Auto gann grid indicator amibroker in Title/Summary

AmiBroker is a technical analysis tool to manage your stock portfolio. It gives you real time quotes taking the information from online services as eSignal, IQFeed, Interactive Brokers, QCharts, CQG, among other sources. AmiBroker features automatic Walk-Forward Testing, Multi-monitor floating charts, symbol and interval linking and drag-and-drop indicator creation.
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: September 13th, 2021

Shubha RT for Amibroker
Shubha RT plugin for Amibroker is an RTD client. It provides Real-Time streaming quotes from RTD server like, NEST Trader, Zerodha Trader etc. Application provides data in tick format and various intervals starting from 500 milliseconds, 1 second onwards. You can also add more fields to pull any extra data. There is no restriction on no. of symbols to pull data or refresh rate.
- Publisher: Shubhalabha
- Last updated: May 20th, 2014

This program allows you to share market traders, brokers and analysts. Features: - Blazing fast data for AmiBroker. Data is delivered with Boradcast Technology to make zero latency. - Nse realtime data of cash stocks. - Nse realtime data of futures.
- Publisher: RTDS
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022
Auto gann grid indicator amibroker in Description

Trend Blaster Trading System
This system is the preliminary development or a beta test of our flagship trading system Trend Blaster and is developed by us on Amibroker TM platform using some simple yet powerful trend following indicators. We have named it as Trend Blaster Beta Version. Though the fully developed version if much more robust and mechanical the beta test is equally good for newbies.
- Publisher: StockManiacs Equity Research & Systems Consultancy (P) Ltd
- Last updated: August 16th, 2012

Time Trader
Time Trader is a charting system which is designed to provide investors and market technicians with the most easy and straight forward way to undergo Gann style time and price analysis and certainly for quick investment decisions. In this software, there is included several applications in relation to Gann, Fibonacci and geometry theories of market
- Publisher: Acrotec System Ltd.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2011

StockM is a program designed to feed a professional-quality data with accuracy and consistency to technical analysis programs like Metastock or Amibroker. The program allows you to backup data feed available for real time and backfill data, it includes all major stock indices and a fast Ticker Speed indicator.
- Publisher: StockM Data Solution
- Last updated: January 29th, 2013

TTM Rolling Pivots
You must have the TTM Auto Pivots Indicator for the TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator to work. This day trading indicator is compatible with Tradestation, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader! -TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots are great for Sideways Chop -TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator updates new pivots every hour
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
- Publisher: StockwarePro
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 17th, 2016
Additional Auto gann grid indicator amibroker selection

RocketDock 1.3 - simple application that installs itself by default on the middle of the upper part of our desktop. From this tray bar, it's possible to enter My PC, My Net places, My documents, My music, My images, the Control Panel, the Recycle WasteBasket, as well as the configuration itself and the developer web site (Punk SOftware).
- Publisher: Punk Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City
The Story is set around Antonio "Toni" Cipriani who returns to Liberty City after a four year hiding after killing a made man. Toni is introduced to Vincenzo Cilli, Salvatore Leone's current Caporegime, and Vincenzo is tasked to give Toni some work. Toni dislikes Vincenzo, as Vincenzo acts like his "daddy" and keeps pushing him around.
- Publisher: Rockstar
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
As Vice City was developed after Grand Theft Auto III, the game follows a very similar design, but with several improvements in comparison to its predecessor. It is quite free, characteristic of all Grand Theft Auto, although the missions must be completed to go further in the story and unlock other areas of the city.
- Publisher: Rockstar Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2010

Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V is a first person action adventure game where you can explore world of Los Santos and Blaine County and make robberies. The present story is that of a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath who must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in this ruthless city.
- Publisher: Rockstar North
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2022

Drive Space Indicator
Drive Space Indicator 5.3 is a program that shows the remaining space in your drives. The program does this by modifying the icons that you see when you open My Computer. Below the icon of each drive, you will see a progress bar, that will show you how full the drive is.
- Publisher: Douglas Orend (aka Dougiefresh)
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

Grand Theft Auto
Wonder through the streets while building your empire. This is the first installment in the GTA world where players get to experience what it's like to become a mobster that can control the city and its aspects like organized crime, car theft, gambling, etc.
- Publisher: DMA Design Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2010

GS Auto Clicker
GS Auto Clicker is a useful tool to automatically click mouse instead of hand. If you click mouse frequently when you are playing game or working, this application can release your finger and save your time. You will simply need to press one specific HotKey, and GS Auto Clicker will then help you finish clicking.
- Publisher: AutomaticSolution Software.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Wise Auto Shutdown
Wise Auto Shutdown is a very popular automation tool. As its name suggests, it was designed to let you shutdown your system automatically, but there are other things that it can do. It can also restart, log off, hibernate, and power off your computer and even put it to sleep in some cases.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Design Grid
The program allows you to control the sizes and proportions in your design. It has an austere design with auto-hide controls. Design Grid will be useful in designing user interfaces, web interfaces, graphic elements, in photo editing and analyzing graphs.
- Publisher: Softaddress
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Quran Auto Reciter
Quran Auto Reciter is used to read and listen the Quran from a vast choice of famous reciters. Prayer timings of local majids can be configured so that you're alerted five times a day by an Athan of your choice. It can be configured to launch automatically at specific times for recitals or for giving Athan at times manually configurable by yourself.
- Publisher: Search
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 17th, 2017