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Auto click button delphi in Title/Summary

Auto Click Typer

Auto Click Typer

Auto Click Typer is a free automation program that helps you emulate mouse and keyboard buttons. You will be able to move mouse cursor, emulate left, right and double mouse clicks and emulate pressing various keyboard buttons and their combinations. You can also save and load actions and use many other handy features that can help you automate your tasks.

  • Publisher: VCL Examples
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2015
Super Mouse Auto Clicker

Super Mouse Auto Clicker

Super Mouse Auto Clicker is a program that can be used to auto click mouse at defined location. It helps you refresh a web browser, open many instances of another program and it has support for repeating single click actions at specified intervals and any location on the screen.

AC Auto Clicker

AC Auto Clicker

Auto click mouse on specified coordinates or on the current mouse point. You can click the button 'Start to capture point' to capture the fixed point you want to click at. When you get your point, press any key and the capture can be stopped, and the fixed point coordinate as 'X' & 'Y' has been recorded on the edit box.

Auto click button delphi in Description

Spinnaker Image Wizard

Spinnaker Image Wizard

Spinnaker Image Wizard provides a fast and easy way to add images to your database or spreadsheet and remove them again just as quickly. An auto image tool inserts an image over every cell you click on. The Spinnaker Icon will be found on the Standard Toolbar, and will launch Spinnaker Image Wizard when clicked.

Auto Clicker by Shocker

Auto Clicker by Shocker

Auto clickers have the ability to simulate left or right clicks. This type of programs comes in handy especially to video game players who often require high-speed repetitive clicking to complete certain objectives. Auto Clicker by Shocker is such a program.

Dr. Cleaner Pro

Dr. Cleaner Pro

Dr. Cleaner Pro is the ONLY all-in-one App that offers Memory Optimization, Disk Cleaning and System Monitoring to keep your Mac optimized for the best performance. Dr. Cleaner provides an easy-to-use way to optimize the performance of your Mac!

  • Publisher: Trend Micro
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017
Presentation To Video Converter

Presentation To Video Converter

Presentations to Video Converter allows you convert PowerPoint presentations into AVI or mp4 Video without using PowerPoint! The converting process allowing human interaction on PowerPoint content during conversion. Anybody can convert a PowerPoint ppt or pps file to Video! it is simple and powerful. Features: PowerPoint is NOT required! Convert full-featured presentations created in ALL PowerPoint versions! Converter supports opening password-protected Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Video Conversion support. Audio Conversion support. mp7 video support (3ivx codec required) Supported most of codecs installed on user systems Movie width and height determination. Auto determination of Movie duration. Easy settings and nice interface. User can control Movie over capturing.

  • Publisher: GeoVid
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Pandora Audio Ad Remover

Pandora Audio Ad Remover

Pandora Audio Ad Remover extension for Chrome browser removes ads in Pandora website. It will remove Pandora's in-page ads, audio advertisements that come in between songs, and also the video ads. This addon will also auto click on the "Are You Still Listening" button.

  • Publisher: pandoraadremover.com
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015

Additional Auto click button delphi selection

Free Mouse Auto Clicker

Free Mouse Auto Clicker

Free Mouse Auto Clickeris a software that can free you from repeat mouse click work. It's simple but enough for normal use. It features a simple and easy to use interface, it supports left \ right mouse button and single \ double click, also supports start hotkey and stop hotkey.

Auto Mouse Click

Auto Mouse Click

Auto Mouse Click is a simple program that lets you automate a series of mouse clicks at specified X-Y points on the screen. You can add any number of click actions to its list and run them in sequence. Each action can have an X-Y point, action type (left-click, right-click, middle-click, mouse move, mouse dragging), delay (milliseconds), and whether or not to move the cursor back.

  • Publisher: MurGee Softwares Pvt Ltd.
  • Home page: www.murgee.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Automatic Mouse and Keyboard

Automatic Mouse and Keyboard

Automatic Mouse and Keyboard allows you to automate mouse clicks and keyboard actions. It provides a simple interface where you can add mouse and keyboard actions in a list, with millisecond delays for each. This list of actions can be run in sequence, when needed.

Auto Mouse Clicker

Auto Mouse Clicker

Auto Mouse Clicker can be used to automate left and right mouse-clicks at specified points on your screen. It can keep your mouse cursor clicking according to a defined script. Each action in a script can have parameters such as the click type (left, right, double-click), delay (in milliseconds), and number of times to click.

  • Publisher: MurGee
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022
Khazama AVR Programmer

Khazama AVR Programmer

The goals of this program is a nice small, fast, reliable and simple to use program.You can set your settings according to your project. this steps will execute after you push "Auto Program" button on the main window or press CTRL+P shortcut.Fuses and Lock window help you to set settings for AVR chips.

  • Publisher: Behzad khazama
  • Home page: www.khazama.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2011
PC TuneUp Maestro

PC TuneUp Maestro

PC TuneUp Maestro fixes, cleans, and optimizes your Windows PC. It provides a comprehensive diagnostic snapshot of your PC's health, along with a single-click button to fix everything. It can fix registry keys, remove unwanted startup items, etc. Registry and disk defragmentation features optimize your file and registry access times.

  • Publisher: CompuClever Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2016
Auto Clicker Asoftech

Auto Clicker Asoftech

Auto Clicker Asoftech can be used to automate mouse clicks and movements. It lets you select the X and Y coordinates by pointing your mouse at the required position on the screen. You can specify the type of click (right, left, double, click-hold, release), interval (milliseconds) after the click, etc. Any number of clicks can be added to a named list of actions.

  • Publisher: Asoftech
  • Home page: www.asoftech.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


AutoClickExtreme lets you record and replay actions performed in any program on your desktop. Actions performed can also be bound to images displayed on the screen. These features allow you to use AutoClickExtreme to process large amounts of files, make backups, convert data from one format to another, and automate Excel tables.

Sonic Click Ultra Button ActiveX Control Demo Studio

Sonic Click Ultra Button ActiveX Control Demo Studio

This version is a highly improved and optimized successor version of the previously released versions of Sonic Click Button control and loads 10 times faster than previous versions and also consumes only a very low amount of memory and system resources. Coded with highly optimized graphical processing algorithms the control delivers utmost performance according to the Interface requirements.

  • Publisher: SWJ Soft
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2011
Mouse Button Control

Mouse Button Control

Mouse Button Control converts Middle-Mouse-Button-Click to a Double-Click. It is as if you pressed the left-mouse-button two time very quickly. This is handy if you do not need the Middle-Mouse-Button, but do a lot of Double-Clicks. Converts the four arrow keys to mouse moves option. To press an arrow key will move the mouse cursor one pixel.

  • Publisher: ElectraSoft
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023