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Astral surveillance program in Title/Summary

The Best Video Surveillance Program

The Best Video Surveillance Program

The software has been created as common product for security cross platforms running all together with wireless and wired Internet cameras, TV-cards, capture boards, power-line, and USB cameras.

  • Publisher: The Best of The Best
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2011
Astral Arrows

Astral Arrows

Astral Arrows is a puzzle game with a formula based on arrows. You have a board with several bricks and you must match them together; however, the bricks will only move in the direction of the arrow inside. This creates a great puzzle formula for everyone to enjoy.

Astral Masters

Astral Masters

The game Astral Masters combines the best features of the computer game called Astral Tournament and collection card games. Two players compete in this turn-based game. Each of them fights against the opponent casting various spells and summoning fantastic creatures to his side. You can play either against the computer (both in single games and in tournaments) or against other people.

Astral surveillance program in Description



VIVOTEK VAST Matrix is a powerful video surveillance program designed to monitor all VIVOTEK IP surveillance products with intuitive functions and numerous features. It supports hundreds of cameras and stations in a hierarchical structure of system for monitoring, recording, playback and event trigger management with ease-of-use and efficient control.

  • Publisher: Vivotek Inc.
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2015


AV100 is a video surveillance program that enables you to configure and monitor your megapixel IP cameras. The program supports full-motion, real-time, multi-camera viewing and policy-based archiving, remote access to live and archived videos, post zooming from digital archives.

  • Publisher: Arecont Vision
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2017


JenausCam is a video surveillance program that allows you to enjoy your webcam images from your smartphone anywhere and anytime. The program gives you the possibility to control the activity on your IP cameras, to playback and schedule recordings and to create motion detection alerts.

  • Publisher: JenausSoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.jenauscam.com
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2015
DIVA Client

DIVA Client

DIVA Client is a video surveillance program that enables you to monitor your IP cameras and NVR devices. The program allows you to schedule and playback recordings, to configure the number of cameras that you want to monitor on your control panel and to set up alerts.

  • Publisher: VDG Security
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2015
Easy Pro View

Easy Pro View

Easy Pro View is a free program that enables you to watch videos recorded by your IP cameras. It is a video surveillance program that allows you to playback and schedule recordings, set motion detection alarms and notifications, and keep track of the sensor temperature.

  • Publisher: Eminent Europe BV
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2014

Additional Astral surveillance program selection

Zebra-Media Surveillance System

Zebra-Media Surveillance System

A sensitivity grid is applied on video frames. You can adjust the sensitivity of the detection, and mask out areas of the camera view to avoid false alarms. When the camera captures video frames in a dark environment, it is possible that the electrical background noise of the CCD video cell creates fake motion detection events.

  • Publisher: Zebra-Media Software
  • Home page: www.zebra-media.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2018


HiFocusView is a free video surveillance program that enables you to monitor your IP cameras. The program allows you to monitor several cameras at once, schedule recordings and playback them later, zoom in/out, take snapshots and select the number of panels.

  • Publisher: hifocus
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2014
Health Mapper

Health Mapper

A free, intuitive program created by the WHO for creating maps and tables about the health status of a country. It lets you create maps with information about several data, such as roads, water sources, public and private health centers, and so on. The publicly available version only contains data about Mali; if you need more data, you must sign an agreement with the WHO.

  • Publisher: WHO
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2009
Digifort Professional

Digifort Professional

Digifort Professional allows the use of several models of IP cameras and video servers from various manufacturers. With Digifort Professional you will have a robust solution of digital surveillance (IP) with cameras and a wide variety of operational tools.

  • Publisher: Digifort
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2015


huperRemote is a video surveillance program that enables you to display up to 128CH remote camera videos on dual-monitor. It provides support for easy camera grouping for virtual matrix function, two-way voice communication, control PTZ camera and I/O devices remotely.

  • Publisher: Huper Laboratorles
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2015
NUUO Crystal Series

NUUO Crystal Series

NUUO Crystal Series is a video surveillance program that enables you to monitor your IP cameras. It provides support for an unlimited number of cameras, access control, POS and I/O devices for centrally configuring, user authority management, integrated video and third party monitoring, system status overview, event handling, and cluster recording failover management.

  • Publisher: NUUO INC.
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2016


LVI510 is a video surveillance program that enables you to remotely control your IP cameras. It provides real-time recording and streaming server monitoring support, 256 channels live monitoring with video buffering, multiple playback at the same time and event thumbnail search.

  • Publisher: LG Ipsolute
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2015
2N® Helios IP Eye

2N® Helios IP Eye

2N® Helios IP Eye is a video surveillance program that enables you to configure and control your IP cameras. You can set the number of cameras that you want to control, configure the video resolution according to your preferences, the number of slots and the frame rate.

  • Publisher: 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s.
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2015


AiM Software HD is a video surveillance program that enables you to configure and control IP Cameras and DVRs/NVRS devices. You can record and manage up to 144 channels of H.264/JPEG HD AiP cameras or SVR’s cameras, schedule recordings and it also has support for motion detection.

  • Publisher: AiM Software HD
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2014


ARTECO-LOGIC-NEXT is a video surveillance program that enables you to monitor your IP cameras and NVR devices. It utilizes the complete suite of Video Analytics including Area Analytics (violated area, trip-wire, loitering) and Object Analytics (abandoned/removed, counting, speed threshold).

  • Publisher: Arteco IVS SpA
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2015