your graphic design skills are scarce, you don´t need to worry, because you can start by personalizing one of the multiple templates available.

  • Publisher: RonyaSoft
  • Home page: www.ronyasoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Poster Forge

Poster Forge

RonyaSoft Poster Designer is a software program for quick and easy design and printing of attractive custom posters, banners and signs. The software is shipped with a collection of ready-to-use poster templates. Alternatively, you can create posters from scratch or design your own poster templates for further use.

Neon Wars

Neon Wars

Neon Wars is a shining arcade-style game for Windows and Mac. The aim of this game is to collect as many stars as possible, getting power-ups to increase the rate/damage power of laser fire and changing the currently wielded weapon for more sophisticated ones. There are 10 weapons available in total.

  • Publisher: BlitWise Productions
  • Home page: www.blitwise.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Rybka Aquarium

Rybka Aquarium

Rybka 4 Aquarium is a revolutionary analysis and database tool, combined with the world’s strongest chess playing engine, Rybka 4. Rybka 4 Aquarium offers advanced analysis functions, game commenting, searching, powerful chess trees, playing, databases and much more.

  • Publisher: ChessOK.com
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2011