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Beams loads analyses in Title/Summary

ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator

ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator

ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator is a program designed to facilitate the design and calculation of composite beams and non composite beams according to the principles of Eurocodes (EN) [1 to 5]. Tee user-friendly interface requires a short training time for a new user, but the user must have an appropriate knowledge in the fields of steel structures and of composite concrete-steel structures.

BEAMS - Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System

BEAMS - Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System

The Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System is the premiere alert system for Windows computers in a network environment. BEAMS is a complete client-server system; the client runs as a system service on your workstations and when an alert message is sent, all computers instantly display the full-screen alert message – regardless to what the user is doing.

  • Publisher: Beau Blaser Software
  • Home page: www.blaser.us
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2011
Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System (BEAMS)

Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System (BEAMS)

The Blaser Emergency Alert Messaging System is the premiere alert system for Windows computers in a network environment. BEAMS is a complete client-server system; the client runs as a system service on your workstations and when an alert message is sent, all computers instantly display the full-screen alert message – regardless to what the user is doing.

  • Publisher: Beau Blaser Software
  • Home page: www.blaser.us
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

Beams loads analyses in Description



LIRA ® is modern software package for analysis and design of building and mechanical engineering structures of different purposes. Static (forces and displacements) and dynamic analyses are available. The program enables the user to select and check sections of steel and (or) reinforced concrete structures.

  • Publisher: LIRA Soft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.lira.com.ua
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018


RISAMasonry offers a complete answer for analysis and design of masonry construction. RISAMasonry designs masonry walls, columns and beams (lintels) to the latest codes and includes a library of masonry units. The program addresses the working stress design of beams, columns and both in-plane and out-of-plane walls. The program designs slender walls using the iterative strength design method.

  • Publisher: RISA Technologies
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2009


StruCalc is the next generation of structural analysis software. The intuitive interface combined with the power to design multiple span members using steel, wood, flitch beams or manufactured lumber propels StruCalc ahead of the competition.

  • Publisher: The Vitruvius Project, Inc
  • Home page: strucalc.com
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2017


This program lets you easily make the calculations related to the design of the beams so they can stand the daily use of the building, as well as resist movements from diverse sources such as earthquakes or the daily passing of heavy trucks, taking into account the use of the building, as well as other factors. For specialized users only.

  • Publisher: Survey Design Associates Limited
  • Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2018
2D Frame Analysis

2D Frame Analysis

This application uses a highly flexible, general, finite element method for static analysis of multi span beams, 2D Trusses and 2D Frames. It features a powerful, interactive and easy interface.

  • Publisher: EngiSSol
  • Home page: www.engissol.com
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2008

Additional Beams loads analyses selection

WWPA Lumber DesignEasy - Beams

WWPA Lumber DesignEasy - Beams

Lumber DesignEasy - Beams utilities generate span tables for all appropriate structural grades for that species group. The programs calculate simple Western lumber joist and rafter spans and beam spans with uniformly distributed loads. Both are optimized for use on PDAs or smartphones such as Palm or Windows Mobile.

  • Publisher: Western Wood Products Assn.
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018


The EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. The runoff component of SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads.

  • Publisher: US EPA
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2011


Response-2000 is a win32 application which means that it will run under Windows/95 or Windows/NT.With its fast input and output, windows based interface and ample graphical output, to allow for easy checking of results,Response-2000 allows the engineer to examine beam and column behaviour with a new level of confidence and accuracy.

  • Publisher: Evan Bentz, University of Toronto
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


ESOP is software developed for Component Design and Analysis based in MS Excel®. ESOP is an incredibly flexible software package which can communicate with ROBOT Millennium via the Robot Open Standard (ROS). Data can be transferred from ROBOT Millennium for design of Steel Moment Connections etc or sent back from ESOP for model creation etc.

  • Publisher: Autodesk Inc.
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2012


RetainWall is a software mainly developed for the purpose of designing a concrete or masonry retaining wall. The wall may retain soil or other granular material. It analyses the stability of the wall based on the loads and resistances, and results in bearing pressure, sliding, overturning and rotational stabilities.

  • Publisher: JavaSoft
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2011


MATRIXFRAME is a professional app designed for structural engineering. It can perform various analysis such as linear elastic analyses, tension and compression only elements, cable elements and geometric and physical non-linear effect of steel and concrete. MatrixFrame is easy to learn and easy to use, suitable for simple and for complex structures as well.



RISAFloor is an application used to design floor systems and works hand in hand with RISA-3D and RISAFoundation. The program will manage loads, design beams and columns, create quality CAD drawings, and automatically delivers RISA-3D the information that it needs for the design of lateral systems.

  • Publisher: RISA Technologies
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022
ASDIP Concrete

ASDIP Concrete

Quickly model your concrete members with the simple and efficient graphical user interface. Confidently optimize your design and comply with design Code provisions. Impress clients and plan-checkers with eye-catching condensed or detailed reports. Extensive documentation, solved examples, and blog posts to guide you throughout the software.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


PowerFrame analyses any concrete, steel and timber structural frame subjected to a seismic or dynamic load or a fire load. It has an extensive material library, fully customizable. Several material types can be defined using an appropriate set of material properties: idealized fire buffers, fire protection materials, general construction materials and several steel, concrete & timber grades.

  • Publisher: BuildSoft
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2012


EverStressFE is a user-friendly 3D finite-element analysis tool for simulating the response of flexible asphalt pavement systems subjected to wheel loads. EverStressFE is useful for both flexible pavement researchers and designers who must perform complex analyses of flexible asphalt pavement systems.

  • Publisher: UMaine Civil Engineering
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2011