Big numbers ascii in Title/Summary

Big Numbers
Big numbers is a simple program for kids who love large numbers. Big numbers purpose is to generate multiplier of number ten. Returns the number ten raised to the power of a given number. Maxim number of raises is one hundred. For example ten raised to the power of six is one million.
- Publisher: HiYah
- Last updated: April 17th, 2010

Cool ASCII allows to create art pictures from ASCII character codes and convert to HTML. Cool ASCII is a very useful application for ASCII Art creation. Art words, signatures or photos can easily generated with this small but powerful program. ASCII signatures are useful for being used along with emails or other shared documents.
- Publisher: cciyy
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

ASCII Art Generator
ASCII Art Generator is a small application able to convert any image in another image based on ASCII character and color coded. A very useful Visual Editor is included in the application for watching the conversion results and for possible necessary retouches on the generated image. Output resulting image can be resized for matching any picture container.
- Publisher: ASCII Art Generator, Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Big numbers ascii in Description

Lotto Aim
Lotto Aim is equipped with a very comprehensive analysis system, including an original data analysis and seven transformation data analysis. It provides a data diagram entailing more regularity, and its analysis function includes data analysis, arrangement analysis, circulation analysis, positional code analysis and relation analysis.
- Publisher: Lotto Aim
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011

SharpPix is a program designed for owners of digital cameras, who often have to deal with big numbers of image files. SharpPix is a needfull tool to help you with that task!With SharpPix you can easyly change the dimensions of big bunch of pictures. SharpPix features different modes for you to specify the new dimnensions of the pictures, transfers EXIF data from JPEGs
- Publisher: Christian Stelzmann
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 14th, 2008

Congregation Meeting Timer
Congregation Meeting Timer is a comprehensive and efficient application that helps you calculate the time for each meeting you have on a day. The program also tracks the start time of the talk, so if the previous talk cuts into the time of the following speaker, this is automatically deducted so that his time is reduced.
- Publisher: Cerebrum Consulting Inc
- Last updated: July 15th, 2014

Heavy Duty Calculator
Heavy Duty Calculator is a program designed for simple and complex calculations. The program supports fractions, repetitive parts, BIG numbers and all these options combined. If the calculation gets lengthy, you always receive feedback on the calculation process.
- Publisher: Beentjes Software B.V.
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2014

ASCII Art Studio
ACII Art Studio is a handy small application for converting images to ASCII characters pictures. The program enables users to create ASCII Art in an easy manner, as well as to edit any ASCII Art picture. All the created pictures can be rotated and flipped around.
- Publisher: TorchSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Additional Big numbers ascii selection

Digital Clock GT-7
This is a free and customizable desktop clock with big numbers that can be useful for visually impaired people and senior citizens. You can customize it by changing the color of the background and that of the font. Nevertheless, you can set it to appear always on top. If you want to change your default Windows clock, then this may be a good option.
- Publisher: Style-7
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 24th, 2012

XdN NetSet
This program is designed to be network manager if you find yourself using different methods of getting your IP address. At some locations, you can use DHCP for the IP, at some other locations you can use Static IP. There are even times where you need to load up a server application on my computer and switch to a different Static IP.
- Publisher: Xenomorph
- Last updated: May 8th, 2008

BigNums offers several GMP-Tools to deal with big numbers. BigNums was written in the C++ programming language as templates. This application is easy to install. It doesn't requires special skills to be manipulated. You just have to enter the desired numbers and the software will next do the rest of the work.
- Publisher: Uli Koehler
- Last updated: March 31st, 2009

Manual changing of array phone codes of contacts from Russia (mail clients, mobile phones, PDA, internet services) will take a lot of time. The InspiritSystems PhoneRecoder allows you to make it quick and easy.
- Publisher: InspiritSystems

1-4a Rename
Tool to rename a lot of files at once, e.g. mp3 files, with undo, instant problems check and many functions.
- Publisher: 1-4a Rename
- Home page:

Dora the Explorer: Swiper's Big Adventure
Baby Fox is lost and Swiper wants to help him get back home! He'll need your child's help to get past the obstacles in each section by identifying colors and numbers. Use the left and right arrows on the keyboard to move Swiper, and use the spacebar to make him jump.
- Publisher: Viacom International Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 1st, 2010

Big Clock
BigClock has four different pages. Each page has a name and two panels. You can change what is displayed on these 8 panels in the Layout options. Switch the pages with the buttons at the bottom. Additionally there are settings for Alarms, Worldtimes, Timers and Sounds activated with the menu (lower left button in the grafitty area).
- Publisher: microsys
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Big Money
Big Money (or Big Money Deluxe) is a game package that contains three different games: Action, Strategy, and Puzzle. The aim of the three games is to collect as much money as we can, so that the money meter reaches the highest position and we move on to the next level. Each game features three levels of difficulties: easy, normal, and hard.
- Publisher: PopCap
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Big Kahuna Reef
Big Kahuna Reef is an entertaining game in which you have to swap two coins to match three o more adjacent ones, thus causing the tiles to disappear from the board and making the tiles above them to cascade down possibly causing a chain reaction. Some tiles have a wooden crate behind that when matched, they burst open, freeing underwater creatures back to their habitat.
- Publisher: Reflexive Entertainment
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2011

Big City Adventure - San Francisco
For those who love the Golden Gate and Alcatraz, and for some reason can’t fly or drive to San Francisco, maybe this is a fun option to “virtually” be there. It's a city adventure game in which you’ll be going around this beautiful city. It basically consists on looking and picking items from different locations, following a list provided by the game.
- Publisher: Jolly Bear Games, Inc.
- Last updated: July 10th, 2010