Arcgis viewer for flex license in Title/Summary

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
ArcGIS Viewer for Flex provides a smart, intuitive framework for looking at and interacting with maps. It is a configurable web application that allows you to easily build your own custom mapping application in just a few minutes, with no programming required.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

ArcGIS Extensibility SDK for Silverlight
ArcGIS Extensibility SDK for Silverlight is a free program that provides the components needed to create add-ins that extend the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight with custom functionality. It contains methods for interacting with application components and properties, including the map, pop-ups and application settings.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014

ArcGIS Explorer
Easy and intuitive to use—it's easy for anyone to begin working with ArcGIS Explorer, with its intuitive and easy to use ribbon user interface that presents tools in the context of how you use them. Tools including integrated tool tips and Help.- Choose your Basemap The Basemap Gallery allows you to choose from a variety of ready-to-use basemaps so you can get started quickly.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2011
Arcgis viewer for flex license in Description

ArcGIS Image Server AutoCad Client
You can view an image service using various client applications supported by ArcGIS Image Server. Using these client applications, you can connect to the ArcGIS Image Server from your desktop to view and modify the image services. The various client applications supported by ArcGIS Image Server include: - ArcGIS Desktop 9.1 and 9.2 (ArcMap, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGlobe) - Image Server Viewer
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 14th, 2011
- Publisher: ET SpatialTechniques
- Last updated: June 24th, 2009

ET Surface
ET Surface is a set of tools for ArcGIS that enable the users to create surfaces and perform surface analysis without the need of 3D or Spatial Analyst extensions. The only requirement is an ArcGIS license (ArcView, ArcEditor or ArcInfo). ET Surface 2.0 introduces ET TerrainViewer which allows 3D visualization of surfaces (PolygonZ TINs and Rasters) as well as features stored in shapefiles.
- Publisher: ET Spatial Techniques
- Last updated: May 12th, 2009

ETS Viewer is a Java application and it requires JDK (or JRE) 1.6 or higher installed on your computer. The software includes several community Features: it allows you to chat with other people who are using the same tool. You can also find Enthuware Support personnel on chat.
- Publisher: Enthuware Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Tour de Flex is a desktop application for exploring Flex capabilities and resources, including the core Flex components, Adobe AIR, data integration, and a variety of third-party components, effects, skins, and more. Tour de Flex has three primary goals: - Provide non-Flex developers with an overview of what is possible in Flex in a "look and see" environment
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2010
Additional Arcgis viewer for flex license selection

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer
If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: April 9th, 2013

MOOS Project Viewer
MOOS Project Viewer is a cost-effective, alternate viewer that may be used to open and view any Microsoft Project file. It is a viewer only. However, it has the great advantage of not needing MS Project to be installed (in full or a component) to work correctly. It runs on all Windows versions, 32/64 bit apart from Mac OS X & Linux. License is per user and not per computer.
- Publisher: Stand By Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2012

Notebook Interactive Viewer
The viewer allows you to exchange Notebook files with any of your colleagues, even if they don't have access to the full version of Notebook software. You can also view your content created in Notebook software on any computer and present the material using any brand of interactive whiteboard.
- Publisher: SMART Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

As a practical amateur, your photo collection keeps expanding and you need to keep your workflow flowing.
- Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 15th, 2022

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 is a PowerPoint presentations viewer. PowerPoint Viewer 2007 lets you view presentations created in PowerPoint 97 and later versions. It supports opening password-protected presentations. You can view and print presentations, but you cannot edit them in the PowerPoint Viewer 2007.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

InstaRad Viewer
InstaRad is a customizable and scalable radiology imaging solution designed for single hospitals and diagnostic centers. Within seconds, radiologists and referring physicians access high quality, diagnostically useful, compressed and decompressed radiographic images such as X-rays, ultrasounds and other modalities from any place, at any time, and over internet connections of any bandwidth.
- Publisher: StreamRad Ltd.
- Last updated: August 25th, 2014

StarBoard Viewer
StarBoard viewer is an open license application, which can be installed on any computer. It offers the essential interactive whiteboard tools such as virtual whiteboard pages, digital inks, docked or floating toolbar, and others. What's unique about the StarBoard viewer compared to other viewers is its ability to save changes to the file, so it can be used for building and delivering lessons.
- Publisher: Hitachi Software Engineering (UK) Ltd
- Last updated: September 19th, 2008

Apache Logs Viewer
Apache Logs Viewer is a program that lets you represent in a graphical manner all the information present in log files from Apache and IIS web servers. It processes access and error log files and extracts information so you can create reports from fields such as IP, referrer, status or error codes, keywords, country, etc.
- Publisher: iannet
- Last updated: October 4th, 2012

Adobe SVG Viewer
Adobe SVG Viewer is plug-in for browsers which will let you view SVG Graphics. According to Adobe, The Adobe SVG viewer supports most SVG elements, as well as CSS properties and DOM elements. Additionally, the ActiveX control has been signed so you don't have problems with the ActiveX security warning introduced with Windows XP Security Pack 2.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: May 24th, 2013

PDF-XChange PDF Viewer
Though it’s a free PDF viewer, it comes with a lot of additional options and features that it will surely please a lot of users. Furthermore, it doesn’t only offer view-related options and functions, like zooming and rotating the pages, adding bookmarks, choosing different view modes, using handy navigation tools, and so on, but it also offers powerful editing and management features.
- Publisher: Tracker Software Products Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020