Binary tree maker in Title/Summary

Family Tree Maker 2012
Family Tree Maker 2012 offers some exciting new features that users have been asking for. TreeSync lets you link your desktop tree to an online version so you can access and update your tree on the go. New reports and chart options make it easier to share your tree with friends and family members. Continue reading to learn more about the exciting features available in Family Tree Maker 2012.
- Publisher:, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Visual Family Tree Maker
Simplifies making your family tree. Fill in name, birth, marriage, death and other information. Displays age, pictures, family members, ancestors and descendants. Print reports and wall charts. No installation copy to flash drive or folder & start.
- Publisher: Jerry C. DeKeyser
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Directory Tree List Maker
Directory Tree List Maker is a small, lightweight and powerful application which is able to create a list of files and directory structure from any selected drive or directory. The program gives the output in the form of a text file. This program contains a very intuitive and user-friendly interface with no confusing and unnecessary options in it.
- Publisher: Olivier Sangala
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Binary tree maker in Description

This update is intended for people who are using Family Tree Maker 2005, 2006 or 16 on a Windows Vista computer. Before running Family Tree Maker for the first time after the update is installed you must run the program as administrator. Family Tree Maker provides an easy, yet comprehensive, means to record and share your ancestors' life stories.
- Publisher: Family Tree Maker
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

XY Family Tree
XY Family Tree is a fully featured family tree maker to record your ancestry. It allows unlimited numbers of spouses, children, and associations. It takes a biological view of family structure and parentage while still allowing freedom to make changes if you need to show other arrangements. It has some unique features not found in other family tree programs.
- Publisher: Brian Jones
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

Gamestudio A7
Gamestudio is the first all-in-the-box development system for virtual worlds, simulations and especially 2D and 3D computer games. It combines the lite-C programming language with a high end 3D engine, a 2D engine, a physics engine, level, terrain and model editors, a template system for creating games without programming, and huge libraries of 3D objects, artwork and ready-assembled games.
- Publisher: Conitec oP group
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Lite-c is intended for quickly and easily developing graphics or virtual reality applications - such as 2D or 3D computer games - even without previous programming knowledge. Sounds, images, movies, user interfaces, 2D and 3D models, collision detection, rigid body physics, multitasking, and DirectX functions are already a native part of the language.
- Publisher: Conitec oP group
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2009

Visual Patch
Visual Patch is a binary patch maker for Windows OS. Visual Patch automatically takes care of the complicated details of patch development, such as inspecting versions to decide which files have changed, and performing sophisticated byte level differencing on each file in order to extract the differences between versions.
- Publisher: Indigo Rose Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Binary tree maker selection

GENViewer is an easy-to-use program that allows you to read and analyze genealogy files. The main advantage of GENViewer is its capacity of quickly manipulate big genealogy files with different file formats, including GEDCOM, PAF, TMG, Legacy, RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker.
- Publisher: MudCreek Software Inc.
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

TreeMaker is a program for the design of origami bases. You draw a stick figure of the base on the screen; each stick in the stick figure (the "tree") will be represented by a flap on the base. You can also place various constraints on the flaps, forcing them to be corner, edge, or middle flaps, and/or setting up various symmetry relationships.
- Publisher: Robert J. Lang
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

GENViewer Lite
GENViewer Lite is the free version of GENViewer that allows you to read and analyze genealogical documents with different file formats: GEDCOM, Personal Ancestral files (PAF), Master Genealogist, Family Tree Maker, etc. You can access only three of the ten types of views of the full version.
- Publisher: MudCreek Software Inc.
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Family Archive Viewer
Genealogy Report (Register report only) inserts two additional blank lines in the list of children who have no children of their own. You can use the other descendant-ordered Genealogy report, the NGS Quarterly, which does not exhibit this behavior. You can also copy and paste the Register report to a word processor to remove the blank lines and print the Genealogy report.
- Publisher: Ancestry
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

FlexiTree is a branching database program for Primary Schools that can deliver KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum Computing requirements. A branching database (or binary tree) is a way of classifying a group of objects; it could be used, for example, to classify mini-beasts, musical instruments, white powders or fruit.
- Publisher: Flexible Software Ltd
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

GENMatcher quickly compares two genealogy files for matches, or one genealogy file for duplicates. GENMatcher is a Windows-based application that is used to find matches and duplicates in GEDCOM, PAF 3-5, TMG, Legacy 3-7, RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker genealogy files.
- Publisher: MudCreek Software Inc.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

ICMLM Script is a multi-level marketing software with 3 types of marketing structures: Unlimited matrix,Defined Matrix and Binary Tree.
- Publisher: ICloudCenter
- Last updated: November 20th, 2014

Model Maker
ModelMaker is a two-way class tree oriented productivity, refactoring and UML-style CASE tool. ModelMaker's active modeling engine maintains all relationships between classes and their members. Renaming a class or changing its ancestor immediately propagates to the automatically generated source code.
- Publisher: ModelMaker Tools BV
- Last updated: July 31st, 2016

Windows Movie Maker
With Windows Movie Maker you will have real fun to make home movies and it will be very easy for you. You can also share your home movies on your computer. With this tool it is easier; to make changes in your movie by editing some shots, drag and drop certain clips in your movie.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 7th, 2024

Binary Browser
"Find" function can be used to search for files satisfying a set of conditions. The resulting files can be added to workspace for other processing (compare, search, copy, move, delete .etc.) In case of a complicated search criterion, you can start searching files satisfying loose conditions, add resulting files to workspace then use the "Search Workspace" function to refine a search.
- Publisher: Papyrus Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020