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Blackberry simulator open bak file in Title/Summary

Salesforce Mobile BlackBerry Simulator

Salesforce Mobile BlackBerry Simulator

The BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator includes the BlackBerry device applications that are typically available on BlackBerry devices and enables you to load and test your own applications. The BlackBerry MDS Simulator and the BlackBerry email server simulator are available for this purpose.

  • Publisher: salesforce.com
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2012
BlackBerry Simulator (9810)

BlackBerry Simulator (9810)

Use BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators to view and test how BlackBerry® Device Software and the screen, keyboard and trackpad/trackball/trackwheel will work with your application. With a BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator, you can run and debug applications as if they were on an actual BlackBerry smartphone.

  • Publisher: Research In Motion
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2012
BlackBerry Simulator (9220)

BlackBerry Simulator (9220)

BlackBerry Simulator (9220) acts like a real phone where you can test apps. The simulator offers all the tools and acts like you were configuring a real phone except that all is virtual. You can install applications and perform all the regular options.

Blackberry simulator open bak file in Description

BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators (8350i-Sprint)

BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators (8350i-Sprint)

Use BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators (8350i-Sprint) to test and view how BlackBerry Device Software and the keyboard, trackwheel/trackball and screen will work with your applications. With this BlackBerry Simulator, you can debug and run applications as if they were on an BlackBerry phone.

  • Publisher: Research In Motion Limited
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
One-Click SQL Restore

One-Click SQL Restore

One-Click SQL Restore is a simple free tool that restores full MS SQL server database backups created using BACKUP DATABASE command or SQLBackupAndFTP. The tool unzips the bak file if necessary, it connects to the SQL server on the start, it selects the right database, it is smart enough to restart the server to drop open connections if necessary.

  • Publisher: Pranas.NET
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
BlackBerry Simulator (9800)

BlackBerry Simulator (9800)

BlackBerry Simulator (9800) is a software application that allows you to brows trough the interface of a BlackBerry phone from your desktop, allowing you to explore it's functions and get a feel of it's capabilities before purchasing the phone. You can also test software before installing it onto your device.

  • Publisher: Research In Motion
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2011
SysTools SQL Backup Recovery

SysTools SQL Backup Recovery

SysTools SQL Backup Recovery allows you to recover SQL BAK file and restore SQL Server backup files. It allows you to restore backup from SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2008 r2, safely repair backup file elements like tables, triggers, records, store procedure, and scripts, restore deleted tables if they are not overwritten, and more.

BlackBerry Simulator (9320)

BlackBerry Simulator (9320)

BlackBerry Simulator (9320) is a program that enables you to test applications for that particular smartphone on your computer. The program allows you to access the apps and control the phone just like if it were real. It is also capable of emulating the replacement of the SD card, viewing network properties or receiving a voice call.

  • Publisher: Blackberry
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2012

Additional Blackberry simulator open bak file selection



Though DjVu files have proved to be a type of digital document that provides a high level of performance thanks to its advanced compression technology, they never enjoyed the attention they deserved. Viewing DjVu files is not an easy task with standard image file viewers, and there is where WinDjView can be of great help. It can convert them into “more conventional” JPG, BMP, PNG, or TIFF files.

  • Publisher: Andrew Zhezherun
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2015
Kingsoft Office

Kingsoft Office

The smallest, fastest, and most compatible Microsoft Office alternative. Includes Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Spreadsheets, and Kingsoft Presentation. Supports the latest Microsoft Office Open XML file formats (.DOCX, .XLSX, and .PPTX).

  • Publisher: Kingsoft Software Corp.
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2017
rollApp File Opener

rollApp File Opener

rollApp File Opener will find the right program to open a downloaded file. This is installed as a Firefox add-on. The application also allows you to open a file from the web directly, without downloading. It can open, edit, and save files from your Dropbox.

  • Publisher: rollApp, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2013


Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD, DVD or a Blu Ray disc. Recover deleted files from a Hard Drive, Memory card or of from flash media that Windows says needs to be formatted. Save important documents, precious pictures or video from the family, your only system backup.

  • Publisher: Smart Projects
  • Home page: www.isobuster.com
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2024
Free RAR Extract Frog

Free RAR Extract Frog

Free RAR Extract Frog takes easy RAR extraction and decompression to the next level. It does not matter if the RAR file is a standard one, a multipart RAR file, or a password-protected RAR archive – simply drag it and drop it onto the program’s customizable interface, and it’ll be decompressed for you in a breeze.

System Explorer

System Explorer

System Explorer is a powerful software tool that shows you detailed information about your system running processes, performance parameters, open connections, etc. Besides, the program can also analyze your system processes to detect suspicious behavior and hidden threats, thus, it keeps your system free of harmful viruses and rootkits.

ParetoLogic FileCure

ParetoLogic FileCure

It’s very likely you've faced the problem of trying to open a file and find that this is not possible because your system doesn't know what program to use to open it. This can happen either because the right program isn't installed on your PC or due to a wrong file type (extension) association. Whichever the case may be, ParetoLogic FileCure offers you a good solution for solving those problems.

  • Publisher: ParetoLogic, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2022
BlackBerry Simulator (R049)

BlackBerry Simulator (R049)

Use BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators to view and test how BlackBerry® Device Software using your keyboard and mouse. You can use all phone's functions and simulate calls, play games, take notes and modify settings just like you would have a phone in your hands.

Open One File And Save As Multiple Files Software

Open One File And Save As Multiple Files Software

Copy and rename a single file to create multiple copies of that file on your computer. The content of the one specified file will remain the same but the output filenames will be different. The output filenames will be based on the contents of a text



StrongDC++ is a free and open-source file sharing program that uses NeoModus Direct Connect and Advanced Direct Connect protocols. It is a modification of DC++, much more customizable, requiring less configuration and with important efficiency improvements. On the other hand, it suffers from the same problems related to using an old protocol, without today’s modern peer-to-peer technologies.

  • Publisher: Big Muscle
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2011