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Assembly language programming 8051 in Title/Summary

Common Assembly Language for Microprocessor

Common Assembly Language for Microprocessor

Welcome to Smile NG, the brand new development environment for microcontroller based systems. This version only runs under Win32 for the moment.Some features:- Full support for CALM assembly language, as well as other assemblers, and also the C language. - WYSIWYG editor supporting LILA formatting commands. - Advanced color syntax highlighting.

  • Publisher: boumpower, jnicoud
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Megawin 8051 ISP via COM Port

Megawin 8051 ISP via COM Port

ISP is the acronym of In-System Programming, and makes it possible that the user can alter the application code under the software control without removing the mounted MCU chip from the actual end product.o do ISP, the loader program (call "ISP code") should be pre-programmed into the target MCU's ISP-memory before mounting the MCU chip to the PCB.

  • Publisher: Megawin Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2008
Gentee Programming Language

Gentee Programming Language

The Gentee programming language can be classified as a procedure-oriented language with some features typical of object-oriented programming. It has no complicated constructions and is easy to use, but at the same time it is a powerful tool for solving all kinds of tasks.

  • Publisher: Gentee, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2010

Assembly language programming 8051 in Description



SourceFormatX is the professional source code formatter, code beautifier, code indenter, pretty printer and code cleaner for C, C++, Java, C# (C Sharp), Pascal, Delphi (Pascal), Visual Basic (VB), VB.NET (VB Dot Net), VBScript (VBS), JavaScript (JScript / Java Script), PHP, ASP, JSP, Objective-C.



Ebe is an integrated development environment written in C++ using the Qt library for its GUI and portability tools. The primary reason to develop ebe was to support 64-bit assembly programming in support of my assembly language books. (see rayseyfarth.com).



MIPSter is a text editor written specifically for the MIPS assembly language. It was designed to help college/university students who are taking MIPS programming classes.Main Features: - Uncluttered, easy-to-use interface - Syntax highlighting - SPIM (MIPS emu) included - Integrated help system - Toolbox of commands - Multiple Undo/Redo - Outlining etc.

  • Publisher: Dave Haynes/Downcast Systems
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2013
COSMIC ST7 C Compiler

COSMIC ST7 C Compiler

COSMIC ST7 C Compiler reads C source files, assembly language source files, and object code files, and produces an executable file. You can request listings that show your C source interspersed with the assembly language code and object code that the compiler generates.

GUI Turbo Assembler

GUI Turbo Assembler

GUI Turbo Assembler is a 64bit MuItilingual IDE for Assembly Language with TASM & TLINK. The IDE is loaded with powerful feature like syntax highlighting, code folding along with the other regular features to work with any assembly source code. It supports compiling and building of assembly codes to windows executable with a single click.

  • Publisher: Lakhya Jyoti Nath
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015

Additional Assembly language programming 8051 selection



Python is an object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. It comes with a large standard library that supports many common programming tasks, such as connecting to web servers, searching text with regular expressions, reading, and modifying files.

  • Publisher: Python Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.python.org
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025


UltraEdit is a complete text editor mostly used by professionals in web development and programming, but which can be used by regular individuals as a more complex substitute for Notepad. It's appreciated by professionals because it offers unique features such as syntax highlighting for nearly every programming language, code folding and hierarchical function listing and a powerful XML handler.

  • Publisher: IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ultraedit.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Kodu Game Lab

Kodu Game Lab

Create your own game based on the programming language specifically dedicated to generating levels, mechanics, and graphics. Multiple types of visual tools are available for creating and customizing applications for personal computers and the Xbox console line. Debugging features are present.

Microsoft Small Basic

Microsoft Small Basic

Microsoft Small Basic is a simplified version of Microsoft's programming language Visual Basic. Main features: - Show the color, infrared, depth, body index, and body sensor data. - Capture images from the color, infrared, depth, and body index sensors. - Get the lean angle of up to 6 humans in front of the sensor.

PE Explorer

PE Explorer

PE Explorer makes it easy to view, analyze and edit win32 executable files (EXE, DLL, SYS, ActiveX). Offers easy-to-use tools such as a Visual Resource Editor, powerful Win32 Disassembler, DLL Export Viewer, UPX Unpacker and Dependency Scanner.

  • Publisher: Heaventools Software
  • Home page: www.heaventools.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
JetBrains PyCharm

JetBrains PyCharm

JetBrains PyCharm is a Python IDE for professional developers. PyCharm’s smart code editor supports Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, and popular template languages. You can take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes.

  • Publisher: JetBrains s.r.o
  • Home page: www.jetbrains.com
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2016
8051 IDE

8051 IDE

8051 IDE is a simple 8051 microcontroller emulator for the 8051 series of microcontrollers, like 8052, 8031, 8751, 8752, etc. The program is very simple to use and is a good one for those beginning to do 16-bit microcontroller programming. It has all the features to edit and run an assembly language program.

  • Publisher: AceBus
  • Home page: www.acebus.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012
Visual Prolog

Visual Prolog

If you ever thought of developing your own application, the Prolog Development Center offers you a comprehensive software program that allows you to fully control the details of your project, such as environment, variables, parameters and other settings. The program is called Visual Prolog, and it's based on the logic programming language Prolog.

  • Publisher: Prolog Development Center A/S
  • Home page: www.visual-prolog.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019


Flowcode is a development environment for electronic and electro-mechanical systems using Arduino, PIC, ARM, and other industrial interfaces. It provides a graphical programming IDE for developing complex systems quickly. Its data recorder and oscilloscope tools allows testing and debugging of your programs.



RoboMind is a program for teaching logic, robotics, computer science, and other technology to students. This tool comes with its own programming language named 'ROBO'; it is a concise language with a small set of rules which does not require much learning.

  • Publisher: Reseach Kitchen
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2016