Ascom meade camera in Title/Summary

ASCOM OptecPyxis Rotator Driver
The Pyxis LE Rotator is a USB 2.0 device and requires a different driver than the original Pyxis 2" and 3" camera field rotators. Driver with advanced setup options for the Pyxis LE Camera Field Rotator. Includes standalone program, ASCOM driver, and expanded help file.
- Publisher: Optec,Inc.
- Last updated: April 4th, 2012

ASCOM Video SDK can be installed as an SDK that contains the COM interfaces, an IVideo simulator and a client video software with source code in C# .NET. It demonstrates how to use a video driver to render and record a video and to control a video camera.
- Publisher: Hristo Pavlov
- Last updated: February 10th, 2014

Meade Classic
Installs a driver for the original Meade LX200 ("classic") telescope mounts (including the 16"), as well as Meade telescopes that use the Autostar I (#495 and #497) controllers, such as the ETX and DS series. This driver provides both telescope and focuser interfaces each of which may be used by separate programs.
- Publisher: The ASCOM Initiative
- Last updated: May 31st, 2013
Ascom meade camera in Description

Guidemaster is a tool for the automatic tracking of a telescope on a equatorial mounting by USB-Webcam. Supported cameras for guiding: webcams, SC1,SC2,SC3 modified webcams, Meade LPI camera, all cameras, which either supports VFW or DirectX, shoestring USB adapter for modified webcams, serial interface for modified Webcams, Trifid Nugget Camera from Yankee Robotics and more.
- Publisher: Matthias Garzarolli
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2008

ScopeDome Dome USB Driver
ScopeDome Driver is a dome driver’s software compatible with Ascom standard and dedicated for ScopeDomeUSB cards, cooperatating with most popular models of telescopes and sky atlases. It allows to run a fully automated observational sessions. In addition, the driver allows to power and control four devices such as a observatory telescope, a CCD camera, lighting and ventilation.
- Publisher: ScopeDome
- Last updated: November 15th, 2011

TheSky ASCOM Plugin
The TeleAPI plugin provides TheSky X and TheSky 6 with the ability to control telescopes via their ASCOM standard drivers. With this plugin, you can use telescopes not supported internally by TheSky but which have ASCOM drivers. Also, some telescopes have ASCOM drivers that provide enhanced functionality as compared to that provided with the internal support in TheSky.
- Publisher: The ASCOM Initiative
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2011

MetaGuide is a multi-function telescope autoguiding and collimating tool based on real-time image processing of a video stream. All it takes is a video camera (USB, Firewire, etc.), or an analog video camera (NTSC or PAL) connected to a video2usb converter. For guiding, you need either an ASCOM connection, GPUSB, TOGA, QHY, ASI, AstroGene, or LPT port interface.
- Publisher: Frank Freestar8n
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

WCS is an application that helps you to polar align your mount using the drift alignment method with CCD or webcam support. It supports any cam which can be installed as a Windows device (Meade LPI, ToUcam, NexImage, etc). There's also a version available for the Meade DSI cameras. The error in polar azimuth and polar elevation can be adjusted very quickly, even if Polaris is not visible.
- Publisher: Ing. Wolfgang Ruthner
- Last updated: June 17th, 2013
Additional Ascom meade camera selection
- Publisher: Sonix
- Last updated: August 16th, 2019

Ip Camera Viewer
IP Camera Viewer is a simple, neat and handy application that enables you to watch the live video stream from IP cameras either connected to your PC, or from remote locations. Besides the classical IP cameras, various types of webcams and USB cameras are also supported. In fact, this cool utility supports an impressive number of more than 2000 different IP camera models.
- Publisher: DeskShare Incorporated
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Play Camera
Using this program, the user can directly take pictures and record video on the computer. The application automatically detects the webcam and gives the power to start recording straight from the main window. The user can choose between two image modes, horizontal or vertical mirrors, and two different color modes, black and white and sepia.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Last updated: May 14th, 2008

OLYMPUS Digital Camera Updater
The Olympus Digital Camera Updater is a free app that allows you to update the firmware on your Olympus Digital Camera, lenses and accessories to take advantage of product enhancements or update display languages. Be sure your computer has an internet connection.
- Last updated: December 19th, 2016

IP Camera Adapter
A universal network camera adapter for the Windows operating system. It can be used with a variety of protocols, cameras with MJPG output, or static images. The program works with any application that uses DirectShow API, such as Skype, MSN messenger and Chatroulette. It works on Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8.
- Publisher: pas
- Last updated: October 5th, 2010

VAIO Camera Capture Utility
VAIO Camera Capture Utility is a free program that allows you to configure your Sony webcam. You can capture screenshots of your videos sessions, make webcam recordings and preview your captured images and videos, view a history of your captures directly from the main interface.
- Publisher: Sony Electronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2008

Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro is a program for remote control of your SLR digital camera settings. The program is compatible with D3, D2Xs, D2X, D2Hs, D2H, D300, D200, D100, D80, D70s, D70, D50, D40X, D40, D1X, D1H and D1SLR cameras. You can connect your camera via USB, Firewire cable or WiFi adapters.
- Publisher: Nikon, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

AXIS Camera Management
AXIS Camera Management is a powerful tool that simplifies management of Axis video devices on your network. This tool can automatically search multiple Axis Video devices, set IP addresses, locate and display connection status and manage firmware upgrades. Also, it is capable of managing hundreds of Axis video devices and can be used in all sizes of installation.
- Publisher: Axis Communications
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

ASCOM Platform
ASCOM Platform is a free-to-use astronomy application for Windows OS. ASCOM is many-to-many and language-independent architecture, supported by most astronomy devices which connect to Windows computers. The diagram below shows how ASCOM differs from traditional astronomy instrument control architecture.
- Publisher: Ascom Initiative
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 15th, 2017

AXIS Camera Station
AXIS Camera Station is a video monitoring and recording application which works with Axis network cameras and video servers. This program is easy to install and setup, and is designed to work with up to 50 cameras. With AXIS Camera Station you can view and record high quality digital video and audio. It also allows you to perform recording search on multiple cameras simultaneously.
- Publisher: Axis Communications
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023