Batch file mask password dialog in Title/Summary

File Mask
FileMask allows you to encrypt sensitive files, but much more than that, it lets you hide a file inside another so that no one can even suspect there is something encrypted there. It is a robust and easy to use application that will help you keep or send private information securely.
- Publisher: Egisca Corp.
- Last updated: June 19th, 2012

Batch File Compiler
Quick Batch File converter convert batch actual files into exe application data format in one click. Tool may be run on Windows 95/98/ME/XP without any limitations. Data contents of batch file will be encrypted and protected from any changes
- Publisher: Data Recovery Directory

Batch File Creator
KaSaB Batch File Creator is a easy to use utility that assists construction of batch files. It is ideal for teaching the creation and use of batch files, and has been tested in classroom settings. Features and Screenshot - Pull-down menus of common commands with explanation - Optional automated date stamp insert - Intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Kasab Software
- Last updated: July 16th, 2011
Batch file mask password dialog in Description

Excel Password Unlocker
Excel Password Unlocker provides you an easy and quick way to recover forgotten passwords for MS Excel 97-2010 files (*.xlsx, *.xls) at high speed. GPU acceleration and Multi-core CPUs are newly-added to speed up your Excel password recovery.
- Publisher: Password Unlocker
- Last updated: September 20th, 2012

PassDlg.dll is an ActiveX DLL component for use in programs or scripts that can display four different types of simple password-input dialog boxes.It is most useful for WSH scripts that need to request password information.PassDlg's objects can display a wide variety of dialog boxes.
- Publisher: Bill Stewart
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Asunsoft PowerPoint Password Geeker
Asunsoft PowerPoint Password Geeker is a program designed to recover password-encrypted PowerPoint files. The program supports both PPT and PPTX files. Using PowerPoint Password Geeker is quick and easy. Once you choose the file that you want to open, you need to select between the following types of password cracking methods: Brute-force, Mask, Dictionary, and Smart.
- Publisher: Asunsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2016

File and Folder Protector
Protect your files and folders with File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. This great easy-to-use password-protected security utility lets you password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching just with a click of mouse.
- Publisher: Ixis Research Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2010

Chris PC-Lock
Keeping your private and sensitive data away from prying eyes and protecting your work against accidental changes and loss are but two of the many reasons why Chris PC-Lock is an interesting tool to explore. Whenever you key in the shortcut you defined, this tiny utility will lock your PC or laptop in such a way that only those who know the right password will be allowed to use it again.
- Publisher: Chris P.C. srl
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Batch file mask password dialog selection

Quick Batch File Compiler
Quick Batch File compiler convert batch files into actual program (EXE format) in one click. This program may be run on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 without any limitations. Content of batch file will be encripted and protected from changes.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Batch File Renamer
Batch File Renamer is able to rename all the files or folders of a chosen directory. There are a number of ways that the names of files and folders can be changed. The names can be completely redone and new names can be given, such as in number order or with meta variables. It is also possible to edit the names that are already given.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

Panda Batch File Renamer
Panda Batch File Renamer is an easy to use utility for renaming multiple files. The intuitive interface provides a flexible way to quickly alter file names. The current and final file names are shown side-by-side on the screen and any changes are displayed on screen immediately.
- Publisher: Animal Software
- Last updated: December 11th, 2011

Batch File Utility
Batch File Utility is an application that allows you to rename any file on your computer in a very easy way. With this program you can rename audio files, video files, documents, image files and other types. The good thing about the program is that it is very easy to use and it lets you navigate through your computer to find the files and rename them very fast.
- Publisher: FlashShare
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Batch File Rename
Rename multiple files according to a pattern you specify. Modify original file name by removing/copying its parts, replacing text, or changing letter case. Use dynamic elements like file properties, hashes, MP3 ID3 and EXIF tags, random characters.
- Publisher: BinaryMark
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Batch File Modifier
Batch File Modifier is an application for modifying Windows folders and files, as well as TXT and HTML files. The program is made on the basis of Microsoft.Net framework, thus works perfectly under Windows Vista and even Windows 7. It has a nice, wizard-like interface.
- Publisher: Pmcc
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

PDFN Batch File Rename Utility
This is a program that can rename multiple files as per your specifications. To customize the rename operation, a set of variables can be put in the "Renaming Pattern" field; this program will replace it with the value. For example, ^ORIG^ means the original file name, before any modifications; ^EXT^ means the original file extension, including the period (.jpg, .mp3, etc).
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 11th, 2015

Batch File Encrypt Free Edition
Encrypt and decrypt whole files or their parts using AES, 3-DES, RC2, and DES symmetric algorithms. You can encrypt files with a single password or specify cryptographic keys (vectors) instead. You can change key bit length for better protection.
- Publisher: BinaryMark
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 9th, 2015

Batch File FTP Sync Uploader
Batch File FTP Sync Uploader is an Incremental FTP Uploader/Synchronizer can upload/synchronize incremental files easily and speedily. Batch File FTP Sync Uploader upload modified files only to save your time to upload. A easy-use web publisher.
- Publisher: Batchwork Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Batch File Manager Free Edition
Rename, move, copy, delete, and otherwise manage multiple files. Rename multiple files according to the rules and pattern you specify using powerful editor with syntax highlighting. Copy, move files to folders specified using absolute/relative paths.
- Publisher: BinaryMark
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 9th, 2015