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Arduino with citect scada in Title/Summary

Simulator for Arduino

Simulator for Arduino

Simulator for Arduino is the most full featured Arduino Simulator available at the present time (watch the video below). The benefits and features of an Arduino Simulator are: - The ability to teach and demonstrate the inner workings of an Arduino sketch - Test out a sketch without the hardware, or prior to purchasing hardware - Debug a sketch - Demonstrate a project to a potential customer

Visual Micro for Arduino

Visual Micro for Arduino

Visual Studio developers no longer need to use the Arduino Ide. Simple setup just requires the path to an arduino.exe. Arduino for Visual Studio is the most comprehensive and easy to use build environment for Arduino to date and is designed for users who already understand how to use the Arduino IDE.

Arduino to Visual Studio converter

Arduino to Visual Studio converter

Arduino to Visual Studio converter is a program that will make coding for Arduino easier and faster for people used to Visual Studio IDE with true autocomplete feature. It provides a tool to automatically update the Libraries Path inside the VC++ project file.

  • Publisher: Digicious
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2015

Arduino with citect scada in Description

Moxa Active OPC Server Lite

Moxa Active OPC Server Lite

Active OPC Server is a software package provided by Moxa that operates as an OPC driver for an HMI or SCADA system. It offers seamless connection from Moxa's ioLogik series products to SCADA systems, such as Wonderware, Citect, and iFix. Active OPC Server meets the latest standard of OPC DA 3.0, which allows connections to various kinds of devices and host OPC machines.

  • Publisher: Moxa
  • Home page: www.moxa.com
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2012
GLG Toolkit CE

GLG Toolkit CE

With hundreds of reputed customers all around the world, the GLG Toolkit provides the industry with a sophisticated and robust graphical framework to create visual interfaces that require displaying real-time data in a dynamic way. You can build HMI (Human-Machine Interfaces) and SCADA-based user interfaces in various platforms, including mobile and web deployments.

  • Publisher: Generic Logic, Inc.
  • Home page: www.genlogic.com
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2015
LArVa - Labview Arduino - Simple Graph Application

LArVa - Labview Arduino - Simple Graph Application

The Simple Graph application is a Labview program that uses the Labview Arduino Driver (LArVa) to gather between 1 and 6 channels from your Arduino microcontroller and display them on a graph. The program allows you to save the raw data and access the full capabilities of the LArVa driver, such as variable acquisition rates and on-board firmware averaging.

  • Publisher: Angstrom Designs
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2011
ROBOTC for Arduino

ROBOTC for Arduino

It is a robotic programming language for educational robotics and competitions. Before you begin programming your Arduino in ROBOTC, you'll need to let ROBOTC know which Arduino board you are using. ROBOTC has a number of sample programs for you to learn how to program and use your Arduino board.

  • Publisher: Robomatter Inc.
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2013


MariaMole is an open-source development environment for Arduino controllers. MariaMole makes it easier to import existing Arduino sketches, import Arduino libraries, and create new projects from examples. It comes with a default dark/low-contrast color; you can also select another theme, if you don't like it.

  • Publisher: Alex Porto
  • Home page: www.dalpix.com
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2015

Additional Arduino with citect scada selection



CitectSCADA is an industrial control system that enables you to monitor a process. The program enables you to increase the return on your assets by delivering a highly scalable, reliable control and monitoring system. Its primary function is to collect information (data) and provide an interface to control specific equipment.

CitectSCADA Service Pack A

CitectSCADA Service Pack A

CitectSCADA now provides you with an even more holistic picture of your process than before. Real-time data values and traceability are improved thanks to quality time-stamped data that uses tag extensions for all tags. Changes can now be applied during production much faster via server-side online changes which eliminate the need to restart or interrupt the system.

  • Publisher: Citect
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2009


The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. This software can be used with any Arduino board. Experience the Arduino IDE online. Whether you're at home or on the go, code, upload and access your projects anytime from your browser.

  • Publisher: Arduino
  • Home page: www.arduino.cc
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2024
Elipse SCADA

Elipse SCADA

To create supervisory and control applications on several different areas, the definite solution is the family of products Elipse SCADA (Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition System). Elipse SCADA is, at the same time, accessible, friendly, and totally flexible.

  • Publisher: Elipse Software
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2013


The arduino create agent is a single binary that reads from a configuration file. Upon launching it will sit on the tray bar and work in the background. It will listen to http and websocket connections on a range of ports from 8990 to 9000. Most of the commands can be performed with websocket instructions.

  • Publisher: Arduino LLC
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Circutor PowerStudio Scada

Circutor PowerStudio Scada

Circutor PowerStudio Scada is a program that allows you to design electrical energy efficiency equipment. The program also allows you to perform measurement controls, to smart charge electric vehicles, to set up the power factor compensation and the harmonic filtering.

  • Publisher: Circutor
  • Home page: circutor.com
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2014
OPC Scada Viewer

OPC Scada Viewer

OPC Scada Viewer allows you to easily and very visually display data received via the OPC interface. Data is displayed in real time, which allows you to use the program for permanent control and monitoring in various systems. OPC Scada Viewer offers a lot of indicators for displaying the values of OPC tags, from simple analog pointer indicators to charts and diagrams.

  • Publisher: AGG Software
  • Home page: www.aggsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Z-Scada Direct

Z-Scada Direct

Z-Scada Direct is a SCADA application for Zelio Logic with direct connection. You can connect the PC to the PLC with USB programming cable; you don't need Ethernet or Modbus modules for communication. This tool provides audible alarms, sending messages and e-mail alerts.

Arduino Boards.txt Editor

Arduino Boards.txt Editor

It is an open source program that enables you to manage your Arduino BOARDS.TXT and PROGRAMMERS.TXT files. You can copy BOARDS.TXT snippets from other people web sites and paste them via the clipboard. You can create, edit, duplicate, disable, rearrange and import boards and programmers.

  • Publisher: Heinz Kessler
  • Last updated: December 30th, 2014


Programino is an alternative comfortable and easy-to-use IDE for the Arduino/Genuino or or compatible microcontroller boards. This app supports the following coding languages and files: - Arduino/Genuino (preferred language), C, C++, C Header, HTML & HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS, Text-Files. - For all these languages is also syntax highlighting & code autocomplete supported.

  • Publisher: PROGRAMINO Software
  • Home page: www.programino.com
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2016