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Avr obd ii scanner in Title/Summary

OBD II Scan Tool

OBD II Scan Tool

OBD-2 Vehicle Explorer Scan Tool Browser - Browser for automotive OBD-2 networks. View up to 255 servers in your car at the same time, send and receive messages, down load data, scan network, with indexed search and firewall options. Analyze over 1200 possible variables from your car in real time or inlcudes torque, knock retard, boost and misfire enhanced powertrain specfic analog.

  • Publisher: Alex C. Peper
  • Home page: www.obd-2.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012
AEB OBD ScanTool

AEB OBD ScanTool

OBD ScanTool is a software from A.E.B, S.p.a that enables field reprogramming of the hand-held AEB 214 OBD II (On Board Diagnostics) tester for all motor vehicles that are equipped with OBD systems. Such motor vehicles are usually manufactured in USA or Europe. OBD II standard is supported in the USA, while in Europe, EOBD standard is supported.

  • Publisher: A.E.B
  • Last updated: September 7th, 2015


BASCOM AVR is a very powerful and easy-to-use compiler for the AVR series of micro controllers developed by Atmel. The program comes with a very user-friendly interface and a set of simple commands, and provides more flexibility than other programs in this category.

  • Publisher: MCS Electronics
  • Home page: www.mcselec.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2016

Avr obd ii scanner in Description



PCMSCAN is a fully featured generic OBD-II scanner and diagnostic tool that supports a wide variety of OBD-II hardware interfaces.



OBD BOOK is a free upgrade tool specifically designed for the OBD II Auto Scanner 6830. The program allows you to control the condition of the vehicle electronic system at any time. It also allows you to easily add the PID data on the OBD II Auto Scanner 6830.

  • Publisher: Launch Tech Co., Ltd
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2013


AVR Studio Beta is out and it's super awesome, go try it out. The file formats used by AVR Studio are different from AVR Studio (and older), and the AVR Studio related features inside AVR Project IDE are only relevant to AVR Studio and older. This development environment is designed to provide an easy to use and lightweight editor that allows users to quickly program AVR microcontrollers.

  • Publisher: Circle of Current
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2011
OBD II logger

OBD II logger

OBD-II is the protocol used by all cars built after 1996. If you want your PC or laptop to read some of the data from the "Computer" in your car then you need some kind of OBD to RS-232 interface. There are many OBD-II interfaces out there, but most of them are very expensive. You can make your own interface if you know a bit about electronics and know how to make your own PCB boards.

  • Publisher: OBD-II
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
JumpStart C for AVR

JumpStart C for AVR

JumpStart C for AVR is a professional C programming IDE for AVR microcontrollers. It allows seamless integration with Atmel debug pods, including AVR Dragon, JTAGICE MkII, JTAGICE3, and Atmel-ICE. This version has support for all AVR, megaAVR, and XMEGA series of chips.

  • Publisher: ImageCraft Creations Inc.
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2017

Additional Avr obd ii scanner selection



Scan is a PC based vehicle diagnostic tool with built-in troubleshooter, PID Analyzer, DTC code videos, PID red-flag feature, and advanced graphing. This application can diagnose and troubleshoot problems with airbag, automotive transmissions, HVAC systems, engine start, etc.

OBD Auto Doctor

OBD Auto Doctor

At some point, everyone who owns a car has to deal with mechanical problems. In order to fix them, you can either take the car to a mechanic or you can fix it yourself and save some money. OBD Auto Doctor comes to your help if you choose to deal with the problem on your own. This software solution offers users the tools to diagnose, detect or just monitor your car system.

Advanced IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner is a Windows program that might prove to be of good use to network administrators. With its help, you can identify all of the devices that are being connected to your LAN network and gives you access to shared folders within moments.

Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner is a program that might come in handy if you're a network administrator. With its help, you can find out if there any unauthorized computers connected to your network and immediately check their IP addresses, hostnames, and MAC addresses.

  • Publisher: Anton Keks
  • Home page: angryip.org
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2018
Advanced Port Scanner

Advanced Port Scanner

Advanced Port Scanner is a free network scanner allowing you to quickly find open ports on network computers and retrieve versions of programs running on the detected ports. The program has a user-friendly interface and rich functionality. Fast multithreaded port scanning, getting information about network devices.

AVR Studio

AVR Studio

AVR Studio was created by Atmel in order to help developers to efficiently create applications for AVR microcontrollers using C/C++ programming languages. This piece of software comes with a large number of tutorials, which allow the users to get familiar with the application. The program stands as a complete pack for programmers that use C++ and other programming languages.

  • Publisher: Atmel Corporation
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Viper Plagiarism Scanner

Viper Plagiarism Scanner

Viper Plagiarism Scanner is a piece of downloadable software that is used to detect plagiarism in electronic documents. It scans the web, the user's past document library (optionally), all past submissions to the program, and millions of electronic resources such as books and journals.

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is intended to help network administrators and web developers protect servers and applications from various types of threats. The program can perform scans to evaluate how secure a given network is. In this respect, it specializes in detecting problems that compromise the security of web applications.

  • Publisher: Acunetix
  • Home page: www.acunetix.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
Khazama AVR Programmer

Khazama AVR Programmer

The goals of this program is a nice small, fast, reliable and simple to use program.You can set your settings according to your project. this steps will execute after you push "Auto Program" button on the main window or press CTRL+P shortcut.Fuses and Lock window help you to set settings for AVR chips.

  • Publisher: Behzad khazama
  • Home page: www.khazama.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2011
eXtreme Burner - AVR

eXtreme Burner - AVR

The eXtreme Burner- AVR is a full graphical user interface (GUI) AVR series of MCU that supports several types of clock sources for various applications. It enables you to read and write a RC Oscillator or a perfect high speed crystal oscillator and you can select various clock resources such as external clocks, Crystal and Ceramic Resonator.