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Bitnami svn collabnet svn in Title/Summary

SVN Cleaner

SVN Cleaner

SVN Cleaner description This tool adds three options to the Windows Explorer Context Menu: Remove All .svn Remove All But Root .svn Remove Local Repo Files This simple program removes recursively all .svn directories. In order to run remove-svn requires python.

  • Publisher: Infinite Designs
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2009
SVN Notifier

SVN Notifier

SVN Notifier is a simple and useful tool to monitor your Subversion project repository for changes. SVN Notifier notifies you about recent commits and helps you keep your local copy up to date. You can review all the changes and update your local copy right from the application.

  • Publisher: CollabNet.
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2012
Agent SVN

Agent SVN

Agent SVN is an implementation of the MS-SCCI for the Subversion version control. The plug-in allows Subversion to seamlessly integrate with the SSMS, PowerBuilder, Visual Studio, Visual C++ development environments or any other MSSCCI compliant IDE.

  • Publisher: Xidicone P/L
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

Bitnami svn collabnet svn in Description

BitNami Trac Stack

BitNami Trac Stack

Bitnami Trac Stack provides a one-click install solution for Trac. Trac is a combination wiki and issue tracker built for developers that are building the next great thing. With native support for SVN and git, Trac can be your one stop shop for collaborating through the development lifecycle. It features a ticketing system, roadmap, workflow, user management, Q&A discussions, and more.

  • Publisher: BitNami
  • Home page: bitnami.org
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2016
Syncro SVN Client

Syncro SVN Client

Syncro SVN Client has been designed to offer powerful actions while keeping the interface as clean and simple as possible. The program allows you to manage and browse SVN repositories. Whether you are new to version control or you are a power user, Syncro SVN Client will give you the best tools to get up and running in no time.

BitNami Mantis Stack

BitNami Mantis Stack

Features: -Deploy your favorite application to a real, running server in minutes. -Start, stop and backup your server with one click. -Schedule automatic backups to make sure that you always have an up to date copy of your server. -Change the size of your server as your needs change – with one click. -Manage servers across multiple cloud accounts from one login.

  • Publisher: BitNami
  • Home page: bitnami.org
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
BitNami WordPress Multisite Stack

BitNami WordPress Multisite Stack

Bitnami native installers automate the setup of a Bitnami application stack on Windows, OS X or Linux. Each installer includes all of the software necessary to run out of the box (the stack). Bitnami stacks are completely self contained and will not interfere with other software on your system.

  • Publisher: BitNami
  • Home page: bitnami.com
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2016
Bitnami Tomcat Stack

Bitnami Tomcat Stack

Bitnami makes it easy to run Tomcat in the cloud, locally or virtually. With Bitnami, you get the same software stack and configuration regardless of where you are deploying Tomcat or other Bitnami Applications. This makes it easy to migrate between different platforms.

  • Publisher: BitNami
  • Home page: bitnami.org
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2016

Additional Bitnami svn collabnet svn selection

Slik Subversion

Slik Subversion

Slik Subversion is a powerful command line package for Windows OS, which makes it ideal for automated processes or for developers with a WAMP stack. The SlikSVN perfectly mimics the original SVN client in Unix environments. You can simply refer to the original documentation to start using our client.

  • Publisher: SlikSvn & The SharpSvn Project
  • Home page: www.sliksvn.com
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2015


TurtleMine provides a plugin for Tortoise SVN/GIT/Hg for Redmine issue tracking. Once this plugin is installed and configured you will have a new button in your TortoiseSVN/GIT/Hg commit window that will give you direct access to a list of Redmine issues that you can select to include in your commit message.

  • Publisher: TurtleMine
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2014
Python - pysvn

Python - pysvn

Python - pysvn is an open source program that enables you to write applications in Python that use Subversion. The program supports SVN transaction features required to write SVN pre-commit hooks. It also allows you to control the style of the raised exceptions.

  • Publisher: Barry A. Scott
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2013


PushOk SVN SCC is a free SCC API plug-in for any Microsoft SCC enabled IDE (MSVC 5.0-7.0, Borland C++ builder, Delphi). The plug-in includes all necessary tools for visual merging and visual browsing. You will be able to perform usual operations such as: checking, checkout, undo checkout and compare version.

  • Publisher: Pushok Software
  • Home page: www.pushok.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2013


Many software developers like to have version control functionality integrated within their IDE.When it comes to Subversion support for the PL/SQL Developer IDE, the only option until now apparently is to integrate Subversion through Microsoft's outmoded SCC-API using the PL/SQL Developer Version Control Plugin in combination with an SVN SCC Proxy.

  • Publisher: SOPTIM AG
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2009
Axosoft Rocket SVN

Axosoft Rocket SVN

With quick setup and intuitive management RocketSVN Server (an implementation of Subversion 1.6) allows users to create, manage, and use any number of subversion repositories, right from the start. Once you create your subversion repositories they can be accessed anonymously or require authorization. Choose from two authorization flavors: via user or via group.

  • Publisher: Axosoft, LLC
  • Home page: www.axosoft.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2011


TortoiseSVN is an easy-to-use SCM / source control software for Microsoft Windows and possibly the best standalone Apache™ Subversion® client there is. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly into the Windows explorer. Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE you can use it with whatever development tools you like.

  • Publisher: The TortoiseSVN team
  • Home page: tortoisesvn.net
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025


TamTam SVN SCC is a Microsoft Source Code Control (MSSCCI) compliant implementation that seamlessly integrates the Subversion (SVN) client with products like Microsoft Visual Studio / Visual Studio.NET, MatLab, FoxPro, 3D Studio Max and other MSSCCI compliant applications.

SVN Backup Tool

SVN Backup Tool

SVN Backup Tool allows you to make a dump backup of a local or remote subversion repository. The dump file can be saved in the original subversion format or, automatically stored inside a zip file that can also be protected with a password. The information regarding the dump progress are showed in the log window.

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema is a free audio and video player for Windows. Features: - An option to remove Tearing - MPC Home Cinema in Your Language (see all languages) - Additional video decoders and in particular H.264 and VC-1 with DXVA support

  • Publisher: Gabest
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2012