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Attribute changer mac in Title/Summary

Attribute Changer

Attribute Changer

Though there are certain system attributes of your files and folders that you can change just by using the Properties dialog, most of them are usually off limits. Attribute Changer can unlock your files and folders properties and make them editable for you—from the more standard system properties (such as read-only, hidden, etc.) to traditionally untouchable ones like the date and time stamps.

  • Publisher: Romain Petges
  • Home page: www.petges.lu
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Technitium MAC Address Changer

Technitium MAC Address Changer

This software allows you to change (spoof) Media Access Control (MAC) Address of your Network Interface Card (NIC) or Wireless Network Card (WiFi).This software allows you to change IP Address, Gateway, DNS Servers, IPv6 support, enable/disable DHCP in one click, network configuration presets and many more features.

  • Publisher: Shreyas Zare,Suyog Limaye,Technitium
  • Home page: www.technitium.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012
BM622i MAC Changer Tool

BM622i MAC Changer Tool

BM622i MAC Changer Tool is a program to easily guide those BM622i users in order for them to change the MAC Address of their devices much easier. This tool is not fully automated, there are steps that needs a user to do the process (the browser part).

  • Publisher: Synthesis Computing
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2014

Attribute changer mac in Description

FCorp - File & Folder Tools

FCorp - File & Folder Tools

ALL-IN-ONE File & Folder processing tools (Attribute Changer, DateTime Changer, Duplicate Finder, Folder Icon Changer, Hash Generator, Hidden Revealer, Seeker and Splitter & Joiner).

  • Publisher: Fahmy Corporation
  • Home page: fcorp.co.nf
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Extension Changer

Extension Changer

Extension Changer is a tool which I found to be similar to MAC OS X applications in many ways. And it does exactly what its name says: changes file extensions. I've been using computers since I was a child, but I was never able to understand the purpose of this kind of applications. My logic tells me that it’s easier to manually change the extension of a file than to install a tool for this.

Vistanita Wallpaper Shuffler

Vistanita Wallpaper Shuffler

By using this interesting utility you can change your windows desktop wallpaper at a specific time interval. Its user friendly interface lets you easily add your wallpapers and pictures to create a list. So that Vistanita wallpaper shuffler can change your windows desktop wallpaper randomly or in continuous sequence at a specified time interval.

  • Publisher: Vistanita.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2008
AthTek Free Voice Changer

AthTek Free Voice Changer

AthTek Free Voice Changer is a handy audio tool for Windows users. It has a very clean interface without any exaggerated color and overstated features. It clearly lists 4 steps for you to obtain the sound effects you want.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2013
Skype Voice Changer

Skype Voice Changer

Skype Voice Changer is a cute program for Skype users. It can flexibly alternate your voice pitch between male and female in the Skype call, and send funny sound emotions to your contacts. It can also record Skype calls including your changed voice.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Home page: www.athtek.com
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2015

Additional Attribute changer mac selection

eXpress TimeStamp Toucher

eXpress TimeStamp Toucher

Small freeware utility for changing the timestamp attributes of couple of files at once. Main features is include, but not limited by: recursive processing subfolders, setting date and time values for creation, modify and last access attributes.

  • Publisher: Irnis I.Haliullin
  • Last updated: June 2nd, 2008
Bluetooth MAC Address Changer

Bluetooth MAC Address Changer

Bluetooth adapter based on CSR or Broadcom chip under Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. (Bluesoleil, Toshiba, etc are not supported). See how to quickly check if your Bluetooth adapter is supported without downloading Bluetooth MAC Address Changer. There is no feature like "Restore original Bluetooth MAC address".

Folder Icon Changer

Folder Icon Changer

If you wish to customize your folders’ icons, this is the best tool to use. Folder Icon Changer enables you to personalize the icons of each and every folder or file. This application is highly useful when it comes to exporting your icons from the ICO format to other image formats, like JPG, BMP, JPEG, and GIF.

  • Publisher: Silver Eagle Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2009
Attribute Manager

Attribute Manager

Attribute Manager is a practical tool to take control of file and folder attributes. It enables modifying conventional file attributes, such as archive, read-only, hidden, system, encrypted, compressed, temporary, indexed, sparse, offline and date/time parameters, including creation date, last modification, and access.

Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Windows 7 Logon Background Changer is a tiny program, based on WPF, that could be used very easily by the users that have a decent GPU for 3D animations. Windows 7 Logon Background Changer creates some JPEG files based on the image that is desired to set as wallpaper for the Windows 7 login screen.

AV Voice Changer Software DIAMOND

AV Voice Changer Software DIAMOND

Alter and modify voices in real-time; enhance voice quality; compare and analyze voice characteristics; record with a microphone; capture online audio stream; compatible with most environments; supports various formats: mp3, wma, wav, ogg.

  • Publisher: Avsoft Corp.
  • Home page: www.audio4fun.com
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2015
Voxal Voice Changer

Voxal Voice Changer

Voxal Voice Changer lets you modify, change, and disguise your voice in any application or game that uses a microphone. Voxal seamlessly works with other applications so that you don't need to change any configurations or settings in other programs. Simply install and start creating voice distortions in minutes.

Batch Attribute Editor

Batch Attribute Editor

Batch Attribute Editor allows the user to modify the values of multiple attributes residing within multiple attributed blocks across multiple drawings. The Block Name field specifies the block in which the attribute to be modified is located. This field is not case-sensitive and may use wildcards to match multiple blocks containing the same attribute tag.

  • Publisher: Lee Mac Programming
  • Home page: lee-mac.com
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2015
AV Voice Changer Software

AV Voice Changer Software

AV Voice Changer Software lets you morph your voice during audio chat. Your voice can sound deeper, higher, younger, older, more feminine, more masculine, or modified in any way you like. It features a variety of voice preferences and voice effects that you can readily apply.

GTA-SA Game Changer

GTA-SA Game Changer

This program removes the need to install new main.scm, script.img and other files every time you wanted to play a different mod. This program is basically an automated game-swapper. By specifying the main.scm and files you want to replace, the system will change all of the necessary files at the touch of a button.

  • Publisher: Adam Carlile
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008