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Asc time tables in Title/Summary

Time for Tables

Time for Tables

Learning times tables has never been so much fun with Time for Tables' original multiplication games and exercises. Help your kids to master their tables in a fun, non-violent and interactive atmosphere.

Kids Tables and Time

Kids Tables and Time

Kids Tables and Time is an educational game in which kids can learn how to make simple and intermediate calculations and tell the time. In the math game the kids compete against the computer or a friend. They take turns and have to provide the result of a given calculation.

  • Publisher: Raylec Software
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
aSc TimeTables

aSc TimeTables

Award winning tool for creating timetables for primary/secondary schools.

  • Publisher: aSc Applied Software Consultants
  • Home page: www.asctimetables.com
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2008

Asc time tables in Description



YearPlanner manages, organizes, and presents calendar based events-data for individuals, groups, and organizations. It can be used as a diary, scheduler, or project management tool. It uses the classic Year Planner layout.

MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight (Trial Version)

MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight (Trial Version)

Get hands-on experience with MindFusion's Scheduling component for Silverlight. Enrich your web application with eye-catching calendars. Let the users organize their tasks in beautiful and practical time-tables and appointment schedules. Use the component's built-in Themes to create the perfect look and feel of every schedule that matches best the style of your software.

  • Publisher: MindFusion
  • Home page: www.mindfusion.eu
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2011
CZ-Doc2Pdf Demo

CZ-Doc2Pdf Demo

Preserves original document layout, include URL link, bookmark, images and tables,supports drag files and folders from your desktop,can output pdf files with many page sizes (like a3, a4, etc) and orientation (like landscape or portrait),can control the settings for Distiller and/or PDFMaker.

  • Publisher: convertzone
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2012


Import/export of text files (CSV, XLS, XML, DBF, ASCII, SQL) from/to MS Access, MS Excel, MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, OleDB and ODBC data streams. A graphical interface to define the import/export process makes it very simple.

  • Publisher: FlowHeater GmbH
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Master Navigator Software Front End

Master Navigator Software Front End

Fast zooming and rotating moving map with additional instruments on it. Suitable for mobile applications in all vehicles. Navigate using any maps available. Plan your trips, record your tracks and manage your maps. Calculations are accurate down to a few centimeters. Position accuracy is only limited by your position sensor accuracy and map quality.

  • Publisher: Sapper Oy, Finland
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2011

Additional Asc time tables selection



MultipliK12 is an educational game for learning and practicing the multiplication tables.

  • Publisher: Athena Soft, SA de CV
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2008
Visual TTABLE 2008

Visual TTABLE 2008

The concept, the design and development of Visual TTABLE take care of all such important requirements of institutions. Time-Table can now be prepared with all your conditions fulfilled. Visual TTABLE has been designed to be transparent. It provides for all possible combinations and is equipped with all tools that you may need to specify your custom requirements.

  • Publisher: Significant Software Solutions
Hold'em AutoFold Demo

Hold'em AutoFold Demo

The Hold'em AutoFold is a must have tool for online poker players which automatically folds the cards that you do not want to play. Hold'em AutoFold will save you time which would usually be wasted with extra mouse clicks, allowing you greater mental freedom so you can focus your attention where it's needed the most. It works on an unlimited number of tables!

  • Publisher: holdemautofold
Hold'em Watcher

Hold'em Watcher

Hold'em Watcher monitors your online hold'em poker tables and watches your dealt starting hands. It will either HOLD or quietly FOLD your starting hands based on your pre-defined starting hand selections. If you are dealt a defined playable hand, Hold'em Watcher will automatically alert you visually and audibly that your pre-defined starting hand needs your immediate attention

  • Publisher: TeamINET.Com
Heuwelland Skool

Heuwelland Skool

Heuwelland Skool is a software tool for receiving information on Heuwelland Skool and other features such as time tables, contacts from this school a photo album, resources. Heuwelland Skool helps you make a personalize account with your details to help others contact you.



GeoGebra is a mathematical tool that can solve equations, graph functions, create constructions, analyze data, and create 3D plots. It has a simple interface which lets you construct and analyze polygons, conic sections, and other shapes using your mouse. Support for touch-screen interface makes it easier to work with graphs.

  • Publisher: GeoGebra Inc.
  • Home page: www.geogebra.org
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2024
Vulkan Run Time Libraries

Vulkan Run Time Libraries

The SDK provides the development and runtime components for building, running, and debugging Vulkan applications. This comprehensive SDK includes the Vulkan loader, Vulkan layers, debugging tools, SPIR‐V tools, the Vulkan run time installer, documentation, samples, and demos.

  • Publisher: LunarG, Inc
  • Home page: www.lunarg.com
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2017
CAMI Turbo Tables

CAMI Turbo Tables

CAMI Turbo Tables is a small application that can be used as an extra math training tool for your child. His task is to complete as many operations as he can in a certain amount of time. The program allows saving the scores, so you can track his progress over time. It is very useful for enforcing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division combinations.

  • Publisher: CAMI Education
  • Home page: www.camiweb.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2013
Popcorn Time

Popcorn Time

By making use of the P2P protocol and the torrent technology, Popcorn Time provides you with all the latest films and TV shows and series in your choice of image quality and in a variety of languages and subtitles (when available). This free service supports connecting to the various servers anonymously using its native VPN solution (for a fee) and adding third-party trackers manually.

  • Publisher: Popcorn Time Team
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2020
Power Led

Power Led

PowerLed is an application used to flash and edit the message on the supported LED panels. With the help of the built-in buttons, you can add clocks, text, images, animations, counters, tables, etc. There is also a feature called SYNC that allows you to see the changes in real time.

  • Publisher: LED
  • Last updated: July 14th, 2017