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Batch render with solid rocks in Title/Summary

Batch Render for Rhinoceros

Batch Render for Rhinoceros

Batch Render for Rhino is designed to work with all Rhino compatible renderers, and it's the perfect tool to set up overnight render jobs without scripting. You can set up multiple views, multiple layer schemes, sun positions, render with different renderers, at different resolutions and settings and much more

  • Publisher: LBP Development
  • Home page: www.badger3d.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2010
Vray Batch Render PRO

Vray Batch Render PRO

A powerful VRay batch rendering tool for 3dsmax.* Supports batch multi-file rendering. * Supports batch multi-camera rendering. * Supports batch multi-camera + multi-file rendering.

  • Publisher: 3ddragon
  • Last updated: June 12th, 2008


Rocks'n'Diamonds is a simple, small, and entertaining arcade-action game that can be best described as a combination and remake of classic arcade games such as Boulder Dash, Sokoban and Supaplex (a version of Boulder Dash itself). It keeps the simple yet captivating gameplay, but also the obsolete, Amiga-like graphics.

  • Publisher: Artsoft Entertainment
  • Home page: www.artsoft.org
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2020

Batch render with solid rocks in Description



Render All is a feature that allows you to render all the SketchUp scenes in a model in sequence. When invoked, Render All, renders each scene and saves the image in the SU Podium image save folder. This enables you to batch render several scenes in sequence or even create photo-realistic animation especially if you have created the SketchUp scenes using SU Animate

  • Publisher: Cadalog Inc.
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2012
Easy CAD to Image Converter

Easy CAD to Image Converter

Easy CAD to Image Converter is a program that supports the conversion from DWG, DXF, DWF to BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, and TGA file types. You can even batch render your DWG, DXF, DWF drawing files to image files of any size to answer your specific needs, such as to facilitate the readers of your CAD drawings who have no AutoCAD-based products installed on their computers.

  • Publisher: Benzsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.benzsoft.com
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019


Chaoscope is a 3D strange attractors rendering software. Attractors are parts of the phase space of the dynamical system. An attractor is informally described as strange if it has non-integer dimension or if the dynamics on it are chaotic. Chaoscope can be installed and run in English or French.



YafaRay4tS is an add-on for Caligari's 3D content authoring environment trueSpace 7.6 that allows users to export and render their 3D projects via the photo realistic freeware render engine YafaRay. YafaRay4tS is implemented as an XML exporter that uses batch scripting to interface with YafaRay's command line XML interface.

  • Publisher: Jack Edwards
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009
Behemot Graphics Editor

Behemot Graphics Editor

Behemot Graphics Editor is a graphics program which allows to model and render 3D objects and scenes. It runs on Windows 3.1 (win Win32s Extension) Windows95/NT and Linux; it can create and modify graphically b-rep, blob, NURBS models; object can be logically intersected or subtracted; text can be converted into solid objects using True Type fonts.

  • Publisher: Sergio Perani
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2008

Additional Batch render with solid rocks selection



SolidRocks is a program that fully automates the complex setup of V-Ray. SolidRocks adjusts and optimizes all needed V-ray parameters to achieve the best render time/quality ratio. The plugin provides support for configuring the rendering process for V-Ray.

SolidRocks LITE for Max 2010-2012

SolidRocks LITE for Max 2010-2012

SolidRocks fully automates the complex setup of V-Ray. This lite version can be installed in 3D Max versions 2010 to 2012. SoliRocks comes with modular GUI and useful tools and settings to stay concentrated on creation instead of loosing time on tedious technical settings.

SolidRocks Lite

SolidRocks Lite

SolidRocks is an Autodesk, 3dsmax plugin which automates the complex process of setting up rendering. It brings the best of the powerful V-Ray rendering engine without any need to know its internal operation. Compatible with 3dsMax 9_SP1 to max 2012 and Vray RC3 to Vray 2.2

  • Publisher: E.I Subburb
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012
Solid PDF to Word

Solid PDF to Word

This handy tool lets you convert PDF to Microsoft Word files. Therefore if you don't own an expensive PDF editor and still you need to modify the content of PDF files, you can use this tool and convert them to editable MS Word documents. It allows you to convert the PDF files to both DOCX and RTF files.

Thea Render

Thea Render

Thea Render is a powerful Biased, Unbiased and GPU renderer with a rich set of innovative features, a powerful material system and its own advanced studio. Thea Render comes with high quality materials exclusive for the licensed users, integration with various modelers and advanced features such as Photometric Analysis and Colimo support.

  • Publisher: Solid Iris Technologies
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
PDF to Word Converter

PDF to Word Converter

GIRDAC PDF to Word Converter offers various conversion options that extract text, columns, tables, images, tables, and hyperlinks from any PDF file without ruining its original format and saving the results as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF file. It can turn your PDFs into plain-text files (TXT and XML) or extract their images and save them as individual files in any of the most common image file formats.

  • Publisher: GIRDAC InfoTechnologies
  • Home page: www.girdac.com
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2017
nXt Render Farm

nXt Render Farm

The Render Farm can use multiple computers to render a single image, batch jobs of multiple images or view frame animations. Take advantage of all the computers in your office. A Render Farm consists of a group of networked computers working together to complete large rendering tasks.

  • Publisher: AccuRender
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2011
Solid Edge

Solid Edge

Solid Edge is a mechanical design system with exceptional tools for creating and managing 3D digital prototypes. Solid Edge modeling and assembly tools enable your engineering team to easily develop a full range of products, from single parts to assemblies containing thousands of components.

  • Publisher: Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.solid-edge.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2013
Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter

Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter

Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter transforms the data in MIDI files into playable and recordable full-fledged audio files. This versatile tool can convert any MID, RMI, and KAR (karaoke) file not only into MP3, but also into WAV, Ogg, and WMA audio files. The program supports SoundFont 2 specifications, and allows you to add ID3 tags to the resulting MP3 files.

  • Publisher: Piston Software
  • Home page: www.pistonsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2012
Batch Picture Resizer

Batch Picture Resizer

Batch Image Resizer can be used to resize, convert, flip, mirror, and rotate multiple pictures. It provides a simple interface where you can add any number of files, select the output format, target resolution, rotation angle, etc. You can also change a color photos to grayscale using this tool.