Blade design calculator software in Title/Summary

Orifice Design Calculator Demo
Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) International standard and Crane's Flow of Fluids through Valves equation 3.22, Fittings and Pipes, calculate the mass flow rate require for a certain orifice size and plot a profile chart of various mass flow rates vs orifice size.
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering
- Last updated: September 10th, 2012

Orifice Design Calculator
Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) and Crane's Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings and Pipes, calculate the mass flow rate require for a certain orifice size and plot a profile chart of various mass flow rates vs orifice size.
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Ramset Design Calculator
The Ramset Design Calculator is a tool which allows you to calculate the tensile and shear capacity of an anchor when using a chemical or mechanical anchoring system. It also performs a “Design Check” based on the capacities calculated if you also input the “Factored Applied Loads” (otherwise known as the Design Tensile Action Effect N* and the Design Shear Action Effect V*).
- Publisher: Ramset
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 20th, 2016
Blade design calculator software in Description

Star Tech
Mr Blade Design's Star Tech is a complex theme for Windows 7 that changes every little aspect of the desktop, the menus, the windows, cursors, fonts, and of other Windows features. It provides a unique visual style that makes your Windows look truly special.
- Publisher: Mr Blade Design's
- Last updated: May 28th, 2013

JBL CBT Calculator
JBL’s CBT Calculator software is a precision engineering tool allowing audio professionals to design JBL’s CBT Constant Beamwidth Technology line array column loudspeakers into a wide variety of venues. CBT Calculator shows the vertical coverage of CBT models in venues via a cross-sectional sound level coverage display.
- Publisher: JBL Incorporated
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

Numerology Calculator
Numerology Calculator 3.4 is a useful application for people interested in Numerology. This software is able to provide a complete solution for calculating the numerical significance of the alphabet. Numerology Calculator 3.4 is based on the two widely used techniques, The Chaldean and the Pythagorean systems of numerology.
- Publisher: C K Marketing Inc.
- Last updated: January 27th, 2010

Cycle Calculator
Cycle Calculator is a menstrual cycle calendar also known as fertility calendar. The software indicates days with increased probability of getting pregnant, makes predictions of upcoming dates and keeps records of previous cycles. Features: -Easy-to-use calendar predicts ovulation date and dates with increased probability of pregnancy.
- Publisher: SoundTells
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

Innovative Structural Design Tool
Innovative Structural Design Tool is a program that allows to create and analyze residential designs. You can create a 2D plan of any building, using the quick construction tools. Also, you can create several types of buildings, from medium-sized structures, to residential spaces. You can calculate distances, structure’s components, height, weight, soil bearing or required material amount.
- Publisher: Fiat Technology
- Last updated: July 28th, 2015
Additional Blade design calculator software selection

Loan EMI Calculator Software
Loan EMI Calculator Software is very easy to use. Just enter the principal amount, the number of months for the payment to complete, the interest rate, and choose the loan start date, and all the remaining data will be instantly calculated and displayed.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 15th, 2012

Design IQ Software
Design IQ Software is a program that you can use for creating your multi-point and complex serpentine belt drives. It lets you design for stock and non-stock lengths and pulley sizes and allows for an almost unlimited amount of sprockets and conditions.
- Publisher: Gates Corporation
- Last updated: May 30th, 2014

Statistical Analysis Calculator Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to look at basic statistics for a set of numbers quickly.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2014

QuantStudio Design Analysis Software
The QuantStudio Design & Analysis Software allows you to open, run, and analyze experiments generated with QuantStudio 3 and QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR Systems. It also enables you to set up experiments, send experiments to the instrument, collect data, and analyze the collected data all in an integrated and streamlined manner.
- Publisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2016

Autodesk Design Review Browser Add-on
The Autodesk Design Review Browser Add-in for Autodesk Design Review software lets you view DWF files using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for the Windows operating system. Now, you can view embedded DWF files in Firefox and Chrome much the same way as you do in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2011

CCTV Design Lens Calculator
CCTV Design Lens Calculator can calculate the angle of view and field-of-view size based on the distance and the focal length of the lens. It helps you choose the most suitable lenses, heights, and locations for camera installation as per the required parameters of view areas.
- Publisher: CCTVCAD Software
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Advanced Design System
Advanced Design System is the leading electronic design automation software for RF, microwave, and high speed digital applications. ADS pioneers the most innovative and commercially successful technologies, such as X-parameters* and 3D EM simulators, used by leading companies in the wireless communication & networking and aerospace & defense industries.
- Publisher: Agilent EEsof EDA
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

5DFly Photo Design
5DFly Photo Design combines ease of use with a wide range of pro-looking templates to provide you with all the tools you need to create attractive photo albums, calendars, invitations, greeting cards, and both Flash video and PowerPoint presentations. The output possibilities are equally varied, including PDF, Flash video, PowerPoint slideshows, and JPEG image files.
- Publisher: 5DFly Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Autodesk Design Review DGN Importer
DGN Import is an Add-in for Autodesk® Design Review.Allowing you to leverage the power of Autodesk® Design Review software throughout your design review process, Autodesk has published a add-in to enable DGN files to be accessed from within Design Review with full fidelity and accuracy.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2009

Envisioneer Express
Envisioneer Express, the easiest to use residential design program available just got better! Text for notes and labels. Dimensions. Plants library, Fences and Gates, Paths, sidewalks and driveways, Ceilings by choosing a room, Railings attached to stairs
- Publisher: Cadsoft Corporation
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020