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Arcgis electric drum set in Title/Summary

ArcGIS for Desktop Set Shapefile Default Code Page Patch

ArcGIS for Desktop Set Shapefile Default Code Page Patch

ArcGIS for Desktop Set Shapefile Default Code Page Patch is an update that allows user sites to modify the default code page used in shapefiles to meet specific needs. At 10.2.1 the default code page was set to UTF-8 to be consistent with industry standards.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: support.esri.com
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2014
ArcGIS SP1 for Desktop Set Bing Key Patch

ArcGIS SP1 for Desktop Set Bing Key Patch

ArcGIS SP1 for Desktop Set Bing Key Patch is a program that addresses changes to Bing licensing by allowing you to set your own Bing key, which enables you to continue to use Bing map services. The patch deals various issues, providing a way for users to enter their own Bing key for Bing layer usage.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: support.esri.com
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2014
TL Drum Rehab

TL Drum Rehab

TL Drum Rehab offers a comprehensive set of tools to enhance or replace original drum recordings precisely, automatically, and in real time.Features: - Automatic, sample-accurate, and real-time replacement of drum sounds - Editable sample-accurate trigger locations - Dynamic multi-sample support for up to 16 levels - Extensive drum sample library included - Access to exclusive samples online

  • Publisher: Digidesign, A Division of Avid Technology, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2010

Arcgis electric drum set in Description

Studio Instruments

Studio Instruments

Studio Instruments 1.0 is a virtual instrument and recording studio program that can stand alone or inside users’ recording software and will provide them with high quality virtual string instruments, a drum set, bass guitar, and electric piano. With this software installed, users can build sections for their songs, practice, or jam.

  • Publisher: Cakewalk Music Software
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
LoopWorx Rock

LoopWorx Rock

LoopWorx Rock edition is a tool which acts as a recording studio to make music from rock genre. The software allows multiple tracks editing and remixing. The loop browser has a wide selection of effects like electric, drum, guitar, keyboard, bass, brass, beats and vocal etc. The master selection helps in the selection of tempo and snap.

  • Publisher: Acon Digital Media
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008


Drums are an essential part of any kind of music. This program lets you create drum rhythm and solo parts for your musical arrangements. It has many preset drum arrangements that you can edit according to your needs. It has an interface in the form of a drum set so you can "feel" as if you were playing the actual instrument. A good program for musicians,composers and arrangers.

  • Publisher: Toontrack
  • Home page: www.toontrack.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Edrum Monitor

Edrum Monitor

Edrum Monitor was created to add more options to electronic drum modules and is compatible with any drum module with MIDI output ability. The purpose of this program is to aid in making your electronic drums sound more realistic to the nature of an acoustic drum set, along with almost unlimited routing capabilities.

  • Publisher: Aquawicket
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2011
Drums Simulator

Drums Simulator

Have you dreamed of being a drummer, but never got around to learning how? You have little time to spare, and drum kits aren't exactly cheap? Our simulator is made just for you! Play the drums, feel the taste of music, become a pro with our world-cla

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Home page: www.FalcoWare.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2023

Additional Arcgis electric drum set selection

Dany's Virtual Drum

Dany's Virtual Drum

With Danys Virtual Drum is an easy way to practice drumming without driving your neighbors crazy. Rather than use sticks, foot pedals, etc. All you have to do is just tap the keys and, while it may take some time to learn which keys do what, the results are excellent.

  • Publisher: DarkTiger
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2012
HS Virtual Piano

HS Virtual Piano

HS Virtual Piano is a MIDI piano which is very different from other similar softwares. You can play this piano using your keyboard. It has 36 keys, 12 drum set sound effects, 3 built-in intro musics with 128 different channel sounds. Easy to use, has lots of keyboard shortcuts to access almost every option.

M-Audio M-Track Eight

M-Audio M-Track Eight

M-Audio M-Track Eight is a free program that enables you to configure and control the M-Track Eight device. It allows you to track large music ensembles, record the band, or mic an entire drum set with pro-grade audio components and a myriad of connections.

  • Publisher: M-Audio
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2015


DrumsAnywhere can turn any ordinary object or surface (e.g. your table) into a drum set using only your microphone. Simply attach a single microphone into your surface and indicate each position of your drum pads by tapping a few times on your surface; this program will do the rest.

  • Publisher: DrumsAnywhere.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2015


ArcGIS offers a unique set of capabilities for applying location-based analysis to your business practices. Gain greater insights using contextual tools to analyze and visualize your data. Then share these insights and collaborate with others via apps, maps, and reports

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: www.esri.com
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2022


BandzPro consists of a well-designed set of virtual music instruments including Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Full Drum Kit, Grand Piano and an Electronic Keyboard. Choose your instrument and play!Main features:- Wide variety of sounds - Enjoy the classic piano - Simple and easy music making - Exhilarating drums

  • Publisher: bandzpro
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2011
Electric Power SpecSizer

Electric Power SpecSizer

Electric Power SpecSizer software from Cat Electric Power provides accurate and timely technical data, robust load models, and optimized algorithms to assist in specifying a properly sized generator set to best meet your power needs. It features an optimized 20-Step Wizard that automatically calculates the least number of steps for building a load scenario.

  • Publisher: Caterpillar
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2022
Drum Beats

Drum Beats

In this game you will first need to hear a set of drum beats played by the computer, after that you should play the exact same beats alongside the computer, the more accurate your play is, the higher the score you gain. As the game progresses, there will be more and more drum beats and the game will be harder and harder.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
ET Surface for ArcGIS

ET Surface for ArcGIS

ET Surface is a set of tools for ArcGIS that enable the users to create surfaces and perform surface analysis without the need of 3D or Spatial Analyst extensions. The functionality of ET Surface is available in three different ways: - Via the user friendly wizard type interface. - Via a set of tools for Arc Toolbox. - In .NET customizations.

  • Publisher: ET SpatialTechniques
  • Home page: www.ian-ko.com
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2014
ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS for Desktop allows you to analyze your data and author geographic knowledge to examine relationships, test predictions, and ultimately make better decisions. Simplify data design, input, and cleanup with advanced editing capabilities. Automate many aspects of cartography, making intelligent map production a less time-consuming task.

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Home page: www.esri.com
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2020