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Batch cmd script editor debugger in Title/Summary

Vrode Script Editor

Vrode Script Editor

Vrode Script Editor is an editor for JavaScript, VBScript, HTML and CSS files. Main features: - Running scripts in console (CScript) or Windows (WScript) mode. - PhoneGap|Cordova projects support. - Debugging scripts in HTML (IE, Firefox, Google Chrome), NodeJs, HTA, WSF, VBS, JS, files. - Code Explore for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, INI-files.

  • Publisher: VrodeSoft
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
Free Script Editor

Free Script Editor

Free Script Editor 3.0 is an efficient tool designed specially for web developers. This program provides you with a lot of different functions. If you are a programmer or a user who uses PHP and HTML languages, then this program is the right choice. This software allows you to open unlimited-size text files.

  • Publisher: FreeScriptEditor.org
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Cinergy Script Editor

Cinergy Script Editor

Cinergy Script Editor is a production management tool. The CSE is a way to automatically apply industry standard formatting and pagination rules to your script. The Cinergy Script Editor scripts are automatically formatted for character names, action, dialog and other elements while you write.

  • Publisher: Mindstar Productions
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2013

Batch cmd script editor debugger in Description



fragMOTION is a 3D modeler used for the creation and animation of characters. The program loads and edits multiple motions in the same workspace. The built-in keyframe editor allows you to copy, paste and delete keyframes with ease. it gives you the ability to create your own plugins using C or Lua script.



Lite-c is intended for quickly and easily developing graphics or virtual reality applications - such as 2D or 3D computer games - even without previous programming knowledge. Sounds, images, movies, user interfaces, 2D and 3D models, collision detection, rigid body physics, multitasking, and DirectX functions are already a native part of the language.

  • Publisher: Conitec oP group
  • Home page: www.conitec.net
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2009
Batch Watermark Creator

Batch Watermark Creator

Batch Watermark Creator is a specialized tool for batch add text and images watermark to your photos, images and pictures. Batch Watermark Creator has beautiful and easy to use interface. You will be able to process thousands of files in a few seconds.



With Dr.Batcher you can create and edit batch files. It provides you with two different modes of the batch file editor: simple and professional. In the first mode you can edit batch script with visual editors and wizards. The second mode provides you with a professional script editor supporting code tooltips, syntax highlighting and bookmarks.

  • Publisher: Mental Works Computing Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


LuaEdit is powerful script editor and debugger for the 5.1 and/or 5.2 version of Lua. It features many tools such as advanced breakpoint management, syntax highlighting, completion proposal list, local and global variable windows. Its interface has been designed to look as close as possible to MS Visual Studio IDE.

Additional Batch cmd script editor debugger selection

Batch Text&Html Editor

Batch Text&Html Editor

Batch Text&Html Editor is a software that can batch edit text or html files, save your hard work and much time.Main features: · Batch edit text or html files · Remove words or lines or texts · Insert words or texts to position · Remove empty lines · Keep lines you want etc.

  • Publisher: whitecloudsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 16th, 2021


CLEO is an extensible plugin for the Grand Theft Auto games series. Using CLEO it's possible to add custom scripts written with Sanny Builder or another script editor to the game without starting a new game. Adding and removing a script is as easy as copying and deleting a file in the CLEO folder.

  • Publisher: Seemann
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2023
Folder Synchronize Script Editor

Folder Synchronize Script Editor

Folder Synchronize Script Editor is a companion, standalone program to Folder Synchronize and, alternatively, Directory Toolkit. The Script Editor is used to generate (or edit) script files that can then be used with Folder Synchronize or Directory Toolkit.

Batch Text File Editor Free Edition

Batch Text File Editor Free Edition

Batch-Notepad that can replace, insert, delete, copy, and move text in multiple files in bulk! Perform advanced search and replace operations using RegEx substitutions. Supports multi-line replace, wildcards, match selection, case matching, Unicode!

Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor

Oxygen XML Editor is a comprehensive tool for editing, converting, and debugging of XML data. It can perform XQuery and XPath queries against a native XML database, through a connection to the database server. Support for all types of XML documents and similar file types are ensured, including XML Schemas, CSS, XSLT, WSDL, RelaxNG, Schematron, Ant, and XQuery.

  • Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL
  • Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
ExeScript Editor

ExeScript Editor

ExeScript Editor can be used to create applications using scripting languages such as VBScript, JScript, Python, etc. It will also be able to work on Windows batch files and PowerShell commands. AES encryption protects the code for being copied. The IDE comes with numerous code examples to help you get started.

  • Publisher: ScriptCode.com
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2012


SWiSHmax, Flash creation taken to the maximum. SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. Nothing beats SWiSHmax. SWiSHmax is jam packed with features that make producing stunning interactive Flash animations a simple and painless experience. Here's just some of the features that make SWiSHmax so powerful: Scripting: No coding required! All interactivity can be added through a simple menu interface. Advanced scripting capabilities through SWiSHscript. Script editor which allows advanced user to enter scripts directly. Debugger that simplifies finding and fixing errors in your scripts.

  • Publisher: SWiSHzone.com Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.swishzone.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Script Editor

Script Editor

Universal, easy-to-use editor for Windows Script Files (*.wsf) and scripts (*.vbs, *.js, ...). Re-usable parts of a script code can be referenced as external script files, while the project-specific code is embedded into the project (*.wsf).

  • Publisher: BrineSoft
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Free JavaScript Editor

Free JavaScript Editor

Free JavaScript Editor is intended to create and modify JavaScript code. Great news it supports technologies like CSS, DHTML and Ajax as well. Good to know that this editor supports enriching your code thanks to the availability of a library of JS objects, variables, functions and snippets. Luckily, the tool is well-documented.

  • Publisher: Yaldex Software
  • Home page: www.yaldex.com
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2009
Chris's OFP Script Editor

Chris's OFP Script Editor

Chris's OFP Script Editor is a free script editing tool for the game Operation Flashpoint. This application also contains wizards that will help you quickly create the files you'll need to finish your custom OFP missions. It's allowing you to build briefings, descriptions and other OFP script related files.

  • Publisher: CHSoftware
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2011