Archive tool in Title/Summary

Advanced Archive Password Recovery
Using Advanced Archive Password Recovery has a lot of advantages. It allows you to use five types of attack and you can utilize a wide array of filters and decryption customizations. Furthermore, it supports a huge amount of archive types, so you will be able to use it for most of your files.
- Publisher: ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2023

Family Archive Viewer
Genealogy Report (Register report only) inserts two additional blank lines in the list of children who have no children of their own. You can use the other descendant-ordered Genealogy report, the NGS Quarterly, which does not exhibit this behavior. You can also copy and paste the Register report to a word processor to remove the blank lines and print the Genealogy report.
- Publisher: Ancestry
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

Fine Cooking Archive
The Fine Cooking Archive is a tool no cook should be without. In one amazingly easy-to-install and simple-to-search disc, you'll enjoy 17 years of content from our award-winning magazine. You'll get the classic articles, a wealth of information on the hottest topics, plus insight from our most popular contributors – it's all the expert advice you need to become an even better cook.
- Publisher: The Taunton Press
- Last updated: September 13th, 2011
Archive tool in Description

PowerArchiver 2000
The most powerful and totally free Archive Utility... List of some features: full built-in support for ZIP, CAB, LHA(LZH), TAR (+TAR.GZ, +TAR.BZ2) and BH (BlakHole) archives; built-in support for reading and extracting: RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZIP ...
- Publisher: eFront Media, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009

AutoZIP II is a free versatile archive tool with support for most archive file formats. It creates ZIP, ISO, 7Zip, and TAR archives (among others) and can read and extract an even wider range of well-known archive files, such as CAB, RAR, ACE, ARJ, CHM, or LZH. Its excellent compression ratio together with its extensive functionality makes this archive app stand out from many of its competitors.
- Publisher: Auto Shutdown Pro
- Last updated: March 5th, 2015

Hamster Free ZIP Archiver
If looking for a free archive tool that opens a wide variety of archive files and that is capable of creating ZIP and 7-Zip files easily, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver is a very interesting option to consider. It opens and extracts the files of a long list of image and archive file formats, including RAR, TAR, ARJ, ISO, and IMG, among many others.
- Publisher: HAMSTERSoft
- Last updated: November 6th, 2020

RAR Repair Toolbox
RAR Repair Tool is the market leader for recovering WinRAR archives no matter what version was used to generate them. You can now quickly repair files using our artificial intelligence powered, simple to use recovery tool. Download RAR Repair Tool!
- Publisher: Repair Toolbox, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2019

DMG Extractor
DMG files usually contain OS X installation packages for software tools designed for Mac, but they may also contain images, videos, or audio and text files that may also be of use on a Windows PC. DMG Extractor is a Windows tool that will allow you to open, explore, view, and extract files from DMG containers, all in a straightforward and simple way.
- Publisher: Reincubate Ltd.
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Additional Archive tool selection

ZIP Password Recovery Magic
This program is intended to recover ZIP archive passwords based on the parameters you provide. It has a simple interface, and the uncluttered graphic design makes the application look quite nice. The app supports both the brute-force method and the dictionary approach.
- Publisher: Password Recovery Magic Studio Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2011

ZIP Open File Tool
ZIP Open File Tool replaces any other file compression tool supporting WinZip files, providing an easy and user friendly interface for .zip file recovery. It can also be used to repair .zip archives. The program has the compatibility and possibility to open very large files of the .zip format.
- Publisher: Open File Tool
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Game Extractor
Game Extractor is a powerful application that allows you to open and manipulate game archives very simply. First of all, to run this program run it requires Java to be installed on your computer, but this is not a problem because you can download it from the developer's site for free.
- Publisher: WATTO Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021

DX Bulletin Reader
DX Bulletin Reader is a tool for viewing, archiving and searching the DX news bulletins. In Dx Bulletin Reader, every highlighted item has a tooltip with extra information, such as IOTA group name and prefix, country of the callsign, and latitude/longitude of the Grid Square. Also , the the Find function performs full text search in all archived bulletins.
- Publisher: Afreet Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2012

WiZ is a graphical front end for Zip and UnZip; its primary author is Mike White. WiZ currently runs only under 32-bit Windows (95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/etc.), although older releases also supported 16-bit Windows 3.x. As with all of Info-ZIP's software, WiZ is completely free and available as source code, too.
- Publisher: Info-Zip
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Advantech Multiprog Add on
Advantech MULTIPROG Add on is a required tool for Multiprog software. The addon comes bundled in the main Multiprog archive and it installs automatically. The addon has to be installed after the main program, MULTIPROG, is installed on the operating system.
- Publisher: Advantech Automation Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

The MpqViewer is a tool to view and extract files from *.mpq archive files used by Blizzard. It's written in C# so you have to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher and it utilizes the C# MpqLibrary. Functions: -extract any file from any *.mpq archive -view files directly from the archive, without the need to export
- Publisher: CurseForge
- Last updated: May 1st, 2009

File Master 09 Release
The fifa file system has a set of files with that are used to describe the structure of the archives, every time you modify an archive bh files are kept up to date. The program distinguishes between physical files and archived files and let you operate with them properly.
- Publisher: FIFA MASTER
- Last updated: July 27th, 2010

NAV Designer Tools
The application purpose is to protection of a source code objects against editing and reading,archiving and restoring objects,single and group copying objects,indication of the changed objects,automatic or manual change ID objects (subtype) in C/AL Globals and C/AL Locals on new ID
- Publisher: Art Count Software Solutions

Tiff Tool to Split & Merge
Tiff splitter merger software is Windows based desktop application, create tiff documents from JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TGA, EMF & WMF files, combine multiple images together, extract pages out from TIFF or helps in split tiff into part pages.
- Publisher: Axommsoft
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2012