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As3 molecules ripple in Title/Summary

AS3 Sorcerer

AS3 Sorcerer

AS3 Sorcerer is an AS3 decompiler for Windows. Using this tool, you can open Flash (SWF) files and see decompiled Action Script 3 (AS3) code. It also shows vital Flash file information, such as contents of the SWF header, metadata, and FileAttributes tags.

ViVi Ripple

ViVi Ripple

ViVi Ripple is desktop enhancement software; it ripples your desktop wallpaper making water pictures come alive. The water will perform wave ripple when moving mouse and (or) clicking mouse button.

  • Publisher: ViVi Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Ripple Screensaver

Ripple Screensaver

Ripple Screensaver is a cool and beautiful screensaver. This screensaver when activated, gives your desktop a brilliant look as if the desktop had been converted to a water surface. The Screensaver features water ripples of many types, which enhances the beauty and breaks the monotony of the regular windows deafult screensavers.

  • Publisher: All Software By 3PEHR
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2011

As3 molecules ripple in Description

3D Water Ripple Screensaver

3D Water Ripple Screensaver

3D Water Ripple Screensaver turns your computer desktop into a water ripple pond that will display many water ripple in the surface of the water ripples while your computer is idle.

  • Publisher: CustomAquariumScr
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Millsian Beta

Millsian Beta

Main features:-Evaluate molecules for binding sites, reactive sites, and pockets, using our exact charge distribution profiles and optimized molecular structures.-Calculate optimized molecular structures for molecules not in existing databases. Reduce your reliance on molecular structure databases.

  • Publisher: Millsian INC
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2010
Ideal Gas in 3D

Ideal Gas in 3D

You can see ideal gas molecules in 3D if you use "Ideal Gas in 3D". It can help you to understand molecules motion, Boyle's law, Charles law and Maxwell distribution.

  • Publisher: Nasanbat Namsrai
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2008


SoftChemistry was invented by the famous general chemistry professor Dr. Yu, Dr. Wayne and Dr. Jason with their experienced software developers team since 1996. Through past 15 years continues improvement, SoftChemistry has gained the reputation as the most trusted chemistry education software in USA.

  • Publisher: MolecularSoft Technology Inc.
  • Home page: www.molecularsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2010


Microwaves is a physics simulation model dealing with microwaves. It shows how a microwave affects molecules in food and drinks to produce heat. You can change the microwave's frequency and amplitude, and each change there causes a microwave move differently, thus agitating molecules in different ways.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Additional As3 molecules ripple selection

Ripple Desktop Wallet

Ripple Desktop Wallet

Ripple Desktop Wallet is a desktop client for the Ripple payment network built using web technologies. The ripple protocol is an open source decentralized network for financial transactions. It is not controlled by any central authority. A Rippex account allows deposits and withdrawals to and from Ripple accounts, so users can send payments, buy and sell several assets.

  • Publisher: Rippex
Ledger Wallet Ripple

Ledger Wallet Ripple

Ledger Wallet Ripple makes it easy to manage your account, send and receive funds, check the balance and get a glimpse of your transactions. Ripple sensitive operations (signatures) are done inside the device’s Secure Element, never online or on your computer. Your assets are never exposed.

  • Publisher: Ledger
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2018
Molecules and Light

Molecules and Light

Do you ever wonder how a greenhouse gas affects the climate, or why the ozone layer is important? Use the sim to explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere. Main Topics: - Molecules - Light - Photons - Absorption Explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado, Department of Physics
  • Home page: phet.colorado.edu
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2014
Ripple Tank

Ripple Tank

Ripple Tank (previously Interference) simulates the interference between two circular waves, for instance waves on water. You can make both still images and animations of the interference pattern. Change the separation or phases of the sources. This program is ideal for explaining what happens in a ripple tank. Suitable for high school and college students and teachers.

  • Publisher: Ottisoft
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2011
Desktop Ripple

Desktop Ripple

This app sits in your system tray, and will ripple like a water applet the wallpaper picture, icons and active windows! You can adjust the timer speeds and save them to your liking, it will recall them upon re-launch. Ripple stays on the bottom, so that if you have a program in full screen mode it will stay out of your way!



PhoXo can help you create and edit images. In this respect, it can be used for not only drawing but also enhancing photographs. Luckily, the application supports importing and exporting images in the most popular formats. Moreover, it has its own format (oXo), which you can use to save unfinished projects.

  • Publisher: Fu Li
  • Home page: phoxo.com
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2012
C-Bus Ripple

C-Bus Ripple

The C-Bus Ripple software is an application you run on your personal computer to stream music to an MRA Matrix Switcher. The software will catalogue your music collection and allow you to sort it in many ways including album art. This also allows advanced control of music selection via C-Bus

  • Publisher: Clipsal Australia Pty Ltd
Atomica Deluxe

Atomica Deluxe

Atomica Deluxe is a puzzle game where you have to create atomic reactions. You get 4 different types of atoms in a grid board, and you have to sort the similar colors together in order to get an atomic reaction. Atomica has two modes of game-play, a strategic turn-based mode and a fast-paced real time mode. This game will definitely take up some of your time if you play it.

  • Publisher: PopCap Games
  • Home page: www.popcap.com
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008


Avogadro is an advanced molecule editor and visualizer designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Built to work easily for students and advanced researchers both.

  • Publisher: Avogadro
  • Home page: avogadro.cc
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016


GaussView is the most advanced and powerful graphical interface available for Gaussian. With GaussView, you can import or build the molecular structures that interest you, set up, launch, monitor and control Gaussian calculations, and retrieve and view the results, all without ever leaving the application.

  • Publisher: gaussian.com
  • Home page: www.gaussian.com
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2019