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Atmel cps in Title/Summary



Programming software for the Atmel AT17 family of FPGA configuration memory and AT94S secure FPSLIC devices. It is used with the ATDH2200E configurator programming kit or with the ATDH2225 ISP cable to program AT17 or AT94S devices. It is part of the system designer software suite supported on Windows 98, Windows NT4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems.

  • Publisher: Atmel
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2010
CPS Electronic Library

CPS Electronic Library

eInstruction's® Classroom Performance System™ (CPS™) is one of best ways you will find to drive daily academic progress. CPS™ is the leading student response system in education, being used with over 4 million students in more than 100,000 K-12 and higher education classrooms and lecture halls.

  • Publisher: eInstruction Corporation
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
CPS R02.00

CPS R02.00

CLP Series CPS is an application that allows configuration of supported devices. The software supports CLP1010, CLP1040, CLP1060, CLP1013, CLP1043, and CLP1063.

  • Publisher: Motorola Solutions, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2012

Atmel cps in Description



Atmel-WinCUPL is a complete and easy to use design software suitable for all Atmel SPLDs and CPLDs. It is supported on Win98, WinNT, Win2000, and WinXP platforms. Atmel-WinCUPL supports CUPL design entry, functional simulation, and includes the latest fitter technologies.

  • Publisher: Atmel
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008


The ProFlash89 is an Atmel Device Programmer capable of programming some of the most popular Atmel Microcontrollers on the market. The programmer consists of a professional PCB which includes a DB9 RS-232 serial connector that connects the ProFlash89 to your PC or laptop, a power supply which is included with the product, and a ZIF-socket in which your Atmel Device is inserted for programming.

  • Publisher: Vault Information Services LLC.
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2010
AVR Simulator IDE

AVR Simulator IDE

AVR Simulator IDE is a powerful application that supplies Atmel microcontroller users with user-friendly graphical development environment for Windows with integrated simulator (emulator), avr basic compiler, assembler, disassembler and debugger. The program supports the extensive number of microcontrollers (MCUs) from the Atmel 8-bit megaAVR and tinyAVR architecture product lines.

  • Publisher: Oshon Software
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2017
Topview Device Programmer B

Topview Device Programmer B

Topview programmer B is an exclusive professional programming environment to support as many 8051 Derivative microcontrollers and AVR Devices manufactured by the Atmel semiconductors. The programmer supports popular and widely available microcontrollers with OTP and flash memories. Built-in facility is available to support many other compatible microcontrollers from the Atmel stable in future.

Topview Programmer A

Topview Programmer A

The Topview Programmer A maintains separate buffer areas for selected device’s flash memory, Program Encryption Table, User parameter Table, Serial EEPROM in the programming environment. Initially you need to transfer your target program code/data from the files into this buffer and then program the selected device with these buffer contents.

Additional Atmel cps selection

Atmel Studio

Atmel Studio

Atmel Studio is an integrated development platform for Atmel AVR and ARM microcontrollers. You can easily get started by exploring the included example projects and run your solution on a starter or evaluation kit. The refactor and intellisense features in the editor make editing easier.

  • Publisher: Atmel Corporation
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2015
Atmel Software Framework

Atmel Software Framework

Atmel Software Framework simplifies the usage of microcontrollers, providing an abstraction to the hardware and high-value middlewares. ASF is integrated in the Atmel Studio IDE with a graphical user interface or available as standalone for GCC, IAR compilers.

  • Publisher: Atmel Corporation
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2012
Business Radio CPS

Business Radio CPS

Business Radio CPS is a free application that enables you to program your Motorola RDX Series Radio device. You can enhance the employee productivity and overall tenant satisfaction by bringing an edge in communication. You can also keep projects on track through better coordination of supervisors, foremen, machinery operators and material handlers.

CPS Plus

CPS Plus

This program enables serial devices like bar code scanners, stripe readers, scales, sensors, laboratory instruments, microcontrolers to communicate with any Windows application. It gives you the ability to create charts and graphs in your applications that automatically update with data from your serial devices / instruments.

  • Publisher: ProgramBL
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019


CPS Plus Professional data acquisition software enables serial devices like bar code scanners, stripe readers, scales, sensors, laboratory instruments, microcontrolers to communicate with any Windows application. It operates with multiple serial ports simultaneously and it provides advanced data logging options.

  • Publisher: Ljubisa Knezevic
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2015


This is an ISP module for ATMEL Microcontroller that support ISP such AT89SXXXX, AVR families etc. Requires no power supply because it use power supply from target board. This circuit need only 10 resistors, 1 IC, 1 Capacitor,1 R-Pack.PCB size 1.6 X 4.1 cm. and Plated-Through-Hole type

  • Publisher: Mohammad Asim Khan
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2009


MedEDI CPS sys­tem allows prac­tices to take advan­tage of imme­di­ate claim and pay­ment col­lec­tion sys­tems that, until now, were only avail­able to large insti­tu­tions. It sup­ports gen­eral prac­ti­tion­ers as well as a range of allied dis­ci­plines and spe­cial­ists and is avail­able nationally.

  • Publisher: Medical EDI Services
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2012
Atmel Crypto Evaluation Studio

Atmel Crypto Evaluation Studio

Atmel Crypto Evaluation Studio is a a program that enables you to configure and demonstrate the Atmel CryptoAuthentication Family of devices using various evaluation kits. The package includes the ACES Configuration Environment (ACES CE) and a comprehensive help system.

  • Publisher: Atmel
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2015
Atmel TPM Driver

Atmel TPM Driver

This package installs a device driver for the Atmel Trusted Platform Module (TPM) AT97SC3203 module that comes preinstalled in select systems. If your device isn't detected you can use the command batch file utility to detect your product to see if it was installed correctly or not.

  • Publisher: Atmel Corp
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2010
CPS Font Viewer

CPS Font Viewer

CPS Font Viewer allows one to select a specified font for their designing or other task. This software displays the list of all fonts installed in the system along with a small preview window. Initially a sample text can be used to filter some desired fonts and later it can be further taken to the Filter window where the user can select a single font.

  • Publisher: Creative Point Studio
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2013