Army of earth in Title/Summary

Army of Earth
Army of Earth is an online action-strategy team combat game: * Free to play * Small download (less than 8 MB) * Friendly player community * Emphasizes gameplay and teamwork rather than visuals * Runs on older PC's and laptops * Supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
- Publisher: Fundictive LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 19th, 2011

America's Army
Even though America's Army was created to attract new recruits, they also had in their hands a pretty good game. With great online game play, good graphics, and a $0 price tag, it all rounds up to be a winner. This game beats other commercial games in the way they presented it. It is a great game and it is free.
- Publisher: U.S. Army
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2011

Army Builder
For miniatures gamers, the Army Builder brand roster construction tool is as vital as glue and paint. Army Builder streamlines the creation of army lists, providing "point-and-click" simplicity and virtually eliminating mistakes. Instead of spending an hour to create a roster, it now takes a few minutes.
- Publisher: Lone Wolf Development
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Army of earth in Description

RepInfo is a replay manager, designed for the C&C Generals (CCG), C&C Generals Zero Hour (ZH), LOTR: The Battle For Middle Earth 2 (BFME2), LOTR: The Battle For Middle Earth (BFME), Lord Of The Rings - Rise of the Witch-King (RotWK), Company of Heroes (CoH), Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (DoW), Supreme Commander (SupCom) and Rise Of Nations - Rise Of Legends (RoL) games.
- Publisher: Saurman
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2008

The year is 2100. Robots have invaded our planet. But fortunately human spies found their weak spot: the robots are absolutely illiterate! Defeat them in the word contest to take possession of all their weapons and help human being live peacefully.
- Publisher: Free Games Area
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

Revenge of the Titans
At first they came from the skies. In the ensuing war, Earth was laid waste, but we had won... But that was just the first strike - now the invasion has landed! Defeat the returning Titan horde in a series of epic ground battles, save the Earth, again, and command the counterstrike against their homeworld!
- Publisher: Puppy Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Battle Planner
Manage and track your collection with Battle Planner! Battle Planner is a tool for managing your collections, armies and decks for all your favorite games.Key features:- View statistics for your favorite games. Currently available are free game modules for Mage Knight™, Hero Clix™, Mech Warrior: Dark Age™, Magic: The Gathering™ and others!
- Publisher: Battle Planner, LLC
- Last updated: January 17th, 2010

Impossible Creatures
Impossible Creatures, previously known as Sigma: The Adventures of Rex Chance is a game that has all the elements of real-time strategy game available for the enjoyment of RTS lovers. It is characterized by its original concept of replacing traditional armies formed by men for others entirely formed by robot animals.
- Publisher: Relic Entertainment
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009
Additional Army of earth selection

The Battle for Middle-earth™ II
The Lord of the Ring: the battle for Middle Earth II is a strategy game developed by Electronics Arts. This game is based on the famous books of J.R.Tolkien. Plot: Of course that you will be able to find all the characters of the book, but in this case you will be able to be in more battles than in the film.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Universe Sandbox
Universe Sandbox is a physics-based space simulator. It merges real-time gravity, climate, collision, and physical interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet. Unlike many other games and simulators, Universe Sandbox actually simulates gravity, temperature, and climate for various bodies.
- Publisher: Giant Army
- Last updated: July 31st, 2023

Incinerate is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game (“shoot’em up”) in the style of arcade classics like Tyrian, Zanac, Zaxxon, or Xevious. In this game you are the commander of the spaceship designated to defend the human race against an alien conspiracy.
- Publisher: StarsAshes Game Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 18th, 2009

Hounds Last Hope
Hounds: The Last Hope is an online massive multi-player game in which you are the new recruit of a human army whose objective is to fight against rogue aliens that invaded Earth. Although the premise is not new, the game has its own twists and characteristics. If you like MMO's and shooter games, you may want to try this one.
- Publisher: RebornGames Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2015

Cities of Earth 3D Screensaver v.
Cities of Earth 3D Screensaver shows many cities of the Earth as if you were in the space. It also displays information about the cities including their countries, the number of inhabitants, and the time in their time zones. You can set it to show FPS, adjust the quality of graphics, etc.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2008

Earth 3D Screensaver
Earth 3D Screensaver takes you on a trip to outer space around our beloved planet. This awesome screensaver allows you to take a look outside a space shuttle window and marvel with the magnificent views of the Earth. You will feel just as an astronaut on a space mission flying around Earth and enjoying breathtaking views of everything that happens below.
- Publisher: 3Planesoft
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Earth Explorer
Earth Explorer is a useful application very similar to Goggle Earth that allows you explore the whole world. It provides satellite, topographic, and blend views of any part of the world. You can easily know basic information about any country or city of the world by simply looking for it with its search tool. You can even import your own data to the map and place marks and paths.
- Publisher: Motherplanet, Inc.
- Last updated: September 26th, 2009

Earth Alerts
Earth Alerts is a Windows utility that enables you to monitor natural hazards, such as tornadoes, earthquakes or tsunamis, which are currently occurring around the world. The program is packed with easy-to-configure settings, provides you with accurate reports and imagery, and comes with an effective search tool.
- Publisher: South Wind Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

War Commander
War Commander is a game in which you can build a powerful army, show no mercy and battle enemies for earth's remaining resources. You can launch deadly attacks with over 20 futuristic tanks, planes and troops, expand your empire and dominate the World Map.
- Publisher: Team Pokki
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 20th, 2013

The Earth
The Earth is a free and easy to install 3D Screensaver.The Earth is our homeland, or the third planet from the Sun.We can imagine view from space on our planet, and this sight is extraordinarily is beautiful!Free 3D Screensaver! View of the planet Earth from space.
- Publisher: FreeStone Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 24th, 2008