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Bible reader tts in Title/Summary

MoNooN Bible Reader

MoNooN Bible Reader

MoNooN Bible Reader is the software that enables that you read the Bible and search some texts in Bible. It's free. You can download it following links. This program should be installed before installing some Bible versions, which can be downloaded following links also. For the more information on them, click each title of the program that you want to know more on.

  • Publisher: MoNooN
  • Home page: monoon.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008
Logos Global Bible Reader

Logos Global Bible Reader

Green dots on the globe indicate a user who is on schedule. Red dots indicate a user who is one or more readings behind schedule. To sign in, you must create a logos.com account. If you already have an account, but don't remember the password, you can have it emailed to you.

  • Publisher: Libronix Corporation
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2008
Free Bible Reader

Free Bible Reader

Free Bible Reader is an easy-to-use freeware application that enables you to read the Bible. The program provides two versions of the Bible: World English Bible and the American King James. It also features the both books from the Old and The New Testament.

  • Publisher: 6000years
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2010

Bible reader tts in Description



This free program lets you read and study the Bible in different versions and translations. It has a very simple and straightforward interface that will allow you to start immediately without any complications. If you are a cleric, scholar or a serious Bible reader, then you may want to give it a try.

  • Publisher: Lynn Alan
  • Home page: www.berbible.org
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2017
Bible Code Oracle

Bible Code Oracle

Bible Code Oracle is a program for searching words and phrases in the Hebrew text of the Torah (Old Testament). You can search any term like your own name or those of your loved ones. Also, the program includes a Bible reader that allows you to study, read and search any word or verse in the English version of both Old and New Testaments.

  • Publisher: Xentao
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Logos Bible Software

Logos Bible Software

This free program helps you to read and study the Bible, taking advantage of modern technology. It has an attractive interface and has many interesting features. The application incudes a series of videos on how to use those features so you can get familiar with them. In sum, it is a very comprehensive Bible program.

  • Publisher: Logos Bible Software
  • Home page: www.logos.com
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2020
The Word

The Word

The Word is a very comprehensive Bible reading and studying program. It has many built-in modules of different English versions of the Bible, and numerous Bible-related books by reputable Christian authors. You can download and install many more modules. If you are a cleric, a scholar or a serious Bible reader, then this program can be very useful to you.

  • Publisher: C. Stergiou
  • Home page: www.theword.net
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2015
The Workman's Study Bible

The Workman's Study Bible

This is a program for reading and studying the Bible. Its simple interface is, nonetheless, full of features that make it very comprehensive. It can show cross-references, Strong's Numbers, and more, and has powerful and customizable search capabilities. If you are a serious Bible reader, then you may find this program useful.

  • Publisher: Due Diligence Software
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Additional Bible reader tts selection

Bible Study Pro

Bible Study Pro

This program allows you to read and study the Bible directly from your desktop. It includes the King James' version of the Scriptures, as well as several reference books, such as commentaries and dictionaries by prestigious Biblical scholars. The program is free, but if you want more resources, you can purchase the CD containing many Bible versions and other materials.

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer is a free, cross-platform, Bible study software program developed to aid Believers in the reading, study, and defense of the Holy Scriptures. The program allows you to easily search for a word, words, or phrase with a handy suggestion box, plus several advanced searching capabilities.

Bible Bright Reader

Bible Bright Reader

This program is a simple Bible reader that allows you to choose between three different versions of the Scriptures: the King James version, the American Standard Bible and Young's literal translation. The program also has a very intuitive interface and a powerful search engine that allows you to look for single words or entire phrases.

  • Publisher: biblebright.com
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Quick Bible Amplified

Quick Bible Amplified

Quick Bible Amplified is a free-to-use, simple read and search Bible program that uses the Amplified Bible. Use to quickly look up a verse or search for up to three words at once. Search returns full verse text for each verses containing the search words.

  • Publisher: The Lockman Foundation
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008


Free software for reading the Scriptures with many of the features of the commercially-available programs. Its interface is very intuitive and akint to those of the most popular Web browsers. You can perform searches on the current view or in the entire Bible, and choose the size of the font for a more comfortable reading.

  • Publisher: Daniel Rikowski
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2009


BibleMax is one of the most comprehensive programs for reading and studying the Bible. It has powerful searching capabilities, and you can enhance it by adding any of the modules available at the developer's site or on the free CD-ROM. This version includes links to the program's Facebook page and to webpages of the iPhone/iPad and Android versions.

BibleMax Cebuano Bible

BibleMax Cebuano Bible

This free module for BibleMax software features the translation of the Scriptures into Cebuano language, which is spoken in several parts of Philippines. You only need to download BibleMax's core program, which is also free, and then enrich it by downloading as many modules as you want, including the Cebuano version.

  • Publisher: BibleMax
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022


This little free program combines text and sound in an innovative presentation of the Biblical texts. You only need to select the book, chapter and verse you want to read, and the text will appear on your screen. Also, the text will be read aloud by Microsoft's default voice. Ideal for people with visual impairments.

The Unbound Bible Tools

The Unbound Bible Tools

The Unbound Bible Tools is an open source and a free, multilingual Bible-reader program for Windows. This is fast and effective way to explore bibles from The Unbound Bible project. Powerful search capabilities, yet simple to use. Integrated editor for creating your own study notes.

  • Publisher: Vladimir Rybant Ministries
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2011


Accordance for Windows is fully native and does not require the use of an emulator. Developers also chose not to use a compatibility layer, even though this would make it much easier to code for multiple platforms. Instead, Accordance for Windows is based entirely on native Windows code to ensure that Windows users experience the same speed and reliability that Mac users have enjoyed.