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Autohotkey todo list in Title/Summary

Todoist ToDo list and Task Manager

Todoist ToDo list and Task Manager

Todoist is an online to-do list and task manager; you can access your lists and tasks in Google Chrome browser using this extension. With Todoist, you can set recurring dates easily with a built-in calendar. You can also nest related tasks by creating sub-tasks within projects.

TickTick Todo Task List

TickTick Todo Task List

TickTick - Todo & Task List is a Google Chrome extension that can display all your todo list, checklist, tasks. All your data is stored in your TickTick.com account. This can be synced with your mobile devices too. You can access and change your lists by clicking its icon in Chrome.

  • Publisher: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ticktick-todo-task-list/diankknpkndanachmlckaikddgcehkod?hl=en
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015
ToDo Sync Helper

ToDo Sync Helper

The world' s most elegant and hands-on ToDo app was designed to work around your fingers. 2Do surrounds you with your projects and actions, grouped the way you like them, sorted the way you need them and reminding you at the time you want them done. 2Do only supports recurring patterns exposed by itself and may not correctly set the kind of advanced pattern, if any, found in Outlook.

  • Publisher: Guided Ways Technologies Ltd
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2011

Autohotkey todo list in Description



MyTodo it is a very usable, lightweight and not bloated application for managing all the small tasks and notes.It lets you open and save multiple todolists. Every todo list may contain several todo items that are organized in a tree. Those items again contain information about the todo's description, status, priority, whether you should be reminded or not and a few others.

  • Publisher: Tyron Madlener
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2009


Desktop Task Management to help you get organized and manage all your jobs and tasks easily and quickly. It helps you define goals, recrute tasks, track status, submit report, measure the results. Totodo Server facilitates team collaboration also.

  • Publisher: Srimax Software System
  • Home page: totodo.srimax.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2014


AM-Notebook is a multi-featured personal information manager that provides an easy and reliable way to save notes, formula supported spreadsheets, diagrams/flowcharts, to do lists, tasks and contacts within a light weight tray icon tool. Main features: - Calendar - Address book - Alarm clock - Open notes and spreadsheets in different tabs - Notes with many text formatting features

  • Publisher: Aignesberger Software GmbH
  • Home page: www.aignes.com
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2012
VORG Express

VORG Express

VORG is the software that empowers you to store in one place calendars, tasks, contacts, notes and documents. The Outlook style User Interface makes it a snap to manage and access Contacts, Tasks, Calendars, Notes and Documents. Manage your personal or business contact information and build distribution lists.

  • Publisher: Vertikal Systems
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


PD-UnDelete is a full Windows desktop application that can be used to undelete your Palm Desktop data.PD-UnDelete works with the four PIM applications in Palm Desktop: Contacts ( Address Book ), Calendar ( Date Book ), Task ( Todo List ) and Memos ( Memo Pad ).In the PD-UnDelete program, all your application data, including the records you deleted before, are listed in the table.

  • Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2011

Additional Autohotkey todo list selection



Rainlendar is a simple to use desktop calendar that helps you keep records with your daily tasks, important events and project deadlines. This application helps you store reminders for friends' birthdays, business appointments, public holidays, urgent matters and many other important events you need to keep track of.

  • Publisher: Kimmo 'Rainy' Pekkola
  • Home page: www.rainlendar.net
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2023
Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List is powerful, but still super-easy and fast to use. It will never get in your way or waste your time. It lets you have a complete control over all your information organized in an unlimited hierarchical tree and a scheduling calendar and manage all kinds of tasks and notes, lists, goals, projects, reminders, information, files, etc.

Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List is a simple personal organizer that allows you to organize your daily tasks and appointments in an easy way to ensure that you never forget any of your important events. You can organize your tasks by category, establish their priority and set reminders.



LeaderTask lets you manage your projects and tasks in a simple interface. It has a huge number of features, like tasks, projects, teamwork, contacts, tags, colors, shared projects, access to tasks, focus, statuses, chat in tasks, files in tasks, checklists, reminders, timing, filter system, and sorting.

  • Publisher: Organizer LeaderTask LLC
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2022


Planner is a software product that attempts to bridge the gap between planning with simple spreadsheets (no help whatsoever) and complex products such as Microsoft(r) Project. It does so by providing a simple interface to do your planning work. Features: -Easy and quick todo-list. -Tasklists for both planned & (yet) unplanned tasks, as well as agreements made with 3rd parties.

  • Publisher: Dolphinity BV
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2008
Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite is a free utility that helps you keep track of your daily tasks, create to-do lists, set reminders, and so much more. The application consists of 3 windows: Calendar, Events, and Todos. Keeping them all on your desktop will help you be on schedule at all times and easily manage your daily task data.

Hot Alarm Clock

Hot Alarm Clock

Hot Alarm Clock can work as an alarm clock, stopwatch, countdown timer, birthday reminder, to-do list reminder, and other kinds of schedulers. It can play your favorite music or let you use your favorite online radio station, use fixed or increasing alarm volume, launch your favorite apps and open Web sites on wake-up.

  • Publisher: Comfort Software Group
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


Todoist is a program to manage tasks and projects. This is a cloud-based application which stores all the data in the server. The application page displays projects and tasks using HTML5, even if there is no Internet connection. It also has a smartphone application that automatically synchronizes your tasks.

  • Publisher: Doist Ltd
  • Home page: doist.com
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2015
Wise Reminder

Wise Reminder

Wise Reminder is a simple yet very effective tool that lets you create lists of future tasks and events and be reminded of them at the right time. For those of us that have busy daily schedules, Wise Reminder can prove to be of undeniable help. They will no longer forget about important meetings, appointments, and other upcoming events.

Task Coach

Task Coach

Task Coach can help you organize tasks and resources in a project. It has the main advantage of being much simpler and consequently easier to learn than other similar tools. Moreover, it is incredibly lighter. Yet, this is unfortunately at the expense of available features.

  • Publisher: Frank Niessink, Jerome Laheurte
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2014