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Ares galaxy columbia in Title/Summary

Ares Galaxy Manager

Ares Galaxy Manager

Ares Galaxy Manager is and excellent application for Ares users. Ares Galaxy Manager handle and organize files and offers a file list generator to make a searchable database of files so you can anytime track all files.

  • Publisher: CoolAcceleratorSoft LLC
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2011
Ares Galaxy Download Client

Ares Galaxy Download Client

Search and download music, movies, and other media files from the Ares network. Ares Galaxy Download Client is a next generation file sharing program that has been optimized to efficiently download music, movies, and other media files from the Ares network. The combination of a powerful P2P engine and a lightweight user interface without unnecessary.

  • Publisher: SnapperTools
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2012
Ares Galaxy EZ Booster

Ares Galaxy EZ Booster

It’s an add-on tool for the Ares Galaxy P2P client that automatically increased the download speeds by a considerable degree. It has an efficient mechanism that optimizes the bandwidth and is rather useful when you are looking to download multiple files.

  • Publisher: EZ Boosters
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018

Ares galaxy columbia in Description

MP3 Music Downloader

MP3 Music Downloader

MP3 Music Downloader is compatible with leading P2P networks like Ares Galaxy, LimeWire, and BearShare. Thousands of high quality MP3 music files can be downloaded in a matter of seconds and listened to with the built in MP3 player. Because MP3 Music Downloader shares with BearShare, Ares Galaxy, LimeWire, and other P2P networks you can download from more than 50 million users worldwide.

  • Publisher: MP3 Music Downloader
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2011
Ares Galaxy Acceleration Tool

Ares Galaxy Acceleration Tool

Ares Galaxy Acceleration Tool is an innovative traffic accelerator for Ares P2P. Through an innovative traffic optimization algorithm, it can speed up the Ares downloads up to 300%. The tool is designed to support the Ares multi-source downloads and addresses especially the situations with slow sources.

  • Publisher: P2PAccelerators
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022
UltraBooster AG

UltraBooster AG

Ares Galaxy UltraBooster is an acceleration plug-in for the users of the popular Ares Galaxy p2p client. It packs in improved Internet connection, faster downloads and more sources to download from, all without costing you money or costing your system large resources.

  • Publisher: UltraBoosters LLC
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2018
UltraBooster for AresGalaxy

UltraBooster for AresGalaxy

UltraBooster for AresGalaxy is a lite p2p acceleration module created for the Ares file sharing client with the purpose of enhancing the latter's power when it comes to connecting to peers and grabbing large size files.

  • Publisher: UltraBoosters
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2013


KCeasy is a windows front end for the giFT filesharing system. KCeasy supports, using plugins, the Gnutella, Ares and OpenFT filesharing networks. The first time you run the program, it will guide you for configuring some basic settings, like your connection speed, your shared folder(s) and the sharing networks you wish to connect to.

  • Publisher: Markus Kern
  • Home page: www.kceasy.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Additional Ares galaxy columbia selection

Ares Galaxy Turbo Booster

Ares Galaxy Turbo Booster

Ares Galaxy Turbo Booster (AGTB) is a powerful acceleration plug-in for Ares file sharing program. Some of it's features are: efficient searching for more sources at user-specified periods, automatic clearance of the completed or damaged files, maintenance and auto-loading of the configuration from last run on start-up, etc.

  • Publisher: Download Boosters
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2013
Ares Galaxy SpeedUp Pro

Ares Galaxy SpeedUp Pro

Ares Galaxy SpeedUp Pro is a powerful acceleration plug-in designed for the Ares file sharing program. It includes features such as: - Completed and bad files are cleared automatically; - Searches more sources at user-specified periods; - Automatically resumes paused downloads.

  • Publisher: Boost Your Downloads
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2014
Ares Galaxy Professional Edition

Ares Galaxy Professional Edition

Ares Galaxy Professional Edition is a BitTorrent file sharing client. The program offers not just a wide range of P2P file sharing applications but also various most demanded Internet related solutions. It also lets you add multi-tracker data to the torrent and bears simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, and more.

  • Publisher: AresGalaxy OnLine LLC
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2016
Ares Music

Ares Music

Official Ares is the original site for the latest and fastest version of Ares. Ares is currently the most popular P2P file sharing program available today. Take control and download unlimited music, games, movies, software, and more today. When you download Ares from our site, you are assured that you are getting the most updated and safest version of Ares - absolutely no adware or spyware.

  • Publisher: Ares Music
  • Last updated: May 3rd, 2008


Luckywire is a peer-to-peer file sharing application that connects users to the GNutella network. It features faster download speed than similar programs like Limewire or Frostwire, and it is free. Additionally, you can find an integrated chat system.

  • Publisher: Luckywire
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
WinMX Music

WinMX Music

WinMx Music is a peer-to-peer file-sharing application, which allows users to share a wide range of file types, such as music, videos, text documents, games, and pictures. At the same time, the program allows you to connect with a large number of users, which in turn, increases your chances to find the files you are looking for.

  • Publisher: Ares Galaxy Online
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2013
Ares Torrent Downloader

Ares Torrent Downloader

Ares Torrent Downloader allows you to find media files anytime, anywhere, without any waiting. It connects to major file sharing network such as Kazaa, limewire, bearshare, iMesh and Ares galaxy to get more search results and faster download.

  • Publisher: Bin Artisan LLC
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008
BearShare MP3

BearShare MP3

Bearshare MP3 is a P2P application designed to download your favorite music, movies, games and documents. The program provides support for multi-source downloads in order to maximize the speed, bandwidth monitoring and control, and complete upload and download queuing system.

  • Publisher: Ares Galaxy Online
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2016


Developed with a special orientation towards user-friendliness, Axelerator’s technology allows it a vast compatibility that includes all important Bittorrent clients such as Ares, Bearshare, Azureus, BearFlix, BitComet, BitTorrent, DC++, Emule, Edonkey, FrostWire, Imesh, Kazaa, LimeWire, Morpheus, Shareaza, uTorrent, Warez, WinMx.

  • Publisher: Ares Galaxy Online
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2012


StarMule is a new file sharing program that includes all new p2p optimizations, enabling users to search and download over some several networks (including eD2K and Kad) around the internet.