Bittorrent cashflow manager in Title/Summary

Cashflow Manager
Cashflow Manager is an accounting program for small and micro business owners and it is designed to help you keep excellent records and minimize costs. You can record your money in and money out transactions in easy columns that match your business, create and review cash flow Budgets and generate reports.
- Publisher: Cashflow Manager Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 18th, 2015

Cashflow Manager Gold
Cashflow Manager Gold is an accounting program that enables you to manage cash, invoices and payrolls. It also tracks the money owed to you by your debtors, tracks your supplier invoices and money you owe to your suppliers, and tracks inventory that you buy and sell.
- Publisher: Cashflow Manager Pty Ltd
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2015

CashFlow is a custom add-on application for Meridian Prolog. It integrates cleanly into the Prolog Manager switchboard, and uses the same SQL database as your Prolog database. It utilizes the budgeted amounts from prologs budget table. It it comprised of two main forms and two cash flow reports.
- Publisher: Prolog Addins
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2018
Bittorrent cashflow manager in Description

TorrentFetcher is a BitTorrent download manager for Windows. It is a very innovative application that allows you to search, browse, and download torrents from two of the most popular BitTorrent search engines: btjunkie and isohunt. The application is incredibly simply and it has a lot of promise. However, at the time of this review, it didn't quite work.
- Publisher: Peter Souza IV
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 15th, 2011

Tribler offers anonymous downloading of torrent files. It uses a dedicated Tor-like onion routing network exclusively for torrent downloading. Tribler includes a search function which lets you find videos and other content without browsing through any websites.
- Publisher: Delft University of Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 6th, 2023

Small Business Money Manager
With Small Business Money Manager business owners can track their finances and manage their cash flow. Small Business Money Manager analyses your bank statements, and then presents the business owner with an overview of their finances in a simple and user friendly format.
- Publisher: Nedbank Limited
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

The cashflow reflects the exact timing of the appraisal transactions and calculates interest on a monthly or quarterly basis and sends the interest result back to the appraisal. A feature of our earlier programs was the ability to create appraisals very quickly then calculate residual values, sensitivities and so forth. This ease of use has been preserved despite the addition of a cashflow.
- Publisher: InterProperty Systems
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

TurboBT is a very interesting BitTorrent client. Main features: - Add download mission dialog. Full customize download. - Torrent manager - Customizable Rate Setting - Multilanguage - Play sound when finished. - Save custom config. Dynamic change speed setting - Customize Port - Multi Thread Download - Download Queue - Auto shutdown computer when all finished
- Publisher: ulysses
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2008
Additional Bittorrent cashflow manager selection

Wages Manager
Wages Manager is a program that calculates pays and generates pay slips for employees. It also calculates and tracks employee leave including Annual Leave, Leave Loading, Personal/Carers Leave and Maternity Leave. The correct withholding scale for deducting tax from employee wages is automatically calculated.
- Publisher: Cashflow Manager Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 25th, 2015

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

BitTorrent makes it easy to connect with cutting-edge indie artists. Check out the App Studio first and download movies, music and more. Fast downloads...that's the goal, right? BitTorrent is a light client that doesn't hog system resources, so it cruises right along. BitTorrent is instinctively smart. It auto-adjusts bandwidth usage based upon your network and the Internet.
- Publisher: BitTorrent, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 29th, 2024

BitTorrent PRO
BitTorrent Pro is a P2P file-sharing application that allows you to share, search for, and download music, movies, software, documents, games, and other files. It offers a simple interface, disk caching, speed limits, chatting, auto port mapping, and the ability to preview files while downloading.
- Publisher: IntelPeers
- Last updated: December 28th, 2018

Autodesk App Manager
Compatible with AutoCAD and most components of its suite of products (Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, MEP, and Civil 3D), Autodesk App Manager is a free add-on that will help you manage all apps installed for your version of AutoCAD. It will tell you if the app is up to date or if a new version or update has become available. You can uninstall any App from here and even rate it, if you wish.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: February 13th, 2017

SugarSync Manager
Automatically access and share your photos, videos, and files in any folder. Whether it’s to collaborate on team projects, distribute view-only files, or simply post links to documents on the cloud, you have complete control over how you share your files.
- Publisher: SugarSync, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Vuze is a download tool that uses bit torrent, a protocol specifically designed to transfer large files without the need of storing them on an online server. Moreover, this application supports media playback and conversion as well as magnet file links. Vuze’s interface is rather similar to those of other bit torrent clients; however, in my opinion, it’s much more attractive.
- Publisher: Azureus Software, Inc.
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020

Motorola Device Manager
Motorola Device Manager contains USB drivers and software to connect your Motorola phone or tablet to your computer using a USB cable. For certain Android-powered devices, Motorola Device Manager can also update your software. Mac (Mac OS 10.5+) and Windows (XP+) versions of the app available to download.
- Publisher: Motorola Mobility
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020

HTC Sync Manager
HTC Sync Manager is a free application for your computer that makes it easy to sync all of your media to and from your PC with your HTC phone. You can also sync all of your contacts, calendar events, bookmarks and documents. Once synced, you can easily manage and organize the content.
- Publisher: HTC Corporation
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

BitTorrent Acceleration Tool
BitTorrent Acceleration Tool is a program that will increase the speed of your BitTorrent downloads. It will position itself between your BitTorrent program and the internet and will act as a low level network traffic manager. By using acceleration algorithms, the BitTorrent Acceleration Tool will boost your download speed. The interface is simple and intuitive.
- Publisher: P2P Accelerators
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022