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Black cock training tool in Title/Summary

Garmin Training Center with ANT Agent

Garmin Training Center with ANT Agent

It is a training tool that works with your compatible Garmin fitness device. With GTC, you can analyze and store workout data from your Garmin device on your computer, as well as plan and save future workouts. Garmin ANT Agent detects any paired Garmin devices in range and automatically downloads fitness data to your computer and transfers the data to Garmin Training Center®.

  • Publisher: Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
  • Home page: www8.garmin.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2009
Cock's Revenge

Cock's Revenge

Cock’s Revenge is a shooting game. The cock’s have been bothered for a long time by cats. They were tired of this bothering so they decided to get revenge. Try to kill all cats so the cock’s can live peacefully in this free online shooting game. Click the left mouse button and drag to activate the power.

  • Publisher: 4V4.com
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2011
Black Duck protexIP ProServ Megabyte Estimation Tool

Black Duck protexIP ProServ Megabyte Estimation Tool

Black Duck™ Protex is a platform that helps companies administer how their software assets are created, managed and licensed. The platform was the first to be brought to the market, and today remains the clear market leader with implementations among a far larger and more diverse customer base than any other product on the market.

  • Publisher: Black Duck Software
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Black cock training tool in Description



GroovAmp: The Secret Training Tool Of A Smart Musician If you want to dramatically improve the way you play and enjoy music, read this page carefully: here you'll learn about a "secret" training strategy used by some of the best and smartest musicians,and then you'll discover how to use this highly effective training strategy yourself, with the help of a simple yet powerful training tool:GroovAmp.

  • Publisher: GroovAmp.com
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2009
Stockpile Blender

Stockpile Blender

With the Stockpile Blender you have the capability to: -Select from one of the standard Superpave specifications or create your own custom specification -Enter your own stockpiles into the Blender for a realistic look at your operations -Perform blending by selecting the desired stockpiles and then "dragging" the subsequent blend into the proper gradation

Easy Screen Capture Video

Easy Screen Capture Video

Professional quality video production studio designed to capture and record screen activity in real time. Video screen capture recording software at www.easyscreencapturevideo.com

Braindumps Q and A - Microsoft 70-640 DEMO

Braindumps Q and A - Microsoft 70-640 DEMO

Braindumps Q and A - Microsoft 70-640 is a learning tool designed to improve interactive customizable 70-640 practice tests. Get Microsoft 70-640 exam training tips straight from the front lines with 70-640 exam dumps. You get quality MCITP 70-640 exam dumps from reliable IT community members who have already passed their 70-640 exam and are using Microsoft technologies on a daily basis.

Tenstar Digger Demo

Tenstar Digger Demo

TENSTAR DIGGER offers a full-scale training tool for the education of excavator operators. Excavator operator is a creative profession that optimally combines solid craftsmanship with modern technology. As in all skilled trades, it requires extensive training to become a skilled professional. With TENSTAR DIGGER you can obtain just that.

  • Publisher: TENSTAR AB
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2022

Additional Black cock training tool selection



TIPP10 is an open source, multiplatform tool designed for those determined to finally learn how to type with more than just two fingers. It has all the elements anyone needs to learn, practice, and evaluate your typing skills. The program wisely combines fixed lessons and exercises with your own materials, and has even thrown in a simple but inviting game in the package.

  • Publisher: Tom Thielicke IT Solutions
  • Home page: www.tipp10.com
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2011
Cybera Client

Cybera Client

Cybera is a cyber cafe management system designed for Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000. It works on the client-server model where one computer, the server controls a group of other computers: the client workstations.Cybera is also usable as a training tool, blocking client workstations and even broadcasting the server's screen to each client.

Cybera Server

Cybera Server

Cybera is a cyber cafe management system designed for Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000. It works on the client-server model where one computer, the server controls a group of other computers: the client workstations. Cybera controls the access to the workstations and permits customers to use them in several different ways.



SportTracks is a GPS-integrated workout logging software for Windows PCs. Enjoy tracking your fitness goals in an easy-to-use tool and monitor weekly time & distance totals to prevent over-training. Also, it shows GPS routes with street, topo & satellite maps.

Sports Tactics Board

Sports Tactics Board

Sports Tactics Board is a utility that allows coaches, trainers and officials to describe sports tactics, strategies and positioning using a magnetic or chalk-board style approach. Supports soccer/football, ice hockey, futsal, floorball, volleyball and American football so far, other sports can be easily added.

  • Publisher: Sports Tactics Board
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2010


i-TRiLOGI is the name of the ladder or ladder BASIC programming software for the Nano-10, FMD and F-series PLCs via LAN or the Internet. i-TRiLOGI has a built-in Simulator which allows ladder or ladder BASIC program to be simulated on a PC without purchasing the PLCs. As such the i-TRiLOGI software is an ideal training tool for learning PLC programming.

  • Publisher: Triangle Research International, Inc
  • Home page: www.tri-plc.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2012


If you are one of those people who often work with languages and translations, then I'm sure that this free and versatile utility can help you a lot. Pardon is a handy dictionary for your PC. Basically, it's an English dictionary, but you can download dictionaries of Italian, Polish, Swedish, Spanish, etc., according to your needs.

  • Publisher: SoftBear
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Professor Teaches Word 2003

Professor Teaches Word 2003

Professor Teaches Word 2003 is a program that will teach you how to use the most popular word processor in the market – Microsoft Word 2003, included in the Microsoft Office 2003 suite. By using this course, you will be able to learn both the program’s basics and the most advanced commands to produce professional-looking documents.

Match3 Maze

Match3 Maze

In this game, you need to make a row of 3 matching items in one string. On doing so, the items disappear and you win. The row needs to be led with a cursor, which you navigate on the playfield. The cursor acts as a needle leading a thread.

AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus

AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus

Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills, Games and Courses. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12+). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.

  • Publisher: StepWare, Inc.
  • Home page: www.acereader.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2018