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Bi-axial bending column base plate in Title/Summary

Cross Section Analysis & Design

Cross Section Analysis & Design

Cross Section Analysis & Design performs all calculation tasks for generic cross sections of any material. Moreover, the program can perform reinforcement design as per AASHTO, UBC, AS 3600, IS 456, ACI 318, BS 8110, CSA A233, EC2, NZS 3101 and CP65.

  • Publisher: Engineering Software Solutions
  • Home page: www.engissol.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


RISABase is an advanced base plate and anchor bolt design program. The program uses an automated finite element solution to provide exact bearing pressures, plate stresses and anchor bolt pull out capacities. The application helps you choose from several connection types and specify custom bolt locations.

  • Publisher: RISA Technologies, LLC
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2014
Bar Bending Schedule Program in Microsoft Excel

Bar Bending Schedule Program in Microsoft Excel

Bar bending schedule is used to communicate the design requirement of reinforcement steel to the fabricator and execution team and to enumerate the weight of each size of steel. It is a list of reinforcement steel bars, which includes size and number of bars, cutting length of bars, weight of steel and a sketch representing the shape of bar to be bent.

  • Publisher: Bending Schedule
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2010

Bi-axial bending column base plate in Description



WinFAD is a computer program developed to assist the bridge engineer in designing or checking spread and pile concrete footings subjected to eccentrically applied axial loads that produce biaxial bending moments. Acceptable spread footing sizes and pile patterns are quickly and efficiently determined using WinFAD.

  • Publisher: IAI Software
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
TechnoLogismiki Works 2011

TechnoLogismiki Works 2011

Introducing TechnoLogismiki Works the most robust solution for Engineers:- Hydraulics: water, sewer and irrigation networks, culverts, dams, solvers. - Hydrology: water budget in catchments and flood flows. - Environmental: roadway pollution, mobile emissions model, landfill gas, construction noise.

  • Publisher: TechnoLogismiki
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2010
Pile Cap

Pile Cap

Pile cap by Digital Canal analyzes any pile arrangement and design the pile cap accordingly, including cap thickness, steel requirements, and rebar spacing. Any configuration of up to 200 piles may be analyzed for both axial and biaxial bending moments.



This program calculates the cross-section properties for thick-walled sections of any shape and determines their stresses. Besides, a reinforced concrete design can be performed for axial force, shear forces, torsion and biaxial bending moments according to DIN 1045-1, ONORM B 4700 and Eurocode 2.

  • Publisher: Dlubal Software
  • Home page: www.dlubal.com
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014


PcaColumn is for the design and investigation of reinforced concrete sections subject to axial and flexural loads. The section can be rectangular, round or irregular, with any reinforcement layout or pattern. Slenderness effects can be considered. he program offers investigation of irregularly shaped, reinforced concrete column sections that may contain openings or boundary elements.

  • Last updated: February 14th, 2011

Additional Bi-axial bending column base plate selection



This program lets you easily make the calculations related to the design of the beams so they can stand the daily use of the building, as well as resist movements from diverse sources such as earthquakes or the daily passing of heavy trucks, taking into account the use of the building, as well as other factors. For specialized users only.

  • Publisher: Survey Design Associates Limited
  • Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2018


The RoboFocus is a remote focus driver to be installed on your existing focus mechanism. RoboFocus provides digital control and feedback of the focus position using a stepping motor controlled by a microprocessor. The user sends commands from his computer to the RoboFocus to move the focus, and receives back digital position information.

  • Publisher: Technical Innovations, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2011


TRI*TANK650 is a comprehensive software package for the design and rating of welded steel oil storage tanks in accordance with API Standard 650, 8th and 9th Editions. Designs new tanks and rerates existing tanks, calculates shell plate thicknesses and weights, provides detailed tank drawings.

  • Publisher: PipingSolutions,Inc.
License Plate Math

License Plate Math

License Plate Math is a fun game you can play on the road as well as on the computer. There is a virtually unlimited number of math puzzles, with 3 ways to play. The 11 levels of difficulty ensure continuing challenge. For ages 9 and up.

  • Publisher: Sheppard Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


Players in turn, race each other around the circuit to be the first to get all of their counters to the HOME base. When counters are knocked off they are returned to the starting square. Four Player squares are on the left four quadrants. HOME bases are in the middle.

  • Publisher: Ihsan Ul Haque
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2011
Mufin MusicFinder Base

Mufin MusicFinder Base

MAGIX Mufin MusicFinder is an MP3 Manager that not only will keep your music collection organized, but will also make music selections for you according to the type of music you wish to listen to. Using the ID3 tagging system, Mufin MusicFinder will create playlists of your favourite music genres and will allow you to transfer the desired tracks to your portable player or to burn them to CD.

  • Publisher: MAGIX AG
  • Home page: www.magix.com
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2008
Plate 'n' Sheet Professional

Plate 'n' Sheet Professional

Plate 'n' Sheet Professional can be used to design various shapes using sheet metals. It gives you precise unfolding and cutting designs of commonly used shapes in metals, plastics, and insulation industries. The design can be exported into DXF format.

  • Publisher: R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.plate-n-sheet.com
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Mars Banks Base

Mars Banks Base

Mars Banks Base 1.1 is, as its own name suggests, a knowledge database about banks. It is a simple yet powerful database. Contains a lot of useful information regarding every bank in the US. Phone number, State, Zip Codes, etc. Also contains information about AMEX, VISE, MASTERCARD, routing numbers.

  • Publisher: Mars Software
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method. LPILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves. The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile.

  • Publisher: Ensoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2012
ASDIP Foundation

ASDIP Foundation

ASDIP Foundation is a structural engineering tool for the design of concrete foundations as per the latest ACI 318 provisions. It can compute soil bearing pressures induced by a square or rectangular spread concrete footing subject to vertical load and biaxial moment.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024