Autoruns bluescreen in Title/Summary

wellwasser® bluescreen
wellwasser® bluescreen is free-of-charge freeware that accomplishes no less than breathing "life" into static images! The screensaver for Windows animates diverse artwork in real time and offers you ample room for creativity during computer breaks in addition.
- Publisher: wellwasser®
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2011

Autoruns is the best program to manage Windows startup entries. It lists all the programs, services, Internet Explorer addons, and drivers in an easy-to-use tabbed-interface. You may also use it to remove the Scheduled Tasks, Windows Sidebar Gadgets, and printers.
- Publisher: Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 14th, 2015

Sysinternals autoruns
Autoruns is a utility that shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and when you start various built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer, Explorer and media players. These programs and drivers include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2016
Autoruns bluescreen in Description

newObjects Active Local Pages
ALP exposes typical WEB programming interface (ASP, CGI etc.) but is not a WEB server. The programs for ALP run as desktop applications without need of WEB server or even network. It combines the desktop and WEB programming techniques in one.
- Publisher: newObjects
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

RehanFX Shader Transitions and Effects (ShaderTFX)
ShaderTFX is a custom plug-in for Windows Movie Maker v6 (Vista). It extends the range of features available within Movie Maker by providing a framework for creating custom effects and transitions with shader files (.fx) and XML code (.xml). ShaderTFX is built on top of the new GPU processing architecture of Movie Maker in Vista.
- Publisher: RehanFX
- Last updated: April 7th, 2008

Autorun Eater
Autorun Eater is a software designed to "eat" autoruns , and it has been improved with "malware scan" option that scans the infected storage device using microsoft security essentials command line scanner. It is ever updating and there has been removed some reduntant code to improve startup time.
- Publisher: Old McDonald's Farm
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

CD Autorun Creator
CD Autorun Creator offers fast and efficient way of building autorun programs. You can build your own autoruns within few minutes. All you have to do is import your favorite media files such as MP3s and photos in CD Autorun Creator, set command buttons, splash and exit screens, set effects etc...
- Publisher: DSW Software Team
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2015

System Explorer
System Explorer is a powerful software tool that shows you detailed information about your system running processes, performance parameters, open connections, etc. Besides, the program can also analyze your system processes to detect suspicious behavior and hidden threats, thus, it keeps your system free of harmful viruses and rootkits.
- Publisher: Mister Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2017
Additional Autoruns bluescreen selection

BlueScreenView is a pretty simple tool that scans all the Minidump files generated during the BSOD crashes, analyzes them and shows the crash information that they contain. This neat and handy tool is also free and represents a great helping hand whenever you engage in the challenging quest of determining what caused your system to crash.
- Publisher: NirSoft
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015

a-squared HiJackFree
Emsisoft HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool which helps advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers.This software can manage all types of autoruns on your system, control all services, even those windows doesn't display, manage installed layered service providers and much more
- Publisher: Emsi Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Mamutu can monitor all active programs for dangerous behavior (Behavior Blocking),Recognize new and unknown Trojans, Worms and Viruses (Zero-Day attacks), without daily updates. Mamutu is a small but very powerful piece of software,it saves resources and does not slow the PC down.
- Publisher: Emsi Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2012

SiteInFile Compiler
SiteInFile Compiler converts HTML files or entire websites into an executable file. It compresses pages and resources (including HTML, CSS, WAV, TXT, JPG, GIF, JavaScript, PNG, etc.) and protects them with password; the users can only access content that you wish to display.
- Publisher: Abyss Media Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

AutoRun Architect
Create Impressive & Powerful AutoRun Menus.The Industry leading CD/DVD Publishing and AutoRun creation tool! - Choose from our graphics & create stunning menus. - Wide choice of powerful actions. - Automatically install viewer software for your documents. - Publishing your CD/DVD has never been so easy.
- Publisher: 7Bear Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2011

When you have a PocketPC based navigation system and your software supports user definded POIs (Points Of Interest) you need POIView! POIView helps you to manage, view, edit and print these POIs directly on your desktop PC - and many things more. All tools are still under development but you can test them already.
- Publisher: Bluescreen
- Last updated: March 8th, 2011

POIView Tools
These tools help you at your work using POIView. With this tools you can create your own files using source files in the common E00 format and create regions that are not available for public download yet. Thousands of POIs are stored in own file and you can convert them to ASC files (even large collections are converted ).
- Publisher: Bluescreen
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Wise DVD Burner
Wise DVD Burner is designed as an advanced and extremely powerful CD and DVD burning tool. It even removes the hassle of making autoruns, creating and printing your own labels and booklets. Burn any data, copy any disc, make backups, create astoni.
- Publisher: MakeTimeSoft,Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 12th, 2010
- Publisher: Shetab
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Using this application it's easy to resize pictures to a defined dimension (width, height) or file size without having a huge and complex image software. Perfect if you want to eMail pictures to friends or put them on your web site. This program changes the image quality in small steps so you get the best picture that fits the size limits.
- Publisher: Bluescreen
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011