Bin laden cursor in Title/Summary

Recycle Bin Laden
Recycle Bin Laden is an icon replacement application for Windows computers. The application serves only one purpose and it might be considered of bad taste for more than 250 million people around the globe. It replaces your default Recycle Bin icon with an image of 2001 War-on-Terror target Osama Bin Laden.
- Publisher: Zamaan's Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Bin Extender
Bin Extender is a utility for checking and setting the capacity of your Windows Recycle Bin item. The Recycle Bin is shown as an icon on the Windows desktop, and it has a specified space limit or capacity. Bin Extender alerts you whenever the Recycle Bin capacity crosses a specified limit by showing you a new Recycle Bin icon.
- Publisher: ISWare
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2008

RecoverBits Recycle Bin Recovery
Download Recycle Bin Recovery tool to recover data/files from Windows trash bin @ affordable cost. This recovery tool is accomplished to recover all types of data like ? JPEG, ZIP, PNG, AVI, PSD, XLS, PPT, MP3, MP4 and many more.
- Publisher: RecoverBits
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Bin laden cursor in Description

Sniper Osama
With Sniper Osama you prepare an ambush with your sniper rifle in your hands waiting for someone special to take him down. This someone special is no other than Osama Bin Laden himself. You have a unique opportunity to get your name written in the history as the one who got the most wanted man in the world.
- Publisher: Lucky Legend
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2020

Recycle Bin Manager
Recycle Bin Manager is a proactive solution to digital shredding that can permanently destroy data in the back ground. You configure the file types and let Recycle Bin Manager protect your privacy. It's ideal for shredding sensitive documents, images, videos, archives, and company sensitive data.
- Publisher: Satalink Soft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Cursor FX is a program which customizes the appearance of your cursor. It comes with various themes that can be used as such; yet you have the ability to add effects, trails, or sounds for getting a personal creation. The application provides a wide range of themes which you can preview before enabling them. It also allows you to add special effects to the cursor.
- Publisher: Stardock Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2020

Cue Maker
CUE Maker is a small free tool to help you recover or create a CUE file from almost any BIN file. Available in both Hebrew and English, its simple interface allows you to open any BIN file and generate its corresponding CUE file in one single step. You just need to specify what type of content you need to recover from the BIN file - a software application, a movie, or a PlayStation game.
- Publisher: Lior Chen
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2008

Some Windows users prefer not to have icons cluttering the desktop for various reasons. One obvious reason being that there are applications open on the desktop which make it difficult to get to the various icons. CornerBin fixes this problem by allowing users to have a small icon in the system tray with the same functionality of the Recycle Bin.
- Publisher: Blaine Myers
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Bin laden cursor selection

RealWorld Cursor Editor
This program allows you to modify and customize your Windows cursors, so that your working environment turns unique. Besides of that, you can also create new cursors from the scratch - or using any image file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF formats as a base. This tool can be used to create animated and multi-resolution cursors too, for compatibility with the latest versions of MS Windows.
- Publisher: RealWorld Graphics
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 19th, 2016

MSTS bin
MSTS Bin is a new project, aimed to try improve some features of MSTS (MS Train simulator) ver. 1.1.xx. It has arisen persuant to requirements of users put simulator near to reality and improve some features, what was forgotten by authors or authors maybe rate this feature unusefull.
- Publisher: UKTrainSim
- Last updated: May 13th, 2008

ViVi Cursor
ViVi Cursor is a simple application that allows you to enhance your Windows standard cursors with wonderful effects. The application offers great user selectable cursor trails which instantly interact with your mouse cursor producing exciting effects.
- Publisher: ViVi Software, Inc.
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Cursor Translator
Cursor Translator lets you translate words anywhere on the screen with your mouse cursor. You can perform translations between 53 languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, and Russian. It lets you swap source & target language with a single mouse click.
- Publisher: Authorsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

RealWorld Change Cursor
RealWorld Change Cursor is a small program that allows you to change your Windows mouse cursors in just a few seconds. The program does not have a user interface per se, so to change your cursors you have to go to the folder that contains them (generally C:\WINDOWS\Cursors) and just right-click on any of them and select the preferred item from the context menu.
- Publisher: RealWorld Graphics
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Cursor Hider
Cursor Hider lets you hide the mouse from the working window. The icon can be unhidden by actions like mouse-move, press-button, and scroll-wheel. You can easily enable/disable the program by double clicking on the taskbar icon. The program can also be used to define keyboard shortcuts for Windows applications.
- Publisher: Softexe
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Compression Bin
This utility allows you to drag and drop any file to its window and have it run modifype and makecab with the LZX compression at its highest setting (equivalent to the compression used on the Windows CD) on the file. The file is compressed and written to the same filename in the same location with an underscore replacing the last character in the filename.
- Publisher: Jean-Sebastien Carle
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

Maintenance Parts Bin Pro
Maintenance Parts Bin is a comprehensive parts inventory software system. You can maintain your parts inventory as well as databases in the most cost effective and suitable way. The primary functionality is stock control, cater to reorders and parts management.
- Publisher: Nhuntsoftware
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Sib Cursor Editor
With Sib Cursor Editor you can :: Create and edit static and animated cursors in color depths up to 16 million colors, create and edit cursors for Windows XP in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel and paint images with gradient and chess fill
- Publisher: Sib Code
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2020

Maintenance Parts Bin
Maintenance Parts Bin is a comprehensive parts inventory software system. You can maintain your parts inventory as well as databases in the most cost effective and suitable way. The primary functionality is stock control, cater to reorders and parts management. Secondarily, this tool allows you to customize an existing database title or creates new ones to suit your requirements.
- Publisher: Nathan Hunt
- Last updated: September 5th, 2010