Awesome space photos in Title/Summary

Awesome Space Views
Display stunning images of nebulae, galaxies, planets, moons and the space shuttle as your screensaver! Includes over 60 images - many were taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope - and an educational description for each image.Main features:- Select from a number of image transition effects. - Use your favorite image as desktop wallpaper. - Listen to background music, and more!
- Publisher: Esm Software
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2008

Space Flights Free Screensaver
Beautiful collection of photographs of space shuttles and stations in the form of a slideshow-style screensaver. It features a control panel allowing users to customize the program. Also, its installation wizard does not require users to install toolbars or to make changes in their system.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Awesome Geology from Space Screen Saver Lite
Awesome Geology from Space Screen Saver Lite contains radar images of geological formations around the world, including volcanoes, rivers, mountains, and more. The false-color palettes used in these images make them beautiful to look at as well as interesting to study.
- Publisher: Cottonwood Software
- Last updated: January 27th, 2009
Awesome space photos in Description

3D Supernova Screensaver
3D Supernova is a unique space animated screensaver. Space scene is placed between two stars and a huge black hole. One of the stars is near its end, star explodes and for a while becomes a supernova. Near the black hole are also planets,asteroids
- Publisher: 3Deep Space, Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Alien Battlecraft: Arena
Alien Battle craft: Arena is a 2D arcade game in which you control a spaceship in space. Every map has planets, asteroids, and enemies. Depending on the size of the foe or object, it can be easier or harder to destroy. When you destroy an enemy, a power-up may come out of it.
- Publisher: Jaibo software
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010

Beat Hazard
Beat Hazard is an awesome space shooter in which the gameplay is marked by the rhythm of the music. Similarly to Audio Surf, in Beat Hazard it is your own music which marks the game rhythm, so the groovier and faster the song, the more exciting and intense the game gets.
- Publisher: Cold Beam Games
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2010

Solar System Structure Screensaver
Space photos give us a chance to understand the structure of the Solar System. Here we can watch the models of the Sun, planets, the real photos of stars and galaxies.
- Publisher: 3D ScreenSaver Jam
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008

Space Trip 3D Screensaver
Space Trip 3D Screensaver will bring the stars to your desktop. This awesome screensaver will take you on a journey to the limits of the universe. You will be traveling through space, witnessing all the wonders that reside out there. You will be able to see light effects produced by stars and planets, unsurpassed by anything made by man.
- Publisher: Digital Minds Software
- Last updated: April 4th, 2008
Additional Awesome space photos selection

Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder
Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder can help you save disk space by finding and deleting duplicate images. The program has an intuitive interface, which allows practically anyone to use the program with no difficulty whatsoever. Actually, using the program is rather simple, you just need to select the folders you want to scan and start the search.
- Publisher: Duplicate Finder
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

NIKON IMAGE SPACE UPLOADER is a free program that allows you to easily upload multiple photos via simple drag-and-drop operations. The program lets you upload on your account up to 2 GB of photo albums and it clears the duplicate files automatically.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 9th, 2014

Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro
Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro is a program that might prove to be of good use when organizing your picture collection or reclaiming disk space on your Windows PC. With its help, you can easily locate and delete those useless duplicate images that take up space needlessly on your hard disk.
- Publisher: Systweak Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2019

Deep In Space Screensaver
Don’t you sometimes wish the future was here and you could travel to other planets on a spaceship? Deep In Space Screensaver brings outer space to your monitor. This awesome screensaver will take you on a journey way beyond the planet Earth. You will be aboard a spaceship heading somewhere deep in space. Final destination? Unknown.
- Publisher: FullScreensavers
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 6th, 2011

After you set up iCloud on an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, you can use iCloud for Windows to access your photos, videos, calendar, files, and any other important information on your Windows PC. Your information stays up to date on all your devices.
- Publisher: Apple Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Earth 3D Space Tour screensaver
Earth 3D Space Tour Screensaver will take you on a journey through space. This awesome screensaver contains very realistic images and animation of our Earth as seen from a spaceship in orbit around it. The camera moves in different ways and positions, so you will be able to watch amazingly beautiful sunsets and sunrises, as well as all kinds of very realistic atmospheric effects.
- Publisher: FP Software lab
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Norton Online Backup
Norton™ Online Backup automatically safeguards your files, music, photos and other important documents from loss. Does all the work for you — automatically backs up your digital photos and videos, downloaded music, financial documents, and other important files to our secured data centers.
- Publisher: Symantec Corporation
- Last updated: November 5th, 2020

Samsung Kies3
KIES can Keep Your Device Updated, Transfer Photos and Videos to Your PC, Master Your Music Library, Back Up Your Device
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: November 8th, 2024

iMyfone Space Saver for iOS
iMyfone Space Saver for iOS is designed for saving iDevice storage by junk files clean-up and lossless photo compression. It can perfectly solve the storage full problem and speed up your iDevice.
- Publisher: Shenzhen iMyfone Technology Co., Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2015

Awesome Video Player
You can drag and drop any number of media files on it, and AVPlayer will automatically open and arrange the videos for you on screen, using as much space as possible for each video, and provide a convenient set of UI to control each or all of them at the same time. Moreover, you can save your favorite videos in playlists for immediate reloading any time you want.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022